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Cutting-Edge Research Areas at NUS Mathematics

Explore a wide range of mathematical research areas at NUS, from algebra and topology to computational biology and optimization. Join our graduate program for a Master's or Ph.D. degree.

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Cutting-Edge Research Areas at NUS Mathematics

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  1. Department of Mathematics RESEARCH With the combined capabilities and expertise of more than seventy faculty members and researchers, the Department of Mathematics at the National University of Singapore is actively engaged in a wide spectrum of mathematical activities, ranging from basic research in pure and applied mathematics to multidisciplinary research with engineers, scientists and economists. The following is a list of some (but not all) research areas with a strong representation in the Department of Mathematics, NUS. Algebra and Combinatorics Khee Meng KOH (PhD Manitoba) Mong Lung LANG (PhD Ohio State) Ka Hin LEUNG (PhD UC Berkeley) Siu Lun MA (PhD U. Hong Kong) Kai Meng TAN (PhD Cambridge U.) Tiong Seng TAY (PhD Waterloo) Algebraic Topology, K-Theory and Geometric Topology A. Jon BERRICK (DPhil Oxford) Ser Peow TAN (PhD UCLA) Yan Loi WONG (PhD UC Berkeley) Jie WU (PhD U. Rochester) Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Louis CHEN (PhD Stanford U.) Kwok Pui CHOI (PhD U. Illinois) Yong KONG (PhD Washington U.) Louxin ZHANG (PhD Waterloo U.) Mathematical Finance and Mathematical Economics Oliver CHEN (PhD U. Toronto) Ming DAI (PhD Fudan U.) Yeneng SUN (PhD U. Illinois) Geometric and Functional Analysis, Nonlinear PDE Ho Hon LEUNG, Denny (PhD U. Illinois) Man Chun LEUNG (PhD U. Michigan) Yu Hin PANG, Peter (PhD U. Illinois) Yeneng SUN (PhD U. Illinois) Wai Shing TANG (PhD U. Toronto) Xingwang XU (PhD U. Connecticut) Geometry and Mathematical Physics Bong Hor LIAN (PhD Yale U.) Brett McInnes (PhD U. Sydney) Wing Keung TO (PhD Columbia U.) De-Qi ZHANG (PhD Osaka U.) Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Representation Theory Helmer Aslaksen (PhD UC Berkeley) Soo Teck LEE (PhD Yale U.) Bong Hor LIAN (PhD Yale U.) Hung Yean LOKE (PhD Harvard U.) Eng Chye TAN (PhD Yale U.) Chen-Bo ZHU (PhD Yale U.) Logic and Theoretical Computer Science Chi Tat CHONG (PhD Yale U.) Qi FENG (PhD Penn. State U.) Frank STEPHAN (PhD U. Karlsruhe) Yong Chiang TAY (PhD Harvard U.) Yue YANG (PhD Cornell U.) Number Theory, Coding Theory and Cryptography Heng Huat CHAN (PhD U. Illinois) Chee Whye CHIN (PhD Princeton U.) Harald NIEDERREITER (PhD U. Vienna) Chaoping XING (PhD UST China) Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Weizhu BAO (PhD Tsinghua U.) Delin CHU (PhD Tsinghua U.) Ping LIN (PhD U. British Columbia) Choon Ee TAN, Roger (PhD La Trobe U.) Kim Chuan TOH (PhD Cornell U.) Andy M YIP (PhD UCLA) Optimization and Operations Research Karthik NATARAJAN (PhD Singapore-MIT Alliance) Defeng SUN (PhD Chinese Acad. Sci.) Kim Chuan TOH (PhD Cornell U.) Gong Yun ZHAO (PhD U. Wuerzburg) Wavelets, Approximation and Information Processing Say Song GOH (PhD U. Michigan) Wayne LAWTON (PhD Wesleyan U.) Seng Luan LEE (PhD U. Alberta) Zuowei SHEN (PhD U. Alberta) Hwee Huat TAN (PhD U. Adelaide) Andy M YIP (PhD UCLA)

  2. Department of Mathematics GRADUATEPROGRAMME BY RESEARCH Overview Students enrolled in the Graduate Programme will pursue a course of study and research leading to a Master of Science degree (M.Sc.) or a Ph.D. degree. Admission is on a competitive basis and preference is given to applicants who intend to pursue a Ph.D. degree. Applicants to the programme may apply for NUS Research Scholarship, which starts at 1500 Singapore dollars per month. Candidates admitted to the Graduate Programme will be supervised by faculty members, whose research interests cover most core areas of mathematical sciences. They will also have ample opportunities to interact with the numerous visiting mathematicians from overseas institutions. Other opportunities include additional award for outstanding performance and financial support for overseas conference participation (applicable to Ph.D. students and on a competitive basis). Admission Applicants must have at least a four year Honours degree or its equivalent from a reputable university. Evaluation criteria include academic records and references, and undergraduate research experiences. TOEFL/IELTS is required of foreign applicants whose medium of instruction is not English. GRE is required of all foreign and local applicants. However we do consider waivers for students with outstanding records. Application & Intake There are two intakes in every academic year, one in August and the other in January. Application deadlines are 15 December (respectively 15 May) for the August (respectively January) intake in the following year. Application package may be downloaded at the Department’s website listed below or by requesting via email (postgrad@math.nus.edu.sg). For more information, please visit www.math.nus.edu.sg

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