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How-To Export, Print and Bookmark AUXINFO Reports. These Mechanics apply to a Display in any Cube. General Export Rules Exported Reports/Files are generated with generic names. Rename your files as you save them in some desired folder.
How-To Export, Print and Bookmark AUXINFO Reports These Mechanics apply to a Display in any Cube. IU Group
General Export Rules Exported Reports/Files are generated with generic names. Rename your files as you save them in some desired folder. Use Adobe or your spreadsheet software to print a report from the exported file. IU Group
AUXINFO does NOT support browser Print or Save Functions. Instead click on the ‘File’ icon arrow in the bottom toolbar. The action box appears. IU Group
The upper ‘Export PDF’ allows a download in Adobe format in either Portrait or Landscape orientation. You can define parameters based on display size and content. IU Group
The lower ‘Export PDF’ allows a download in Adobe format with standard Portrait orientation. IU Group
‘Export CSV’ allows a download using ‘Comma Seperated Variable’ fields accepted by most spreadsheet software. IU Group
‘Export XLS’ creates a report download in Excel file format. IU Group
Create a ‘Bookmark’ or ‘Favorite’ so you can revisit your display in the future with only one click. Data content will update. This a two-step process. First click on ‘Prepare Bookmark’. The screen will refresh. IU Group
In your (top) browser toolbar, click on ‘Favorites’ or ‘Bookmarks’, then ‘Add to Favorites’ or ‘Bookmark This Page’ in the folder of your choice. Samples for IE and Firefox... IU Group
Bookmarks are generally not transportable as is. Alternative - In your browser, highlight and copy the bookmark entire URL address into a word processor that allows ‘Save as’ a HTML file. The resulting file can be used in web site links or transported as an email attachment. Some Bookmarks may become invalid if the AUXINFO data structure is changed. IU Group