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The Top 10 Reasons To Hire A Personal Shopper

<br><br><br>http://www.imagemstyle.co.uk/london-personal-shopper-london.php<br><br>The Top 10 Reasons To Hire A Personal Shopper<br>

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The Top 10 Reasons To Hire A Personal Shopper

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  1.   The  Top  10  Reasons  To  Hire  A   Personal  Shopper       We  either  love  shopping  or  we  hate  it.  It   is  something  that  happens  in  our   everyday  lives,  and  is  impossible  to  avoid.   It  can  be  hard  to  find  time  to  shop  with   our  busy  schedules  and  fast  paced  lives.     Great  Expert  Tips  From…     SUZANNE BAKER PERSONAL  IMAGE  CONSULTANT  IN  LONDON     The  Top  10  Reasons  To  Hire  A  Personal  Shopper…     1.They  save  time.  Time  is  important  to  all  of  us,  and  a  personal  shopper  can  save  you   oodles  of  money  and  time  at  a  reasonable  cost.  Personal  shoppers  can  take  the  pressure   off  you  to  find  the  perfect  outfit,  leaving  you  free  to  do  other  things  with  your  time.       2.They  will  help  you  discover  your  own  personal  style.  Personal  shoppers  are  a   trustworthy  voice  of  reason,  and  they  will  always  give  you  their  unbiased  opinion.  It’s   hard  to  actually  see  what  clothes  look  like  on  ourselves  objectively,  so  having  someone   there  with  you  can  be  a  great  help.           SUZANNE BAKER  |  www.imagemstyle.co.uk  |  T:  07887  483  321  E:  Suzanne@imagemstyle.co.uk    

  2. 3.They  save  you  money.  Once  a  personal  shopper  knows  your  requirements,  they  can   coordinate  your  wardrobe  and  help  you  purchase  items  that  are  missing.  When   shopping  alone  we  often  buy  things  we  don’t  need,  and  will  never  wear,  but  a  personal   shopper  helps  you  think  before  you  buy,  saving  money.     4.They  can  help  with  outfits  for  any  occasion.  If  you  have  an  event  coming  up,  there  is   likely  to  be  a  dress  code.  You  always  need  to  make  a  good  impression  with  what  you  are   wearing,  and  a  personal  shopper  really  can  help  you  put  together  the  perfect  outfit.       5.Personal  shoppers  are  ‘in  the  know’.  If  shopping  isn’t  your  favourite  thing  to  do,  why   not  have  someone  else  do  it  for  you?  Personal  shoppers  are  highly  clued  up  on  all  the   latest  trends  and  best  designers,  so  hiring  them  can  save  you  an  awful  lot  of  trouble.           6.Personal  shoppers  can  get  you  offers.  They  have  all  the  knowledge  on  prices  for  a   variety  of  stores  and  retailers,  providing  great  budgeting  solutions.  They  are  a  perfect   way  to  fully  utilise  every  penny  you  spend  on  clothes,  and  they  always  know  where  the   very  best  sales  are  too!     7.They  can  relieve  your  stress.  If  you  have  a  super  busy  lifestyle  with  a  packed  schedule,   finding  the  time  to  shop  can  be  stressful  and  time  consuming  for  a  number  of  reasons.   Personal  shoppers  alleviate  that  stress  for  you,  leaving  you  one  less  thing  to  worry  about   your  to  do  list.       SUZANNE BAKER  |  www.imagemstyle.co.uk  |  T:  07887  483  321  E:  Suzanne@imagemstyle.co.uk    

  3. 8.Your  outfits  will  finally  match.  Personal  shoppers  fill  in  the  gaps  in  your  wardrobe,  so  a   complete  overhaul  definitely  isn’t  necessary.  We  all  have  that  one  item  of  clothing  we   can’t  seem  to  match  with  anything  else,  and  a  personal  shopper  can  help  you  coordinate   everything  much  better.           9.Your  wardrobe  will  be  timeless.  Whilst  buying  the  latest  on-­‐trend  items,  a  shopper  can   also  add  those  timeless  pieces  to  your  wardrobe,  like  a  little  black  dress,  that  can  be   worn  whenever  you  want.  It  can  be  paired  with  the  latest  handbag  or  shoes,  to  make   the  look  current.       10.They  offer  you  flexibility.  A  shopping  trip  needn’t  take  huge  chunks  of  time  out  of  your   day.  A  personal  shopper  fits  into  your  lifestyle  and  schedule,  making  it  easy  for  you  to   get  the  items  you  want  with  none  of  the  hassle.  They’ll  fit  in  a  shopping  trip  in  a  time   slot  to  suit,  and  at  the  end  of  the  day  will  even  deliver  the  items  to  you!       If  you’re  interested  in  hiring  a  personal  stylist  to  spice  up  your  wardrobe  and  save  you  those  pennies,  get   in  touch  with  Suzanne  Baker  through  her  website  http://www.imagemstyle.co.uk.  Suzanne  is  an  image   consultant  based  in  the  London  area.  Suzanne  has  always  been  passionate  about  fashion  and  loves  to   help  her  clients  look  and  feel  their  best  and  encourage  them  to  reach  their  full  potential.   SUZANNE BAKER  |  www.imagemstyle.co.uk  |  T:  07887  483  321  E:  Suzanne@imagemstyle.co.uk    

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