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Agricultural impact on the landscape of each region. The agricultural activity in Campania is limited to the coastal plains which have got an extraordinary production, thanks to the abundance of water, the fertility of the volcanic land and the favourable climate .
Agricultural impact on the landscapeofeachregion The agriculturalactivity in Campania islimitedto the coastalplainswhichhavegotanextraordinary production, thanksto the abundanceof water, the fertilityof the volcanicland and the favourableclimate. Thatiswhy the Romans called it “Campania felix”
Campania is the first places in the national production of: peastomatoes Aubergines Potatoes Peppers
The expanses of tomatoes fields represent the most common landescape in the countries
A curiosity: the “piennolo” tomatoes The cultivationof the piennolotomatoes at the footofVesuviushasgotancientroots. Theseones are verytastytomatoeswhich can bepreserveduntil the springtime, providedthey are tiedwith a sortofgarlandhangingfrom the ceiling.
The hilly landscape of our region is characterized by the cultivation of vines and olivos
In the plain we can find the cultivation of fruit trees Winter landscape: Citrus plantation
An exclusive production of the Campania region: The “Annurca”AppleIt is called the "queen of apples" and It is only one originating in the south of Italy Afterthe crop,the annurcaapplesneed a “reddening” periodwhenthey are placed on some strawtrellis-works. The fruits are placedthere in rows, exposing the lessred side tosunlight. The term “annurca” isconsideredto come from “mala orcula”, becausesuch a kindofapplewasproducednear the Orcus, thatisnear the Averno Lake (in Pozzuoli).