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ETS Working Group 31 January – 1 February 2006

ETS Working Group 31 January – 1 February 2006. Review of the first results from the UOE 2005 revision Item 4.1. UOE 2005 revision: NEW TABLES. ENRL1/1A_ADULT introduced to collect data on students in ISCED 1 – 4 programmes specifically designed for adults

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ETS Working Group 31 January – 1 February 2006

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  1. ETS Working Group 31 January – 1 February 2006 Review of the first results from the UOE 2005 revision Item 4.1

  2. UOE 2005 revision:NEW TABLES • ENRL1/1A_ADULT introduced to collect data on students in ISCED 1 – 4 programmes specifically designed for adults • ENTR3 – to collect data on entrants in tertiary education by field of study • ISCED MAPPING of qualifications introduced • ENRL8A, B and C introduced to better capture student mobility (item 5 on the agenda) • Tables AvDuration and SURVIVAL on Survival rates and Average duration of tertiary studies included as the first tables in a system of annual AdHoc modules (item 6 of the agenda) • GRADBaMa, a new Eurostat table on graduations according to the Bachelor-Master structure introduced

  3. UOE 2005 revision:MAJOR CHANGES in TABLES • ENTR tables - new entrants to ISCED 6 added • FINANCE tables - R&D expenditure collected by source of funds and by type of institutions • FINANCE tables - separation between general and vocational programmes in ISCED 2, 3 and 4 • Data collection on personnel and class-sizes reduced • Eurostat table on language learning: All official EU languages included in the list of taught languages

  4. UOE 2005 revision:CHANGES in METHODOLOGY • Minimum duration of programmes (one semester) introduced for inclusion in UOE • Graduations instead of graduates in GRAD5, by field • ISCED 6, PhD and post-doctorate degrees collected separately (separate columns)

  5. UOE 2005 revision:Some results – ENRL1_ADULT

  6. UOE 2005 revision:Some results – ENRL1_ADULT

  7. UOE 2005 revision:Some results – ENRL1_ADULT • One aim with the ENRL_ADULT tables is to allow ‘netting-out’ of adult education to present initial education only • The positive results of the UOE2005 data collection show that this will be possible, data are available to a great extent • The age-distribution in initial programmes differs between countries. Some countries have several students in ages above the theoretical and typical ages in initial ISCED 1-4 programmes

  8. UOE 2005 revision:Some results – ENTRANTS • 19 of 27 countries providing entrants’ data have provided data on entrants to ISCED 6 • 20 countries have provided data on entrants by field (for at least ISCED 5A) These results are very positive, thanks to all countries • For almost all countries, the number of entrants to fields is equal the number of entrants to the level. • For almost all countries, the sum of entrants by broad fields is equal the total number of entrants, indicating that no entrants entered more than one field

  9. UOE 2005 revision: Some results – ENTRANTS • The methodology (paragraph 3.2.2 in the Manual) specifies that new entrants into a field are students who have not been enrolled before in this field in this level. They may have been enrolled in the level earlier, in other fields • Students which enter into more than one field during the year should be reported in each field (but not double counted if entering more than one programme within the same narrow field/broad field)

  10. UOE 2005 revision: Some results – ENTRANTS The data submitted indicate that in most countries students do not enter more than one field, the field they enter when they first enter the level The data also indicate that in most countries, students do not enter more than one new field during the year Some countries have however confirmed that national data do not permit reporting in total accordance with the definitions. The reporting practise has therefore to be further looked into.

  11. UOE 2005 revision:Some results – GRAD5 methodology • Of 22 countries providing GRAD5 data, 6 countries have provided data showing multiple graduations during the year • 16 countries have provided data indicating that no students awarded more than one degree within the same category of degrees (the number of graduations in GRAD5 and graduates in GRAD3 and GRAD4 equal)

  12. UOE 2005 revision:Some results – GRAD5 methodology • Some countries have confirmed that all data on graduates in practise refer to graduations – and have done so also in previous years. National data collections do not allow the distinction between graduates and graduations. • The difference may in some countries be small or negligible • Some countries may not have applied the new methodology but provided data on graduates by field, in case of multiple graduation, pro-rated between fields A conclusion: The reporting practise has to be further looked into

  13. UOE 2005 revision:Some results – GRAD5 methodology For the 6 countries which clearly provided data on graduations as multiple graduations are reported, the magnitude differed. Total number of graduations in broad fields as % of total number of graduates, ISCED 5A (1st and 2nd degrees): HU 115% FI 102% AT 100,5% SE 112% PT 115% NO 102,2%

  14. UOE 2005 revision:Some results – Table Fin_Enrl 2 • 23 out of 28 countries have returned enrolment aligned on finance data (GR, HR, LI, NO and MK did not) • Compared to old table Enrl2 (ref. Year 2002/03) the quality of enrolment data aligned on finance data has significantly improved • Crucial that all countries return enrolment data aligned on finance tables as it contributes to an improvement of quality of key indicators like expenditure per student (GR, NO and TR did not)

  15. UOE 2005 revision:Some results – breakdown of expenditure by programme orientation • Introduction of breakdown by programme orientation in tables Finance-1 and Finance-2 at ISC levels 2, 3 and 4 • Provision of a breakdown between expenditure for general programme orientation and pre-vocational and vocational programme orientation • Given the needs on expenditure on VET data, Eurostat will examine whether indicators on VET are already publishable for reference year 2003 • Given that 13 countries could not yet provide data on VET Eurostat will prepare for the next ETS WG a methodological paper on estimation methods to breakdown expenditure by ISC levels • Countries which could not yet provide data should make additional efforts to be able to breakdown expenditure into general/vocational in the nextUOE data collection round

  16. UOE 2005 revision:Some results – breakdown of R&D expenditure • Breakdown of R& D expenditure at ISC levels 5B, 5A6 and 56: • In table Fin-1: by sources of funds • In table Fin-2: by type of expenditure • Given the focus of policy makers on higher education expenditure Eurostat will analyse more in depth R&D expenditure by sources of funds and confront them with data from R&D statistics • Next steps: • Proposal to systematically breakdown expenditure per student by function (i.e. educational core services, ancillary services and R&D) • Proposal to develop and test an indicator on public expenditure excluding R&D expenditure and to present it at the next meeting of ETS WG

  17. Eurostat tables:Some results – GRADBaMa 17 countries have submitted data. % ISCED 5A degrees awarded 2004 in/not in the BaMa structure:

  18. Eurostat tables:Some results – Languages • Language teaching in other EU languages than English, French, German, Spanish and Italian is rare. • Occurs in EE (Estonian, Finnish) ES (Finnish, Greek, Portuguese, Swedish) FI (Swedish, Finnish) HU (Hungarian, Slovak, Slovene) IS (Danish) LT (Polish, Swedish) LV (Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Polish, Swedish) NO (Finnish) RO (Greek) SE (Dutch, Finnish, Polish, Portuguese) SI (Slovene, Hungarian) SK (Polish, Slovak)

  19. UOE 2005 revision:Other observations • ISCED mapping of Qualifications: Many countries have not provided this table yet Please do submit also this table to improve Metadata • Minimum duration of one semester for inclusion of the programme in UOE - the significance unclear. Data on part-time enrolments over time do not show any particular drop between 2003 and 2004 Please explain the significance in your country of this change • Post Doctorate graduates applicable in 3 countries only (GR, PT, CH), data are available in only one of them (CH) Please check if this is the correct reporting

  20. UOE 2005 revision:The ETS WG is asked to…. At the meeting … • give some first comments on the results presented • give some first comments on the need for further clarifications or development work on definitions and concepts • agree on the continuation of the Eurostat GRADBaMa data collection (which was introduced as a pilot data collection in 2005)

  21. UOE 2005 revision:The ETS WG is asked to…. After the meeting…….. Send written comments before 1 March to the Joint UOE address (estat-uoe-joint@cec.eu.int) • Comments and explanations on how entrants – graduates – graduations are counted, collected and reported, to improve the Metadata • Comments on the need for further clarifications or development work on definitions and concepts to improve UOE2006 • Comments on the significance of the exclusion in UOE of programmes of one semester or less

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