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John Garing Defense Information Systems Agency January 13, 2009

John Garing Defense Information Systems Agency January 13, 2009.

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John Garing Defense Information Systems Agency January 13, 2009

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  1. John Garing Defense Information Systems Agency January 13, 2009

  2. “It is interesting to be writing these words at a time of complete dependence on the Internet – which only became generally known about 15 years ago – and wonder how we will be communicating with each other in another dozen years.” “In national or global terms, the loss of the Internet would be a huge blow from which it would be very hard to rebuild.” A Vision for 2012 John L. Peterson, 2008

  3. “Computing is turning into a utility, and once again the economic equations that determine the way we work and live are being rewritten.” “Thus, processing power has expanded far more rapidly than the capacity of communication networks.” The Big Switch Rewiring the World, From Edison to Google Nicholas Carr, 2008

  4. From Wikipedia: Web 2.0: “Web 2.0 is a term describing changing trends in the use of web technology and web design that aims to enhance creativity, secure information sharing, collaboration and functionality of the web. Web 2.0 concepts have led to the development and evolution of web-based communities and its hosted services, such as social networking sites, video sharing sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies (form of tagging).”

  5. Continuously Learning

  6. Web 2.0 and Beyond Circuits Applications Client server Predictable behavior Schedules Pipes and processing Brick and mortar Bandwidth Services Platform Any time, anywhere Always on Capacity on the network Cloud

  7. Problem Few opportunities to use existing platforms to deliver new products and services to the network

  8. Old methods vs Capability on demand Ownership New solutions

  9. Solution • A standardized platform that enables: • Collaborative development, test, and • certification process • Faster deployment to the field • Better return-on-investment

  10. Initiatives Capacity on Demand Acquired as a service – pay only for what we use Rapid Access Computing Environment (RACE) Scalable computing and storage FORGE.MIL – FDCE with a purpose On-demand development and testing

  11. On Demand • Storage • Integration • Edge Delivery • Application • Development Testing Computing Security Backup and Recovery

  12. IOC achieved • Oct 15, 2008 Winter, 2009 • Additional Storage Capacity • Coming Spring, 2009 • Additional Operating • System (Solaris) • Coming Summer, 2009

  13. Sustaining Base Reachback The DISA Supply Chain Policy Resources Services Carriers Integrators Technology companies Service providers Small businesses Innovators Services and Agencies Network users Service consumers Special needs DISA and Our Partners Capabilities Law Technology Increasingly mobile and collaborative Varied and changing Create value and balance and speed The value of what is compared to the value of what can be

  14. What we do for them Our duty

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