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Sexual Violence Prevention Task Force

S hady B lue U niversity. Manica Pierrette, Kari Budnik, John Conley & Allison Hughes University of Central Florida. Sexual Violence Prevention Task Force. One in five women will be victims of sexual assault Over 6% of men will be victims of sexual assault

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Sexual Violence Prevention Task Force

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  1. ShadyBlueUniversity Manica Pierrette, Kari Budnik, John Conley & Allison Hughes University of Central Florida Sexual Violence Prevention Task Force

  2. One in five women will be victims of sexual assault Over 6% of men will be victims of sexual assault Reports of sexual assault increased by 30% from 2009 to 2011 In one in three sexual assaults, the perpetrator was intoxicated 19% of undergraduate women will be victims of some type of attempted or completed sexual assault after starting college Only 5% of rape incidents are reported to the police The Hard Truth (American Association of University Women, N.D.)

  3. Shady Blue University is a mid-sized university (30,000 undergraduate students) located in North Florida About 50% of our students live on-campus in dorm type living (mostly Freshman and Sophomore students) and the rest live off-campus (mostly upperclassman students) in affiliated or non-affiliated University housing Our campus community consists of 75% traditional college age students (18-25 years old) Our racial breakdown is 67% Caucasian, 11% Hispanic, 10% African American, 8% Asian, and 4% Other Our male-to-female ratio is 47% male to 53% female 23% percent of our campus population is a member of the Greek community ShadyBlueUniversity

  4. SBU Cares is the brand utilized for all of Shady Blue University’s marketing efforts related to sexual violence prevention. SBU Cares represents Shady Blue University’s main goal of caring for all of our students. SBU Cares embodies the objectives of the sexual violence prevention task force. SBUCares

  5. EDUCATE, COLLABORATE, INFORM, FUFILL, & PROTECT Educate the Shady Blue community on the statistics of sexual violence and the definition of consent Collaborate with diverse campus agencies, registered student organizations, and departments to increase prevention and awareness Inform students of the facts about sexual violence, how to prevent committing a sexual crime and how to protect yourself so you don’t become a victim Fulfill requirements for all relevant federal laws and policies such as the Cleary Act, reporting guidelines, Title IX, and the Violence Against Women Act Protect students from ever being victims through threat assessment Protect the rights of victim and the accused Protect the futures of survivors of sexual violence Objectives of Task Force SBUCares (Stanford University, N.D.)

  6. Education is necessary • All students need to understand the meaning of consent • All students need to learn to minimize risk • All students need to learn what to do if they get into a situation where they are not comfortable • Education will take place during freshman orientation in the form of a presentation by this task force or orientation leaders. • Flyers containing facts and risky habits will be posted periodically throughout the year. • University handbooks and planners will include definitions for sexual violence including rape and sexual assault as well as penalties for committing such crimes. • All students and employees will be required to take an online training complete with a quiz every Fall semester that reviews reporting policies, penalties for committing sexual misconduct as well as definitions of sexual violence such as consent, rape, harassment and assault. EDUCATE SBUCares (American Association of University Professors, 2012)

  7. Flyer and Handbook Shady Blue University Sexual Assault Policy Reporting an Assault Shady Blue University encourages a student to report a situation in which s/he believes a sexual assault occurred in order to ensure that appropriate support and resources are provided. It is also important that a sexual assault survivor consider contacting Campus Police immediately (before showering, washing clothing, etc.) so as to preserve evidence for the proof of a criminal offense. Any information regarding a sexual assault on or off the SBU campus can be reported to the Department of Campus Police, College Health Services, or the dean of students. Once an incident is reported, the survivor generally determines who is notified. Campus Police will gather information that does not identify the survivor, but which must be reported through the Jeanne Clery Act. Types of Support Available Medical Services are provided by both SBU Health Services and Smith Hospital. SBU Health Services provides coverage from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. When Health Services is closed, on-call personnel are available to coordinate services for a student who has been sexually assaulted. Counseling Services are provided by the SBU Counseling Services staff. They provide counseling for crisis and healing, as well as referral to agencies off campus, when applicable. When Health Services and Counseling Services are closed, on-call personnel are available to coordinate services for a student who has been sexually assaulted. Community services utilized by the campus community include:  Rape Crisis Hotline: 1 (888) 555-0800   Victim/Witness Assistance (555) 586-5000 Campus Police provides professionally trained officers, including several state-certified sexual assault investigators. Campus Police will assess the situation to provide a safe space for the survivor, arrange for emergency housing when necessary, arrange for a hearing on emergency restraining orders, issue trespass notices against alleged perpetrators, and offer medical and counseling referrals. In addition, survivors may access other ongoing safety options, such as security escorts provided by Campus Police, the change of phone number and privacy restrictions (including restriction of computer and directory information). Campus Police will also attempt to respond to special requests and needs as appropriate. When the survivor decides to file a criminal complaint, Campus Police will conduct an investigation and/or work with appropriate legal authorities including the local District Attorney’s Office and the Victim/Witness Office. Disciplinary Procedures  complete information concerning the judicial process, rights of the student who is the subject of the complaint, rights of the student bringing forward the complaint, and possible sanctions can be found in the Code of Student Conduct section of this handbook. SBUCares (Smith College, N.D.)

  8. Collaborations with the following departments will be key in implementing policies, reaching high risk students, and the general population of SBU students Housing & Residence Life Campus Police Greek Life International Student Services Orientation First Year Experience Student Conduct Counseling Services COLLABORATEDEPARMENTS SBUCares

  9. Campus police will need to be further trained in identifying possible sexual assault victims and assailants. • An escort service under Campus Police may charge officers with offering intoxicated students rides back to their rooms if they are alone or relying on an acquaintance/stranger to get home. • Campus police will also be given training in listening to sexual violence victims. • Of utmost importance is fully believing stories given by victims and preventing any type of victim-blaming • Implement a safety program based on American University’s initiative allowing students to register for a system that places their phone number and photo into a secure database. If the student is in distress they can press and hold the “5” key on their phone which sends a location beacon to campus police. COLLABORATECAMPUS POLICE FORCE SBUCares

  10. RUSH WEEK • During their Rush Week/Recruitment all sororities and fraternities will be required to host one event discussing sexual misconduct and the repercussions of offenders. Sororities and Fraternities may collaborate with each other or the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life to meet this requirement COLLABORATE

  11. Creation of a Twitter handle (@SBUcares), Facebook page (SBU Cares), and Instagram account (@SBUCares) focused solely on sexual violence prevention and awareness Daily facts and identifying myths about sexual violence will be posted on Twitter account Events relating to sexual violence will be posted on the Facebook page allowing students to share them with others increasing our student reach Use of Twitter and Facebook to remind students that if they have been sexually assaulted they are a victim and how to report the crime Monthly tips via Campus News will be sent to the SBU Community marketing our collaborative programming and social media accounts INFORMSOCIAL MEDIA SBUCares

  12. Instagram: @SBUCares YouTube: @SBUCares • Weekly Self Defense mini clips INFORMSOCIAL MEDIA SBUCares

  13. Social Media Twitter Facebook SBUCares

  14. Disclosing annual security report regarding • sexual assault policies • other intimate partner violence • Offering primary prevention and awareness programming • for incoming students • new employees FULFILLTHE CAMPUS SaVE ACT SBUCares (CleryCenter for Security on Campus, N.D.)

  15. We must have an established procedure for handling complaints of sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence. We are covered through our established reporting process that is communicated to students in a variety of ways. We must take immediate action to ensure a complainant-victim can continue his or her education free of ongoing sex discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence. Our school will be a safe place for a student because of the prevention and support measures created by this task force . We may not retaliate against someone filing a complaint and must keep a complainant-victim safe from other retaliatory harassment or behavior. Students will be well-informed that harassing victims will not be tolerated as stated in our handbook and in the training session in the Fall semesters. All educators and student affairs professionals will be trained to look for and address these behaviors. FUFILLTITLE IX & CLERY ACT SBUCares (Know your IX, N.D.)

  16. In cases of sexual violence, we are prohibited from encouraging or allowing mediation (rather than a formal hearing) of the complaint. All our complaints will go directly to campus police and then to the local/state police as stated in our reporting process. All professional staff will learn through training that mediation is not an option. We must establish a Title IX Coordinator. Lisa Turncoat has been our Title IX Coordinator for the past 5 years and will continue in the position. We must file annual reports with the federal government on campus crime. SBU Campus Safety will publish the university’s annual report by September 1st (prior to the October 15 federal deadline). This report will also include definitions and classifications of sexual misconduct in accordance to state laws. FUFILLTITLE IX & CLERY ACT SBUCares (Know your IX, N.D.)

  17. Protection through Prevention is a TOP PRIORITY • Build a formally  trained threat assessment team a. Composed of Student Affairs Senior Leadership, Campus Security, Head of Campus Security and Counseling Services Staff, Ombuds Office, SGA President or liaison, Title IX Coordinator and General Counsel • Educate the students and staff and offer an area of trust and confidentiality a. All staff must go through a comprehensive training on prevention, identification, and communication of sexual misconduct cases. b. Staff will leave training with an understanding of all legal requirements of the institution as well as their own responsibilities as a member of SBU staff/faculty • Assess the direct, indirect, and veiled threats and the level of risk • Use the FBI’s Four-Pronged Assessment Model to examine accused students a. Personality of the student b. School Dynamics c. Social Dynamics d. Family Dynamics • Determine and Implement clear and specific policies and procedures to be followed by the university • Provide support for accused, accusers, and offenders PROTECTPROPER THREAT ASSESSMENT SBUCares (National Association of School Psychologist, N.D.)

  18. Those accused of sexual assault will be escorted to and from campus during formal hearings to protect them from victims and their families and friends • Those accused of sexual assault will offered the right to have campus legal services present • Those accused of sexual assault will be allowed 60 days to submit an appeal PROTECTFAIRNESS FOR THE ACCUSED SBUCares (Lauerman, 2013).

  19. PROTECTSBU STUDENT SURVIVORS • Using Chickering’s Theory as a way of understanding the healing process sexual assault survivors go through SBUCares (Jolly, 2006)


  21. SBU will incorporate two objective instruments to help sexual assault survivors build trust, purpose, interdependence and empowerment.   Objective 1:  Programming through core services which meet survivors immediate needs. Objective 2:  The addition of extra opportunities including various forms of healing and empowerment. Programming under these two objectives will align with the following 9 points:   1. Prevention and awareness2. Crisis Intervention3. Advocacy4. Information and referral5. Counseling and therapy 6. Support Groups7. Holistic Healing 8. Institutional 9. Survivor Activism PROTECTSBU STUDENT SURVIVORS SBUCares (National Sexual Violence Resource Center, N.D.)

  22. Programming Prevention and awareness - Awareness presentations during Greek Week, Rush Week, Orientation, and at on and off-campus SBU affiliated housing Crisis Intervention - 24 hour hotline in collaboration with the local county with active listening and empathy Advocacy - Education on medical options and legal accompaniment through prosecution Information and referral - Referrals to outside agencies such as therapists, housing, legal aid and holistic healers Counseling and therapy - On campus confidential counseling on emotions, trauma, and coping along with assistance with trigger plans Support Groups- Includes peer led support groups (short term or on-going)   Holistic Healing – Host counseling events where students can openly share Institutional - Staff training and community task forces. Survivor Activism – Speaker events allowing survivors to present to others their experience PROTECTSBU STUDENT SURVIVORS SBUCares (National Sexual Violence Resource Center, N.D.)

  23. Comprehensive Services Prevention and awareness - Social media campaigns showcasing healthy relationships Crisis Intervention - Counseling Staff and professional training in preventing/reducing trauma. Advocacy- Legal and Medical accompaniment Information and referral - Referrals for health and wellness care and screening of agencies for maintaining confidentiality Counseling and therapy - Goal setting by a licensed therapist or counselor Support Groups - Peer and professional led groups for females, males, LGBQT, age-specific, and race specific Holistic Healing - Offer courses in art and music therapy, yoga and meditation, outdoor healing and culturally based healing Institutional - A regular review of policies and procedures already in place Survivor Activism - Volunteer opportunities and a chance for survivors to speak publicly PROTECTSBU STUDENT SURVIVORS SBUCares (National Sexual Violence Resource Center, N.D.)

  24. As Shady Blue University student affairs professionals it is our duty to EDUCATE, COLLABORATE, INFORM, FUFILL, & PROTECT • OUR STUDENTS • OUR STAFF • OUR FACULTY • OUR COMMUNITY Together we can…but it starts with you Summary SBUCares

  25. American Association of University Women. (N.D.). Knowing Your Rights: Campus Sexual Assault. Retrieved from http://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/legal-resources/know-your-rights-on-campus/campus-sexual-assault/ American Association of University Professors. (2012), Campus Sexual Assault: Suggested Policies and Procedures. http://www.aaup.org/report/campus-sexual-assault-suggested-policies-and-procedures Clery Center for Security on Campus. (N.D). The Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act. Retrieved from http://clerycenter.org/campus-sexual-violence-elimination-save-act Jolly, S. (2006). Using Chickering’s Vectors: A Sexual Assault Survivor’s Identity Development. The University of Vermont. Retrieved from http://www.uvm.edu/~vtconn/?Page=v26/jolly05.html Know your IX. (N.D). Title IX in Detail. Retrieved from http://knowyourix.org/title-ix/title-ix-in-detail/ Lauerman, J. (2013). College Men Accused of Sexual Assault Say Their Rights Violated. Bloomberg News. Retrieved from http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-12-16/college-men-accused-of-sexual-assault-say-their-rights-violated.html National Association of School Psychologist.(N.D). Threat Assessment: Predicting and Preventing School Violence. Retrieved from http://www.nasponline.org/resources/factsheets/threatassess_fs.aspx National Sexual Violence Resource Center. (N.D.).Sexual assault demonstration initiative . Retrieved from website: http://nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/nsvrc_publications_article_sadi_building-comprehensive-sexual-assault-programs.pdf Smith College. (N.D.) POLICIES, PROCEDURES & GUIDELINES: Smith College Sexual Assault Policy. Student Handbook , Retrieved from http://www.smith.edu/sao/handbook/policies/sexassault.php Stanford University. (N.D.). Violence Prevention & Response on Campus. Retrieved from http://www.stanford.edu/group/SUDPS/threat-assessment/about.shtml Schuh, J. H., Jones, S. R., & Harper, S. R. (2011). Student services: a handbook for the profession. (5th ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. REFERENCES

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