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Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics. Southern Utah University. Faculty Composition. 13 permanent faculty members have a Ph.D. or E.D. degree. Lecturers have M.S. degrees Fields of expertise Abstract Algebra: Gretchen Rimmash , Mark Meilstrup , Emma Turner

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Department of Mathematics

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  1. Department of Mathematics Southern Utah University

  2. Faculty Composition • 13 permanent faculty members have a Ph.D. or E.D. degree. Lecturers have M.S. degrees • Fields of expertise • Abstract Algebra:Gretchen Rimmash, Mark Meilstrup, Emma Turner • Partial Diff Eqns:Jianlong Han, Seth Armstrong • Numerical Analysis: Sarah Duffin • Number Theory: Andreas Weingartner • Combinatorics: Derek Hein • Algebraic Topology: Eric Freden • Operations Systems: Said Bahi • Math Education: Marty Larkin, Jana Lunt, Jim Brandt

  3. Recent Undergraduate Research • Drs. Eric Freden, Derek Hein, Jianlong Han, Said Bahi • Drs. Said Bahi and Jim Brandt: Helped support four students through two summers of WECCO summer internships • Dr. Said Bahi: Paper submitted about risk rates of student termination in programs with two undergraduate students. • Dr. Andreas Weingartner: Is an actuary (passed all six exams). Has helped students take four actuarial exams this year. • Dr. Eric Freden: Has co-written papers and done research with four undergraduates in algebraic topology.

  4. Why Study Math Anyway? CNN Money article The top 15 highest-earning college degrees all have one thing in common – math skills. That's according to a recent survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers, which tracks college graduates' job offers: “Math is at the crux of who gets paid," said Ed Koc, director of research at NACE. "If you have those skills, you are an extremely valuable asset. We don't generate enough people like that in this country.” Jobs Rated Handbook 2009 says the top three jobs are... • Mathematician • Actuary • Statistician

  5. Student Supportin theDepartment of Mathematics • Free tutoring labs for all classes up through Calculus III • Excellent computer facilities: Have Mathematica, Maple, MatLab and Geometer’s Sketchpad in all computer labs on campus

  6. More about Student Support… Many jobs available as students advance through Major • Private tutoring • Tutoring in the Math Lab • Teaching Assistant for Math Classes • College Algebra, Calculus I, II, and III. • Get to teach once per week, other times when asked by the professor. • Grader • Research Assistant

  7. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics • 100% placement of graduates in graduate programs. Always funding for grad work!! • Great major for graduate studies in Engineering, Physics, Statistics, Law, Medicine and other fields. • New $600K grant for math and science from NSF under Dr. Jana Lunt • Jobs in computers, business: See whenwilliusemath.com • Be a superstar at a small university instead of a number!

  8. Bachelor of Science in Math Education • Drs. Larkin, Lunt and Brandt • 100% placement in high/jr high school teaching positions • Critical shortage nationwide of high school math teachers • Graduate studies in Math Education: Pick where you want to go after a Ph.D.

  9. B.S. in Math/Emphasis in Actuarial Science • Have actuary on faculty: Dr. Andreas Weingartner • We prepare students to pass two or more actuarial exams before graduating • Find jobs in insurance companies and large businesses; independent consulting • Near perfect job in security, lifestyle, and pay

  10. Pay Information for Actuarial Science CNN Money: 20 Highest-Paying Jobs: • Actuary: Ranks 12 of 20 • Best Jobs rank:11 • Median pay:$133,000/yr • 95th%tile Pay:$222,000

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