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Mechanical Control of Spin States in Individual Spin-1 Molecules.
Mechanical Control of Spin States in Individual Spin-1 Molecules Techniques for making electrical contact to single molecules have advanced to the stage that single-molecule devices can now be used as model systems for performing controlled tests of theories about electron interactions on nanometer scales. We have fabricated devices in which single molecules possessing an intrinsic spin angular momentum can be stretched mechanically while we simultaneously measure electron flow through the molecule. We show that the spin states of the molecule can be manipulated by stretching, and that these devices can therefore provide the first detailed tests of theories about what is known as the spin-1 Kondo effect – a dramatic consequence of strong interactions between electrons in the electrodes and the localized spin in the molecule. Sample schematic of the mechanically-adjustable single-molecule device with electron microscopy picture of the device prior to molecule insertion. J. J. Parks,A. R. Champagne, T. A. Costi, W. W. Shum, A. N. Pasupathy, E. Neuscamman, S. Flores-Torres, P. S. Cornaglia, A. A. Aligia, C. A. Balseiro, G. K.-L. Chan, H. D. Abruña, and D. C. Ralph, Cornell University, Institute for Advanced Simulation (Julich, Germany), and Centro AtómicoBariloche (Argentina) Science 328, 1370 (2010). Work performed at Cornell NanoScale Facility Daniel C. Ralph, Cornell University, ECCS - 0335765