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Geometry. Advise from former students: “Take notes and actually use them to help on other things”. Today: 1.1 Instruction Vocab Intro Problem Practice. Assignment. Yesterday: Let’s Move/Treasure Hunt Policy Signature Student Info Sheet Website Word Get Supplies.

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  1. Geometry Advise from former students: “Take notes and actually use them to help on other things” Today: • 1.1 Instruction • Vocab Intro • Problem Practice

  2. Assignment Yesterday: • Let’s Move/Treasure Hunt • Policy Signature • Student Info Sheet • Website Word • Get Supplies Advise from former students: “Take notes and actually use them to help on other things”

  3. 1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes

  4. 1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes

  5. 1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Objective: • Understand and use the basic defined and undefined terms of Geometry. • Sketch relationships in Geometry. Vocabulary: Undefined term, point, line, plane, collinear, coplanar,

  6. 1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Make a chart in your notes that takes up about a whole page. It should have seven rows. The boxes should be big enough to write a sentence or draw a picture in.

  7. 1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes First row: Point Line Plane - a location - made up of points - flat surface - extends forever Real Life Ex: Definition - extends forever Real Life Ex: Real Life Ex:

  8. 1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Second Row: Point Line Plane - a location - made up of points - flat surface - extends forever Real Life Ex: Definition - extends forever Real Life Ex: Real Life Ex: a line with arrows at each end a slanted four sided figure Drawn as a dot

  9. 1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Third Row: Point Line Plane a line with arrows at each end a slanted four sided figure Drawn as a dot M B X •P A Picture W l Y Z

  10. 1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Fourth and Fifth Rows: Point Line Plane M B X •P A Picture W l Y Z The letters of two points on the line with a line over them ORa lower case cursive The letters of three points on the plane not all on the same line ORa capital cursive a capital letter Named by line plane WXY Written as point P plane WYZ line line l plane M

  11. 1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Sixth and Seventh Rows: Point Line Plane there is exactly one plane through any three points there is exactly one line through any two points has neither shape nor size Facts Points on the same plane: coplanar Points of the same line: collinear Known as an undefined term. Vocab

  12. P ● ● L N ● M ● ● O Naming Collinear and Coplanar Points: • Name three points that are collinear. • L, N, O or M, N, P • Name a point that are not coplanar. • P • Name a line not contained by plane LMO. • Line MN, NP or MP

  13. endpoints Vocabulary Line : extends forever line segment: a part of a line that consists of two endpoints and all the points in between those endpoints – also called a segment. B A

  14. initial point Vocabulary ray: part of a line that consists of a point, called the initial point, and all points on a line that extend in one direction from the initial point. B A

  15. initial point Vocabulary ray: part of a line that consists of a point, called the initial point, and all points on a line that extend in one direction from the initial point. B A

  16. Assignment Due tomorrow: • 1.1 p 11 #53-54, 57-58, 62-65 and p 13 #1-4 • Signature and Class Info • Get supplies – check on Monday Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. Malcolm Forbes

  17. Supply Check Supply Check MONDAY! NO EXCUSES! folder or binder with dividers protractor ruler compass 7

  18. A.line X B.line c C.line Z D. EXAMPLE 1 A. Use the figure to name a line containing the point X. Example 1a

  19. EXAMPLE 1 B. Use the figure to name a plane containing point Z. A.plane XY B.plane c C.plane XQY D.plane P

  20. Real World EXAMPLE 2 B. Name the geometric shape modeled by the ceiling of your classroom. A. point B. line segment C. plane D. none of the above Example 2b

  21. A. B.C.D. EXAMPLE 3 A. Choose the best diagram for the given relationship. Plane D contains line a, line m, and line t, with all three lines intersecting at point Z. Also, point F is on plane D and is not collinear with any of the three given lines. Example 3a

  22. EXAMPLE 4 A. How many planes appear in this figure? A. one B. two C. three D. four Example 4a

  23. EXAMPLE 4 B. Name three points that are collinear. A.B, O, and X B.X, O, and N C.R, O, and B D.A, X, and Z Example 4b

  24. EXAMPLE 4 A. point X B. point N C. point R D. point A Example 4d

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