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OCC Fish Review. 2009. Spotted Gar. Prominent broad snout, top of head spotted. Lepisosteus oculatas. Extremely long and slender snout; few spots, head and snout without spots. Longnose gar. Lepisosteus osseus. Body without spots. Short, broad snout. Shortnose Gar.
OCC Fish Review 2009
Spotted Gar Prominent broad snout, top of head spotted Lepisosteus oculatas
Extremely long and slender snout; few spots, head and snout without spots Longnose gar Lepisosteus osseus
Body without spots Short, broad snout Shortnose Gar Lepisosteus platostomus
Grass PickerelEsox americanus Ducklike beak
Gizzard Shad;Dorosoma cepedianum Blunt snout overhangs subterminal mouth Terminal mouth Caudal fin yellow in life Chin speckled with black pigment Threadfin Shad; Dorosoma petenense
Central StonerollerCampostoma anomalum U-shaped horizontal mouth Cartilaginous lower lip Soft belly Black or brown spots where scales have been lost
Red ShinerCyprinella lutrensis • Breeding males: • bright red-orange fins, • metallic blue sides, • purple scapular bar above pectoral fin
Common CarpCyprinus carpio Long dorsal fin 2 pairs of barbels
Redspot ChubNocomis asper Red spot on adults Barbel hidden at corner of mouth
Creek ChubSemotilus atromaculatus Black spots Large mouth
White SuckerCatostomus commersoni Area between eyes flat Very small scales Papillose lips
Subtriangular shape of thesubopercle bone River CarpsuckerCarpiodes carpio
Semicircular shape of thesubopercle bone Smallmouth BuffaloIctiobus bubalus
Smallmouth Buffalo River Carpsucker
Northern Hog SuckerHypentelium nigricans Papillose lips
Bigmouth BuffaloIctiobus cyprinellus Lips thin Oblique, nearly terminal mouth
Spotted SuckerMinytrema melanops Black spot at the base of each scale
Black RedhorseMoxostoma duquesnei • 44 – 47 lateral line scales • Slender caudal peduncle • 10 pelvic fin rays (usually)
Golden RedhorseMoxostoma erythrurum • 39 – 42 lateral line scales • Shorter, heavier caudal peduncle • 9 Pelvic fin rays
Yellow BullheadAmeiurus natalis Free adipose fin Whitish chin barbels Straight or rounded caudal fin margin
Black BullheadAmeiurus melas Free adipose fin Gray or black chin barbels Almost square or slightly notched caudal fin
Channel CatfishIctalurus punctatus Upper jaw protruding beyond lower Free adipose fin Deeply forked caudal fin Short base, rounded margin Randomly scattered spots
Flathead CatfishPylodictis olivaris Projecting lower jaw Mottled body Squared caudal fin Head flattened between the eyes
Blue CatfishIctalurus furcatus Deeply forked caudal Wedge shaped head, upper jaw projects beyond lower Anal fin outer margin straight, long base No black spots
White BassMorone chrysops Small head, acute snout, large mouth Separate dorsal fins Dark longitudinal stripes on sides; lower stripes often discontinuous
Shadow BassAmbloplites ariommus Large mouth Dark blotches on sides 5 or 6 anal spines
Largemouth BassMicropterus salmoides Deep notch Dark band Irregular spots Jaw extends behind eye
Smallmouth BassMicropterus dolomieui Shallow notch Cheek bars Sides plain or vertical bars
Spotted BassMicropterus punctulatus Lateral band of blotches Shallow notch Caudal spot Tooth patch on tongue Horizontal rows of dark spots
White CrappiePomoxis annularis 5 or 6 dorsal spines Small head, large mouth Faint vertical bars 6 anal spines
Black CrappiePomoxis nigromaculatus 7 or 8 dorsal spines Irregular black speckles 6 anal spines
Redear SunfishLepomis microlophus Usually 10 dorsal spines Red spot on opercular flap Long, pointed pectoral fin 3 anal spines
Longear SunfishLepomis megalotis Elongated opercular flap Pectoral fin short and rounded Small mouth
BluegillLepomis macrochirus 10 dorsal spines Dark blotch in soft dorsal fin Small mouth 3 anal spines Long, pointed pectoral fin May have vertical bars
Orangespotted SunfishLepomis humilis Large mouth Moderately long, pointed pectoral fin Orange spots Iris of eye red or orange
WarmouthLepomis gulosus Lines radiating from eye to gill cover margin Short, round pectoral fin Large head and mouth Tooth patch on tongue
Green SunfishLepomis cyanellus Dark blotch Large mouth Short, round pectoral fin Fin margins whitish orange Often has dark vertical bars
Freshwater DrumAplodinotus grunniens High arching back Diamond shaped caudal fin Blunt snout, subterminal mouth Lateral line