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Rusk County Joint implementation by: UW-Extension, Social Services, Family Resources of ICAA

For Parents And Youth 10-14. STRENGTHENING PROGRAM. Rusk County Joint implementation by: UW-Extension, Social Services, Family Resources of ICAA. Families. A research based program… Recognized by three national groups, based on research findings: National Institute on Drug Abuse

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Rusk County Joint implementation by: UW-Extension, Social Services, Family Resources of ICAA

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  1. For Parents And Youth 10-14 STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Rusk CountyJoint implementation by: UW-Extension, Social Services, Family Resources of ICAA Families • A research based program… • Recognized by three national groups, • based on research findings: • National Institute on Drug Abuse • Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention • U.S. Department of Education Developed by Iowa State University Extension

  2. Who Participates STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Families • Developed for parents or caregivers and their youth 10-14 years of age. • This program is specifically designed for 7-12 families. • Culturally sensitive for African-American, Hispanic and White.

  3. STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Proven Results Families Among youth: • 26% to 56% relative reduction in "ever use" of substances at 4-year follow-up, depending on the substance. • 32% to 77% relative reduction in conduct problems at 4-year followup, depending on the behavior • Delayed onset of other problematic behaviors • Increased resistance to peer pressure Among parents: • Increased ability to set appropriate limits and show affection to and support for their children

  4. STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Overview of Program Families • The Strengthening Families Program has seven sessions plus optional boosters. • Each session typically lasts 2 and a half hours. • The four booster sessions are to be held 6-12 months later.

  5. STRENGTHENING PROGRAM The Program is Designed To… Families • help parents build on their strengths in showing love and setting limits • help youth develop skills in handling peer pressure and building a positive future • help families grow together.

  6. STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Special Features Families • Child care on site • Family style meal before sessions begin • Parents and youth learn together • Helps in the transition to the teen years • Rigorously evaluated in a series of studies over 9 years

  7. STRENGTHENING PROGRAM What are the sessions like? Families • During the first half hour the family eats together. • During the next hour, parents and youth meet separately with their facilitators. • 1 facilitator for the parent sessions • 2 facilitators for the youth sessions • All 3 facilitate the family sessions • During the last hour, parents and youth meet together as a family.

  8. Understanding dangers for teens Balancing love and limits Supporting youth’s goals and dreams Making group ground rules Taking small steps to reach goals Making treasure maps Youth make collages showing goals for the future: job/career, friends & family, hobbies, health and fitness STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Parent and Youth Session 1 Families

  9. Understanding what kids this age are like Making specific house rules Using ‘I’ statements Understanding frustrations and stresses of both parents and youth Seeing things from the parent/caregiver’s point of view Appreciating things parents & caregivers do for youth STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Parent and Youth Session 2 Families

  10. Giving compliments to reinforce kids for good behaviors Using point charts Building a positive relationship Understanding things that can cause stress Knowing symptoms of stress Learning healthy ways to cope with stress STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Parent and Youth Session 3 Families

  11. Staying calm Giving small chores Taking away privileges Saving big penalties for big problems Learning that everyone has rules and responsibilities, adults as well as youth Understanding that things go better for youth when they follow the rules STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Parent and Youth Session 4 Families

  12. Avoiding harsh criticism Listening for kids’ feelings Meeting kids’ basic needs in positive ways Understanding that drugs and alcohol will keep them from reaching their goals Learning things to say to avoid peer pressure STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Parent and Youth Session 5 Families

  13. Protecting against alcohol and drug abuse Supporting kids in school Keeping track of kids Learning that drugs and alcohol will keep them from reaching their goals Learning things to say to avoid peer pressure Knowing who is a good friend STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Parent and Youth Session 6 Families

  14. Understanding special needs a family might have How to help others access support How to help others Learning to interact with positive older teen role models STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Parent and Youth Session 7 Families

  15. STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Youth Risk Factors Addressed: Families • Aggressive or withdrawn behavior • Negative peer pressure • Poor school performance • Lack of pro-social goals • Poor relationships with parents

  16. STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Youth Protective Factors Addressed: Families • Positive future orientation • Peer pressure resistance skills • Prosocial peer relationships • Positive management of emotions • Empathy with parents

  17. STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Parental Risk Factors Addressed: Families • Demanding and rejecting behavior • Poor child management • Harsh and inappropriate discipline • Poor communication of family rules

  18. STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Parental Protective Factors Addressed: Families • Positive parent-child affect • Supportive family involvement • Age-appropriate expectations • Appropriate parental monitoring • Clear expectations regarding substance use

  19. STRENGTHENING PROGRAM Families Strengthening Families Creeds “We are strong and caring parents who show love and set limits. We are helping our kids become responsible young adults” “We are strong young people with a great future. We are making good decisions so we reach our goals.” “We are strong families who care about each other and have fun together.”

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