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Military University of Technology Institute of Optoelectronics. Advanced Solid-State Lasers (27 Oct – 1 Nov 2013 – Paris, France) ATu3A.22. Paper no. Room-temperature, efficient, high energy diode-side-pumped Yb:YAG oscillator
MilitaryUniversity of Technology Institute of Optoelectronics Advanced Solid-State Lasers (27 Oct – 1 Nov 2013 – Paris, France) ATu3A.22 Paper no. Room-temperature, efficient, high energy diode-side-pumped Yb:YAGoscillator M. Kaskow*, W. Zendzian, J. K. Jabczynski, J. Firak, L. Gorajek, J. Kwiatkowski, K. Kopczynski Institute of Optoelectronics, MilitaryUniversity of Technology, Warsaw, Poland *e-mail: mkaskow@wat.edu.pl Abstract Free-running operation in a side-pumped Yb:YAG slab laser is reported. For max. available pump pulse energy of 850 mJ the output pulses with energy of 150 mJ were obtained. The laser system provides slope efficiency of 26.9% in room-temperature operation. – Simple, linear resonator – Yb:YAG slab (4x4x13 mm3, 15% Yb) – Facets cut under 10 angle Pulse generation delay vs. pump energy for different resonator lenghts Output energy vs. pump energy for different resonator lengths Pulse generation delay vs. pump energy for different Yb:YAG slab temperatueres Output energy vs. pump energy for different Yb:YAG slab temperatures Output energy vs. pump energy for different outcoupling transmissions Summary Output pulse energy up to 160 mJ was achieved with slope efficiency of 26.9 %. Relatively high threshold energy (> 250 mJ) can be diminished via optimization of pump spectrum and caustics sizes, gain element dopant level and cavity parameters. The efficient operation in the Q-switching and power amplification regimes seems to be feasible. Lower laser level is populated with approx. 4% of active ions. For that reason it is crucial to provide best matching between pump region and fundamental mode of the resonator in order to mitigate reabsorption losses. Thisresearchhasbeensupported by: – PolishNational Science Center Project No. NCN2012/05/B/ST7/00088 – PolishMinistry of Science and HigherEducation Project No. UMO-2012/06/M/ST/00425 Institute of OptoelectronicsMUT Ul. Gen. S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland phone: (+48 22) 683 94 30, fax: (+48 22) 666 89 50 www.ioe.wat.edu.pl