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21 st Century Community Learning Centers Rest of State Fall 2018 Conference November 13-15, 2018 at The Desmond, Albany, NY. The New York State Education Department’s 21 st CCLC Team Kathleen DeCataldo, Assistant Commissioner Maribeth Barney, Supervisor of Education Programs
21st Century Community Learning Centers Rest of State Fall 2018 Conference November 13-15, 2018 at The Desmond, Albany, NY The New York State Education Department’s 21st CCLC Team Kathleen DeCataldo, Assistant Commissioner Maribeth Barney, Supervisor of Education Programs Elizabeth Whipple, New York State 21st CCLC Coordinator Grant Miller, Associate in Education Planning and Evaluation Jolynn Thaickal, Assistant in Education Improvement Services
Jolynn, the newest member of 21st CCLC team • BA in Pre-Medicine and Psychology, University at Albany • MA in Educational Psychology, concentration in Measurement and Evaluation, New York University • MS.Ed in Elementary Education, City College at CUNY • New York City Teaching Fellow • Former NYC elementary, public school teacher in the Bronx for almost 15 years • December 2016, started at New York State Education Department (NYSED) in the Office of Student Support Services with the School Safety team and provided technical assistance involving the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), School Safety and Educational Climate (SSEC) reporting, Weighted Incident Exemption Process (WIEP), and schools designated as Persistently Dangerous (PD) and/or Potentially Persistently Dangerous (PPD). Collaborated with the NYS Center for School Safety in providing professional development and technical assistance across NYS as it relates to school safety and climate • Early October 2018 joined the 21st CCLC team in which my role is evolving to include support with programmatic/fiscal components, performance risk assessment, site monitoring visits, and provide assistance to contractors and sub-grantees
Communications Reminder It would be extremely helpful foranyand all email communication with NYSED (or with MI and RCs) to be sent with a subject line that includes the project number for which the email is referencing. Please include the project number-no matter the purpose of the email-not just official report submissions for which we require it-but any communication. Project number explained: Example 0187-19-7150 • 0187- indicates to NYSED that it is a 21st CCLC program • 19 - indicates the program year; (July 1,2018-June 30, 2019) After June 30, 2019, the year changes to 20 • 7150 (last four digits) - indicates the grant project number
Reflecting on Year One, a few reminders… • We had several grantees experience unexpected cuts to their budgets by Grants Finance following submission of their FS-10 Finals because they failed to submit budget amendments moving funds between code categories. Budget amendments must be submitted by April 15th • Some grantees who experienced these unexpected cuts owe money back to SED causing financial stress to their organization • Some of these grantees were new and inexperienced with the fiscal requirements of this grant • Others were not new to this grant but because the organization experienced turnover in key staff positions there was a total lack of understanding of this grant’s fiscal requirements. New staff must be made aware of all grant requirements • As Jonathan will be discussing, several programs did not meet their target participation numbers in Year 1. There were no penalties for not-for-profit organizations in Year 1. Those of you who didn’t meet your targets need to mindful of this in Year 2 since it will result in budget cuts going forward. Reach out to the RCs or SED for assistance if you find you are not meeting those targets. Do not wait until the end of the program year! • Participation requirements: 30 hours for a student to be considered a participant AND this is different from the 90 hours requirement to be considered a “regular attendee” for APR purposes
Fiscal reminders from the desk of Grant Miller • Closely monitor your expenditures when you draw down money • If you need to prepare a budget amendment (FS-10-A), do not wait until the last minute • Remember that a revised M/WBE Goal Calculation Worksheet and Utilization Plan that corresponds with the FS-10-A are required
Resources 1. School Safety and School Climate • New York State Center for School Safety: www.nyscfss.org • NYSED: Quick Guide to Emergency Response Plans • Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) TA Center: https://rems.ed.gov/ • You For Youth: Online Professional Learning and Technical Assistance for 21st CCLC (has an array of resources for program directors and practitioners that include project based learning, family engagement, strengthening partnerships, literacy, etc.):https://y4y.ed.gov/ • Medication Management: The laws governing medications in schools are different than those governing medications in before and after school programs. If a before or after school program is licensed by OCFS, then their law/regs are to be followed during that program. If the school has obtained a waiver from OCFS to run its own before or after school program, then SED laws and regs are in effect. NYSED Guidelines for Medication Management in Schools OCFS Medication Administration Training
Resources • 2. Social Emotional Learning • NYSED: www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/sel • Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL): https://casel.org/resources/ • 3.Mental Health Education Literacy in Schools • NYSED: www.nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction/mental-health • Mental Health Association in New York State, Inc. (MHANYS) School Mental Health Resource Training Center: www.mentalhealthednys.org/ • New York State Center for School Health: www.schoolhealthny.com
NYSED Contact Information EMSC21STCCLC@nysed.gov Elizabeth Whipple – Elizabeth.Whipple@nysed.gov Grant Miller – Grant.Miller@nysed.gov Jolynn Thaickal – Jolynn.Thaickal@nysed.gov Office of Student Support Services (518)486-6090 http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/21stCCLC/