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Hinduism. Hindus have a polytheistic religion; but they all manifest from one supreme being , the Universal Spirit (Brahman). Trimurti - Three major expressions of the Universal Spirit Brahma creator of the world Vishnu preserver of the world Shiva destroyer of the world

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hinduism

  2. Hindus have a polytheistic religion; but they all manifest from one supreme being, the Universal Spirit (Brahman). Trimurti - Three major expressions of the Universal Spirit Brahma creator of the world Vishnu preserver of the world Shiva destroyer of the world (and recreates)

  3. Hindus believe that all life is cyclical - there is a continuous cycle of life and death

  4. Rituals and Worship Water is used in all rituals as an element of purification (Ganges River)

  5. Mandirs- Great temples for individual worship. (Not as a group or on a particular day) Large and spread out like a small town

  6. Outer areas baths, shrines and bazaars

  7. Inner areas- statue (murti) of deity for prayer

  8. Made offerings

  9. Pujas- personal prayers

  10. Samsara Reincarnation Nothing is completely destroyed, the soul undergoes a transformation. After death it moves from one person (or thing) to another.

  11. Moksha When the cycle of birth, death and rebirth ends. The goal of every Hindu to attain. It’s achieved only when the soul is completely pure and detaches from everything on earth it reunites with Brahman (the Universal Spirit)

  12. Total happiness is not achieved in one lifetime.

  13. 4 Paths (or ways) that lead to Moksha Karma Yoga - Good works • do your duty and lead a good life Jnana Yoga - Knowledge • attain spiritual knowledge Bhaki Yoga - Devotion • worship of a particular deity Raja Yoga - Meditation • positions and breathing

  14. All living things contain a part of the divine spirit; all life is sacred, even the smallest creature.

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