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SEXUAL ASSAULT TASK FORCE AT OurU. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA Nicole Carlen David Ternier Team Captain: Peyton Lipscomb . Task Force Mission .

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  1. SEXUAL ASSAULT TASK FORCE AT OurU UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA Nicole Carlen David Ternier Team Captain: Peyton Lipscomb

  2. Task Force Mission The Task Force at Our University strives to protect our students from any dangers that present themselves. Our University’s goals are to reduce sexual violence and misconduct in the campus community and raise awareness to the community about sexual violence. Our University hopes to stop sexual violence from happening one case at a time.

  3. Goal 1: Accommodating the unique needs of survivors of sexual violence

  4. Goal 1 continued

  5. Electronic Reporting System Benefits: •Designated spot for anyone to report if they live on or off-campus, survivors or witness to the act •Anonymous unless student is in danger – might be a good alternative for those we want to report but fear consequences (such as the process outing their sexuality) Suggestion: •has to be visible and made known to students •available on the school website or OurU phone App NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY’S ONLINE FORM

  6. OurU Phone App The OurU Phone Application will be available to both student and administrators. The application links on the screen will take users to a variety of links which will educate on policy, procedures, rights, news updates, and any programs. More details into each will follow.

  7. Goal 2: Ensuring the rights of those accused of sexual violence are met

  8. Goal 3: Changing myths of sexual misconduct to fact

  9. Goal 4: Sexual Misconduct prevention

  10. Goal 5: Changing the paradigm from victims protecting themselves from sexual violence to ensuring all our community members treat everyone with respect to prevent sexual misconduct

  11. Goal 6:Educating the campus community on ensuring all parties involved in sexual activity consent to that sexual actions

  12. OurU Facebook and Twitter Here at OurU, we are aware how much our students incorporate social media into their everyday lives. Therefore, we are creating consent awareness through our Facebook and our Twitter. Facebook: OurU task force has created a Facebook page called Consent at OurU. The plan with the Facebook page is to just continue to provide support to our students. On March 25, which is Consent Awareness Day on our campus, during the course of the day, different facts, information and stories from sexual violence survivors (which have been cleared by the survivors). This will be a year round page that students can utilize as a resource or to become a part of the community to support survivors of sexual violence. Twitter: OurU task force also created a Twitter page. This page, Consent at OurU, will also share facts and information, but will encourage the use of the hashtags: #consentawarenessday and #consentatOurU and #nomorerape for Consent Awareness Day on March 25.

  13. Goal 7: Keep recent on regulatory updates OCR News: • This portion of the OurU app would be linked to the university Blog which keeps up to date on news from the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR). VAWA: • Interactive portion for administration or faculty to educate on the Violence Against Women Act and additional resources/legislative information. SaVE: • Under this faculty and staff would be linked to a user friendly guide that outlines the updates made to the Clery Act which fall under this Act. It would also give staff a step-by-step process to work through reporting and processing through scenarios so they can inform students of their rights as outlined in the act. Ask us Questions: • This would connect users with the Legal Department to answer any questions.

  14. Goal 7: Continued Campus Blog: The intent of the blog would be monitored by the legal department with the intent to update the campus faculty and staff on news or policy changes. The electronic blog would be sent out regularly to faculty and staff. This would also allow staff and faculty to comment with any questions they might have. For example, this update is on the 3 tribes in Oregon which allows tribes to exercise jurisdiction over cases of violence. This can potentially affect American Indian students enrolled on campus and serve as an example of the direction of future legislation.

  15. Citations Clery Center. (2013). Vawa reauthorization . Retrieved from http://clerycenter.org/article/vawa-reauthorization Brandenburg, J. B. (1997). Confronting sexual harassment; what schools and colleges can do . New York: Teachers College Press. Duncan, Arne. (2014, Janurary 26). We must stop campus rape. Retrieved from http://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/2014/01/26/We-must-stop-campus-rape/stories/201401260015 Fisher, B. S., Daigle, L. E., & Cullen, F. T. (2010). Unsafe in the ivory tower; the seual victimization of college women . California: SAGE Publications. Flaherty, C. (2013, February 14). AAUP seeks better policies on preventing sexual assaults. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from http://www.insidehighered.com Grasgreen, A. (2013, June 5). Yale program to shift sexual assault culture goes beyond prevention. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from http://www.insidehighered.com Grasgreen, A. (2012, October 25). As allegations fly, Amherst College tries to counter sexual assault issues. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from http://www.insidehighered.com

  16. Citations Grasgreen, A. (2013, October 18). Montana adjusts to life as a ‘blueprint’ for sexual assault response. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from http://www.insidehighered.com ICTMN Staff. (2013, March 7). President Obama Signs Violence Against Women Act Into Law. Retrieved from http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2013/03/07/president-obama-signs-violence-against-women-act-law-148057 ICTMN Staff. (2014, February 6). Three Tribes to Exercise Jurisdiction Over Non-Indian Perpetrators Under VAWA. Retrieved from http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/02/06/three-tribes-exercise-jurisdiction-over-non-indian-perpetrators-under-vawa-153444 Sadoff, R.L. (1986). Sexual Violence. Bull NY Academy Medicine, 62(5), 466-476. Todahl, J. L., Linville, D., Bustin, A., Wheeler, J., & Gau, J. (2009). Sexual assault support services and community systems: Understanding critical issues and needs in the LGBTQ community. Violence Against Women, 15(8), 952-976. doi: 10.1177/1077801209335494 White House. (2014, January 23). A Renewed Call to Action to End Rape and Sexual Assault. Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov/blog/2014/01/a-renewed-call-to-action-to-end-rape-and- sexual-assault/?src=rotator

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