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English Vine Presentation Program

Explore the differences between healthy and unhealthy habits and how they impact overall well-being. Discover various choices in food, snacks, and leisure activities that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Written in English.

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English Vine Presentation Program

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  1. English Vine Presentation Program • ET II Unit 4 Fat Families Essay Question In the space below, write a compare and contrast paragraph (writing about how two things are different and the same) about things a healthy person would do and things a person who is not healthy would do. Try to use the phrases you learned in the “Language Practice”.

  2. English Vine Presentation Program • ET II Unit 4 Fat Families • Healthy & unhealthy people • People choose • different kinds • of foods • this makes them • different

  3. English Vine Presentation Program • ET II Unit 4 Fat Families • Foods • Healthy person • eats vegetables & • fish

  4. English Vine Presentation Program • ET II Unit 4 Fat Families • Foods • Healthy person • cuts back on • red meat

  5. English Vine Presentation Program • ET II Unit 4 Fat Families • Foods • Unhealthy person • eats convenient • foods • frozen dinners • eats fast food • hamburgers, french • fries, sodas

  6. English Vine Presentation Program • ET II Unit 4 Fat Families • Foods • Unhealthy person • should eat healthier • foods like fish & • poultry • instead of red meat

  7. English Vine Presentation Program • ET II Unit 4 Fat Families • Snacks • Healthy person • eats snacks like • vegetables, fruit, • olives, etc.

  8. English Vine Presentation Program • ET II Unit 4 Fat Families • Snacks • Unhealthy person • eats snacks like • chips and cookies • drinks soda

  9. English Vine Presentation Program • ET II Unit 4 Fat Families • Leisure Time • Healthy person • goes outside • walks or hikes

  10. English Vine Presentation Program • ET II Unit 4 Fat Families • Leisure Time • Unhealthy person • stays inside • lays on the couch

  11. Model Answer Writing Healthy people and unhealthy people have to eat. The kinds of foods they choose make them different. For example, a healthy person would choose to eat vegetables and fruit. They would also try cutting back on red meat and eat fish and poultry instead. However, an unhealthy person would choose to eat convenient foods, like frozen dinners, and fast food. Healthy people and unhealthy people both eat snacks. Again, their choices make them different. A healthy person would choose to eat fruit or nuts and to drink water or natural juices. However, an unhealthy person would choose to eat potato chips or cookies and drink soda. Both healthy and unhealthy people have leisure time. However, the activities they choose make them different. For example, a healthy person may exercise, like go for a walk or a hike. An unhealthy person may stay inside and lay on the couch. I think everyone should try to be healthy because they will have a better life and live longer.

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