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The Top 10 Reasons To Hire A Personal Stylist

<br>http://www.imagemstyle.co.uk/special-occasions-stylist-london.php<br>The Top 10 Reasons To Hire A Personal Stylist<br>

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The Top 10 Reasons To Hire A Personal Stylist

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  1.   The  Top  10  Reasons  To  Hire  A   Personal  Stylist       Feeling  confident  and  happy  in  what  we   are  wearing  can  affect  every  aspect  of  out   lives,  from  personal  to  the  professional.  It   can  be  difficult  to  choose  the  right  look   for  our  body  shape  and  personality.     Great  Expert  Tips  From…     SUZANNE BAKER PERSONAL  IMAGE  CONSULTANT  IN  LONDON     The  Top  10  Reasons  To  Hire  A  Personal  Stylist…     1.They  can  help  you  create  the  image  you  want.  Your  image  can  convey  many  things,  and   whether  you  like  it  or  not,  people  formulate  an  opinion  based  on  how  you  look  before   they  know  you.  A  stylist  will  help  you  create  a  positive  impression  and  a  strong   professional  image.       2.They  will  become  a  vital  part  of  your  team.  Most  people  spend  countless  hours   preparing  for  the  days  ahead,  but  then  quickly  throw  an  outfit  together  at  the  last   minute.  Your  image  shouldn’t  be  an  afterthought,  and  a  stylist  will  ensure  that  you  look   your  best  for  every  day.         SUZANNE BAKER  |  www.imagemstyle.co.uk  |  T:  07887  483  321  E:  Suzanne@imagemstyle.co.uk    

  2. 3.You  will  never  have  nothing  to  wear.  A  stylist  will  assess  your  body  type,  the  latest   trends  and  your  style,  and  work  with  you  to  create  a  wardrobe  that  fits  all  of  your   needs.  They  will  even  organise  it  so  that  it  streamlines  with  your  day  to  day  life.       4.You  will  have  a  wardrobe  full  of  clothes  hand  picked  for  you,  that  fit  you  personally.  A   stylist  will  never  buy  the  same  exact  thing  for  different  clients.  Your  stylist  will  also  know   how  to  pair  everything  together,  so  you’ll  never  be  left  wondering  what  to  wear  ever   again.     5.You  will  never  envy  someone  else’s  outfit  again.  We  all  know  someone  who  always  has   the  latest  fashionable  outfit,  and  you  can  be  too.  A  stylist  will  make  you  look  like  one  of   those  people  who  are  always  so  flawlessly  put  together,  leaving  you  looking  elegant  and   effortless.           6.When  you  travel,  your  packing  will  be  taken  care  of.  Packing  for  a  trip  can  be  really   overwhelming  for  many  of  us.  A  stylist  can  help  you  with  the  most  appropriate  outfit  for   every  occasion,  so  you  can  be  assured  you  will  have  everything  you  need  in  your   suitcase.       7.You  can  get  help  with  gifts.  A  stylist  can  consult  with  you  to  get  the  most  knowledge   and  background  on  the  person  the  gift  is  for,  and  then  will  bring  you  a  selection  to   choose  from.  It  definitely  takes  the  hassle  out  of  shopping  for  others,  saving  you  time.     SUZANNE BAKER  |  www.imagemstyle.co.uk  |  T:  07887  483  321  E:  Suzanne@imagemstyle.co.uk    

  3. 8.Your  stylist  will  keep  you  in  the  loop  with  all  the  latest  trends.  Stylists  know  where  all   the  best  bargains  and  greatest  sales  are  too,  so  they  can  save  you  some  money  whilst   keeping  your  wardrobe  in  fashion.  No  more  wasting  money  online  with  things  that  don’t   fit  either!         9.You  will  never  have  a  fashion  emergency.  A  million  things  can  happen  throughout  the   day,  and  accidents  happen  to  our  clothes  all  the  time.  Whatever  the  case,  your  stylist   has  got  your  back.  They’ll  even  be  able  to  bring  it  to  you,  saving  you  valuable  time  and   unwanted  stress.     10.Hiring  a  stylist  will  save  you  time  and  money.  They  are  a  lot  more  affordable  than  you   think.  A  lot  of  busy  professionals  also  hire  stylists,  and  some  stylists  offer  packages  so   you  get  the  very  best  service  possible.  The  time  and  money  they  can  save  you  is   invaluable.         If  you’re  interested  in  hiring  a  personal  stylist  to  spice  up  your  wardrobe  and  save  you  those  pennies,  get   in  touch  with  Suzanne  Baker  through  her  at  website  http://www.imagemstyle.co.uk.  Suzanne  is  an   image  consultant  based  in  the  London  area.  Suzanne  has  always  been  passionate  about  fashion  and   loves  to  help  her  clients  look  and  feel  their  best  and  encourage  them  to  reach  their  full  potential.   SUZANNE BAKER  |  www.imagemstyle.co.uk  |  T:  07887  483  321  E:  Suzanne@imagemstyle.co.uk    

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