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Understanding the Catholic Faith: Reference Books Syllabus

Dive into the foundation, practices, and morality of the Catholic faith with this comprehensive reference book syllabus.

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Understanding the Catholic Faith: Reference Books Syllabus

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  2. Reference Books

  3. COURSE SYLLABUS PART ONE – Foundation and Pillars of the Catholic Faith • SESSION #1 - The Beginning and Culmination of the Church • SESSION #2 – Marks of the Church Founded by Christ • SESSION #3 – An Overview of Church History (Part One) • SESSION #4 – An Overview of Church History (Part Two) • SESSION #5 – Skeletal Principle of Protestantism – “Bible Alone” • SESSION #6 – Material Principle of Protestantism – “Faith Alone” • SESSION # 7- Origin, Translations and Interpretation of the Bible

  4. COURSE SYLLABUS PART TWO – CATHOLIC PRACTICES AND THE SACRAMENTS • SESSION #1 - The Sacramental System and Catholic Practices • SESSION #2 – The Mass and the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist • SESSION #3 - The Sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation • SESSION #4 – The Sacraments of Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony • SESSION #5 – The Role of Mary in God’s Salvation Plan • SESSION #6 - Marian Doctrines • SESSION #7 – Purgatory and Indulgences

  5. COURSE SYLLABUS PART THREE – CATHOLIC MORALITY • SESSION #1 – Principles of Catholic Morality • SESSION #2 – First Three Commandments: Love of God • SESSION #3 - Fourth Commandment: Family and Social Morality • SESSION #4 – Fifth Commandment: Moral Issues of Life and Death • SESSION #5 – Sixth and Ninth Commandment: Sexual Morality • SESSION #6 - Seventh and Tenth Commandment: Economic and Political Morality • SESSION #7 –Eight Commandment: Truth and Honesty

  6. Part I FOUNDATION AND PILLARS OF OUR CATHOLIC FAITH • Introduction: The Importance of Understanding our Catholic Faith • It is a fact that religious illiteracy is the primary cause for Catholics to fall away from the Church. It is therefore necessary that Catholics FULLY understand the basis of their faith.

  7. Part I FOUNDATION AND PILLARS OF OUR CATHOLIC FAITH • Talk #1- The Beginning and Founding of the Church • Jesus Christ extends his incarnation throughout all times by founding his Church. Through this Church, he perpetuates himself and his teachings in fulfillment of his promise to be with us until the end of the age.

  8. Part I FOUNDATION AND PILLARS OF OUR CATHOLIC FAITH • Talk #2 - The Church Christ founded: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic • The Catholic Church alone has all the marks of the Church which Christ founded. It is one, holy, catholic and apostolic. It is universally united in beliefs, authority, and worship, it aspires to achieve Christ’s perfection and holiness, it reaches out to gather all people unto Christ, and it is apostolic in origin, authority and teaching.

  9. Part I FOUNDATION AND PILLARS OF OUR CATHOLIC FAITH • Talk #3 - An Overview of Church History: Pentecost to the Great Schism • The life of the Church for the first 1000 years was besieged with persecutions, trials, heresies, and schisms, the most prominent of which was the Great Schism between the East and the West. Through it all, God preserved the Church and its teachings.

  10. Part I FOUNDATION AND PILLARS OF OUR CATHOLIC FAITH • Talk #4 – An Overview of Church History: Protestant Reformation to Present • This is an analysis of how the Protestant Reformation started and how it caused the splintering of Christianity into thousands of denominations. It also discusses Catholic attitudes towards the modern world and how it responded to the development of science, philosophies, and ideologies.

  11. Part I FOUNDATION AND PILLARS OF OUR CATHOLIC FAITH • Talk #5 - Refuting the Principles of Protestantism: “Bible Alone” • This is a discussion on why the Protestant’s skeletal principle of “Sola Scriptura” or “the bible alone” should be rejected. The Church’s sacred tradition and its teaching authority are essential to the Catholic faith and are further explained in this session.

  12. Part I FOUNDATION AND PILLARS OF OUR CATHOLIC FAITH • Talk #6 - Refuting the Principles of Protestantism: “Faith Alone” • This is a rebuttal to the Protestant’s material principle of “Sola Fide” that we are saved by “Faith Alone.” It also explains what “justification” really means, i.e. we are saved by God’s grace which enables us to have vibrant, living faith and do “good works.”

  13. Part IFOUNDATION AND PILLARS OF OUR CATHOLIC FAITH • Talk #7 - The Bible: Origin, Translations and Interpretation • A discussion of where the bible came from and an explanation of the different translations of the bible from its original language. It also gives us principles of interpreting scriptures.

  14. COURSE SYLLABUS PART TWO – CATHOLIC PRACTICES AND THE SACRAMENTS • SESSION #1 - The Sacramental System and Catholic Practices • SESSION #2 – The Mass and the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist • SESSION #3 - The Sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation • SESSION #4 – The Sacraments of Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony • SESSION #5 – The Role of Mary in God’s Salvation Plan • SESSION #6 - Marian Doctrines • SESSION #7 – Purgatory and Indulgences

  15. PART II CATHOLIC PRACTICES, SACRAMENTS, THE ROLE AND TITLES OF MARY • TALK #1 - The Sacramental System/Catholic Practices • This is an explanation of the different Catholic practices, the principle of sacraments, the use of holy water, oil, relics, statues and images, the mass, devotions to Mary and the Saints, the rosary, stations of the cross, etc.

  16. PART II CATHOLIC PRACTICES, SACRAMENTS, THE ROLE AND TITLES OF MARY • Talk #2 - Holy Eucharist, Real Presence of Jesus • This gives the biblical basis for our belief that Christ is truly, really and substantially contained in the Eucharist,on of the Church’s teaching of “transubstantiation.”

  17. PART II CATHOLIC PRACTICES, SACRAMENTS, THE ROLE AND TITLES OF MARY • TALK #3 – Sacraments: Baptism and Reconciliation • This is an explanation of the forgiveness of our original and personal sins through the sacraments of Baptism and how God delegated his power to forgive sins in Confession.

  18. PART II CATHOLIC PRACTICES, SACRAMENTS, THE ROLE AND TITLES OF MARY • TALK #4 – Sacraments: Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony • This points out that through the sacrament of Confirmation, we experience what the apostles received at Pentecost. The discussion of the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick includes the theology of suffering while the sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony are discussed in light of common objections against celibacy and prohibition against divorce, among others.

  19. PART II CATHOLIC PRACTICES, SACRAMENTS, THE ROLE AND TITLES OF MARY • Talk #5 - Role of Mary in God’s Salvation Plan • The discussion centers on common misconceptions about Mary eliciting worship and adoration. It explains that her role is participatory and subordinate to the redemptive work of Christ.

  20. PART II CATHOLIC PRACTICES, SACRAMENTS, THE ROLE AND TITLES OF MARY • Talk #6 - Catholic Teachings on Mary (Marian Doctrines) • This lesson touches on basic Mariology explaining Mary’s title as “Mother of God” as well as the doctrine of her “Immaculate Conception,” Perpetual Virginity” and her “Assumption into Heaven.”

  21. PART II CATHOLIC PRACTICES, SACRAMENTS, THE ROLE AND TITLES OF MARY • Talk #7 - Purgatory & Indulgence • This discussion pertains to the concept of man’s “final purification” and the role of good works for the remission of temporal punishment due to sins.

  22. COURSE SYLLABUS PART THREE – CATHOLIC MORALITY • SESSION #1 – Principles of Catholic Morality • SESSION #2 – First Three Commandments: Love of God • SESSION #3 - Fourth Commandment: Family and Social Morality • SESSION #4 – Fifth Commandment: Moral Issues of Life and Death • SESSION #5 – Sixth and Ninth Commandment: Sexual Morality • SESSION #6 - Seventh and Tenth Commandment: Economic and Political Morality • SESSION #7 –Eight Commandment: Truth and Honesty

  23. PART III CATHOLIC MORALITY • TALK #1 - Principles of Catholic Morality • Explanation of the basis of Catholic morality and its essential and fundamental principles. It stresses the obligation of everyone to educate his conscience and exposes false moral values promoted by the secular world.

  24. PART III CATHOLIC MORALITY • Talk #2 – Love of God • Covers the first three commandments to love God with our whole heart, mind, soul and strength. Explanation of the true meaning of the prohibition against idolatry and keeping holy the Lord’s Day. (includes discussion of replacement of the Sabbath with the Lord’s Day)

  25. PART III CATHOLIC MORALITY • TALK #3 – Family and Social Morality • This is a discussion of the fourth commandment. It explains the importance of authority and obedience in all kinds of relationships. Emphasis is given on family life, the essence of marriage, and the evil of divorce and re-marriage without Church annulment.

  26. PART III CATHOLIC MORALITY • TALK #4 – Moral Issues of Life and Death • This covers the fifth commandment. It tackles controversial moral issues such as abortion, euthanasia, the Terry Schiavo-type of artificial nutrition and hydration, capital punishment, self-defense and the elements of a “just war.”

  27. PART III CATHOLIC MORALITY • TALK #5 – Sexual Morality • The discussion centers on the sixth and the ninth commandments covering the sins against chastity such as fornication, adultery, pornography, and homosexual practices and sins against procreation such as artificial contraception, artificial insemination, and genetic manipulation.

  28. PART III CATHOLIC MORALITY • TALK #6 – Economic and Political Morality • This is a discussion of the seventh and the tenth commandment. It explains how the seventh commandment does not only forbid unjust taking but commands care of earthly goods. The tenth commandment zeroes in on greed and covetousness.

  29. PART III CATHOLIC MORALITY • TALK #7 – Truth and Honesty • This covers the eight commandment. It explains how this commandment forbids all kinds of falsehood and how one must • live and witness the truth. It discusses the sins of perjury, rash judgment, calumny, lying, and gossiping.

  30. End

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  32. Reference Books

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