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Learn about Spain's efforts to promote electric vehicles, addressing challenges and opportunities for growth in the sector.
SpanishStrategyforElectromobility BetterTransportForum – Hannover // 21 April 2016 Lucinio Muñoz Economic and CommercialCouncellor SpanishEmbassy in Berlin 1
Index Over-Promise and Under-Deliver, butThis Time IsDifferent… 2 P.3 - 4 CurrentState in Spain: Muchto Do… P.5 3 ReasonsfortheDivergencebetweenObjectives and Reality P.6 4 Estrategia Integral de Impulso al Vehículo Eléctrico (2010-2014) 1 P.7 5 Estrategia Impulso Vehículo Energías Alternativas (2014-2020) P.8 - 9 OtherPromotionalMeasures 6 P.10 7 France, Portugal and SpainCooperatetoPromote EV P.10 8 ThankYou and ContactDetails 2 P.11
Introduction Over-Promise and Under-Deliver, butThisTime IsDifferent… SmallEV stock relativeshare versus perceivedfuturegrowth and importance Untilnow: Over-Promise and Under-Delivery. PreviousGoalsseemout of reach This Time isDifferent…: Convergenceof Environmental, Energy and IndustrialObjectives Environmentally: COP21 => LowEmission / LowCarbonEconomies. • SpecificC02 EmissionsReduction Targets • Energiewende:ChangetowardsRenewableEnergies • 2020Energy & ClimatePackage: • 20% cut in greenhouse gas emissions (from 1990 levels) • 20% of EU energy from renewables • 20% improvement in energy efficiency • National Emission Reduction Targets (“Effort Sharing Decission”). Binding annual targets until 2020 for cutting emissions in transport – excluding aviation- compared to 2005. For Spain: -10%; France and Germany: -14% • In Spain, transport is the main sector in terms of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (80.64 million Tons of C02 equivalent by 2012, including aviation; i.e: 23.7% of the total emissions). Road transport accounts for 92% of all transport emissions and, out of this, 59% is attributable to private vehicles • Other favourable environmental results: reduction in noise/ acoustic pollution 3
Introduction Over-Promise and Under-Deliver, butThisTime IsDifferent (2)… Energy: Change towards Renewable Energies: Energiewende. • Electric vehicles: “Indirect” Emissions depending on the “Energy-mix” used to produce electricity • In Spain: Emission factor of current Energy-Mix: 267 g CO2 per Kw/h. Given an average consumption of 15 Kwh/100 km => 40 g CO2 /km, which implies a reduction of up to 70% relative to conventional vehicles. (France is much lower: 12 g CO2 / km) • Trend: Increase in share of Renewables in the Energy-mix => Further reduction both emission and prices • Energy Union (2015) / Need to address a real European Energy Union (inter-connections) • Industrial / Economic Objectives • New products (batteries and other components) • New infrastructures (Charging stations; intermediate energy stations: example of TGV/AVE) • New services: (Smart-grids, Smart cities… Oh God, please make me Smart, but not yet…) • R+D:Spill-over effects • More efficient use of resources and new business models:(better management of electricity demand / supply => prices adapt to electricity demand / car batteries as “accumulators” and regulators of the electrical grid, decentralization… Potential disruptive business models: cars as “transport tools” vs cars as “investment” (private cars are idle resources more than 90% of their working life) ENVIRONMENTAL, INDUSTRIAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY (AND RISK) FOR EUROPE (VW Affair – European Competitiveness) 4
CurrentState EV in Spain CurrentState in Spain: MuchTo Do … Despite all the aforementioned advantages, the reality is that today, electric vehicles represent less than 1% of total car sales ( we are still far away from objective of 20 million electric cars in the world by 2020) Spain is lagging behind many of its peers 5
Challenges and Limitationsto EV ReasonsfortheDivergencebetweenObjectives and Reality Which are the reasons for the discrepancy between the stated objectives and the reality (in a SWOT Analysis, the Weaknesses and Threats are more “present” than the Strengths and Opportunities) Challenges that any action to promote electric mobility needs to overcome: Higher Purchasing Prices: Social benefits versus Private Costs (??) Small-scale production, high cost of the batteries… Lower “fuel” cost (interesting case of Norway) but the difference in the initial investment is difficult to recover => small distances Low driving range (between 100 and 200 km) + High charging time <=> 80% of the day trips in Europe < 60 km Batteries: life, reutilization and disposal Charging stations: low numbers, standardization and higher future requirements in terms of charging time and use of grid resources Fragmentation of infrastructures and services: Technical barriers of entry, lack of interoperability Lack of knowledge of characteristics and advantages of the EV and strong inertia among consumers Slow implementation of European-wide initiatives that would facilitate an integrated European market Any strategy to promote electric mobility needs to address these challenges / “MARKET FAILURES” (positive externalities, lack of information…) 6
SpanishStrategyforElectromobility Estrategia Integral de Impulso al Vehículo Eléctrico (2010-2014) Estrategia Integral de Impulso al VehículoEléctrico en España (2010-2014) http://www.minetur.gob.es/es-es/gabineteprensa/notasprensa/documents/estrategiaintegralveh%C3%ADculoelectrico060410.pdf Four main blocks of measures: Demand-side: promoting the use and purchase of EV (Market) Supply-side: promoting industrial production of cars and components and fostering R&D (Industrialization) Infrastructure: adapting electric grid and infrastructure to the needs of charging stations Other “horizontal” measures: standardization of technologies, information, technical education 7
SpanishStrategyforElectromobility Estrategia de Impulso al Vehículo con Energías Alternativas (2014-2020) – (1) Estrategia de Impulso del Vehículo con EnergíasAlternativas (VEA) en España (2014-2020) http://www.minetur.gob.es/industria/es-ES/Servicios/estrategia-impulso-vehiculo-energias-alternativas/Documents/Estrategia-Impulso-Vehiculo-Energ%C3%ADas%20Alternativas-VEA-Espa%C3%B1a-2014-2020.pdf Three axis, 5 strategic lines and 30 measures : 8
SpanishStrategyforElectromobility Estrategia de Impulso al Vehículo con Energías Alternativas (2014-2020) – (2) Estrategia de Impulso del Vehículo con EnergíasAlternativas (VEA) en España (2014-2020) http://www.minetur.gob.es/industria/es-ES/Servicios/estrategia-impulso-vehiculo-energias-alternativas/Documents/Estrategia-Impulso-Vehiculo-Energ%C3%ADas%20Alternativas-VEA-Espa%C3%B1a-2014-2020.pdf • EV in Spain is 30%-40% more expensive than thermic cars (mainly due to cost of battery) • From 2011: Special very competitive Off-peak hours tariff: • Out of the 10.000 EV: 25% are passenger cars and vans, 45% motorbikes and 30% four-wheel bikes and others • Around 1.000 charging stations. The current electric system can service up to 6,5 million EVs without need of further installed capacity 9
SpanishStrategyforElectromobility OtherPromotionalMeasures Purchase Subsidies: http://www.idae.es/index.php/relcategoria.4045/id.859/relmenu.451/mod.pags/mem.detalle EVs may be identified by a special “zero emissions vignette” /label issued by the Ministry of the Interior. This label entitles the owner of the car several benefits such as free parking, exemption from certain tolls, access to restricted areas in the cities and use of bus and other special lanes, etc Several measures regarding the promotion of electric fleets: Private fleets: grants and subsidies to “go electric” Public fleets: special measures in “procurement” and public transportation contracts Taxes: No purchase tax (impuesto de matriculación) and road tax (impuesto de circulación) exemption / reduction depending on local policies. Up to 30% reduction in Income Tax (rendimiento en especieporpropiedad de vehículo). Luxury Tax exemption until 2017 Charging infrastructure: 1 charging station for each 40 parking slots in new private and public parking areas Sellers of EV have to pay up to 1.000€ to provide a private charging point for the purchasers 10
SpanishStrategy/ EuropeanCooperation France, Portugal and SpainCooperatetoPromote EV Before the Paris Summit on Climate Change, the Governments of France, Portugal and Spain signed a Joint Declaration to Promote the Electric Vehicle: 10 measures on 3 axis 11
VielenDank / MerciBeaucoup / Muchas Gracias Lucinio Muñoz Wirtschafts- undHandelsrat Botschaft von Spanien Wirtschafts- und Handelsbüro Lichtensteinallee 1 D-10787 Berlin+49 (0) 30 / 229-21-34 berlin@comercio.mineco.eslmunoz@comercio.mineco.es