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Abc book

Abc book. April 30,2013 by: Chalicia Murphy 5 th period. a. Audubon, john James-drew American wildlife Anthony Susan-key spokesperson for the 19 th century women’s suffrage movement. b. Boston tea party- British tea was dumped by sons of liberty

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Abc book

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Abc book April 30,2013 by: Chalicia Murphy 5th period

  2. a • Audubon, john James-drew American wildlife • Anthony Susan-key spokesperson for the 19th century women’s suffrage movement

  3. b • Boston tea party- British tea was dumped by sons of liberty • Battle of Lexington- first battle of the American revolution

  4. c • Communication system- process of keeping the colonies connected • Confederation-united in a large alliance, or conspiracy

  5. d • Dorothea Dix- reformer who fought to improve the mentally ill • Dawes act- Indian policy that broke up reservations into land plots

  6. e • Eli Whitney- invented the cotton gin

  7. f • Federalism- power of the government is shared • Foreign affairs- closer ties with England, closer ties with France

  8. g • George Washington- 1st president, encouraged no political parties • George Madison- writing influenced new government

  9. h • Henry clay- the great compromiser • Homestead act- law that a person could own 160 acres of land

  10. i • Import- to buy goods from foreign markets • Ironclad- armored naval vessle

  11. J • James Armistead- African American spy during the American revolution • James Madison- father of the constitution

  12. k • King George 3- king of England during American revolution

  13. l • Landslide- an overwhelming victory • Lynching- putting to death by illegal action

  14. m • Militia- a group of civilian trained to fight • Manumission- the freeing of an enslaved person

  15. n • Nullify- to cancel or make ineffective • Nativist- a person who favors those born in his country

  16. O • Ordinance- a law or regulation • Offensive- of attacking or attack itself

  17. p • Perjury- lying when one has sworn to an oath to tell the truth • Precedent- a tradition

  18. Q • Quartering act- banned troops from form entering homes • Quaker-

  19. r • Repeal- to cancel an act or law • Revenue- income of money

  20. s • Secede- to withdraw • Suffrage- the right to vote

  21. t • Tariff- tax on imports or exports • Tribute- money paid for protection

  22. u • Unalienable right- right cannot be surrendered • Unconstitutional- not agreeing or consistent with the constition

  23. v • Veto- to reject a bill or prevent from becoming a law • Vigilantes- people who take law into their own hands

  24. w • War hawks- republicans who pressed for war with Britain

  25. x

  26. y • Yankee- union soldier • Yeoman-southern owners of a small farm who didn't have enslaved people

  27. z • John peter Zenger- journalist his trial helped the idea of freedom of the press

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