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This guide outlines the steps required for compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People at the local level within the Diocese of Savannah. It specifies who needs to comply and the responsibilities at the parish/school/agency level. Ensure all employees and volunteers with contact with minors complete the three requirements as detailed.
Charter for the Protection of Children and Young PeopleCompliance at the Local Level Office for the Protection of Children & Young People Diocese of Savannah
Who is required to comply with the 3 steps? Any adult (age 18 or over) whose duties include ongoing, unsupervised contact with minors (age 17 and younger). Church or School Sponsored Scout leaders & aides Chaperones Lunchroom & recess volunteers Nursery & other school care staff Any other adult employee/volunteer identified by the pastor/principal/agency director Teachers Religious Education Instructors Paraprofessionals Counselors School Nurses Coaches Ushers Eucharistic Ministers Music Directors Altar Server Trainers Youth Ministers & Aides Priests, Deacons, Vowed Religious Sisters and Brothers Seminarians Diaconal Candidates
Local Level Responsibility Each parish/school/agency is responsible for making sure each employee and volunteer whose duties include ongoing, unsupervised contact with minors has completed the following three requirements: Attended a VIRTUS awareness session andregistered online Read and signed the Diocesan “Code of Conduct” Undergone a criminal background check
To ensure the local entity (parish/school/agency) is in compliance, follow these simple steps: • Identify an individual at the local entity to monitor/coordinate Safe Environment responsibilities. • Make sure every employee and volunteer has completed the 3 requirements beforethey minister with children. • Maintain a record at the entity level for each person with the dates they • Signed the “Code of Conduct” • Completed the background check • Attended the VIRTUS training and registered online • Provide timely information on entity personnel to the diocesan Office for the Protection of Children and Young People in response to the annual request for updated information.
Annual Request for Updated InformationCompiling your Records Every year, in preparation for the audit, each diocesan entity is provided with a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing information currently on file in the diocesan data base (this data can also be requested by the entity at any time during the year). The spreadsheet on our left is a typical example of what an entity is provided.
The data for the spreadsheet is pulled directly from the VIRTUS website. That is why it is necessary for each person to register online after attending the VIRTUS training session. As an example, St. Helena Church has a paid Youth Director named Joseph Carter. Before Joseph was hired, the parish ran a background check on him. After being hired he signed the “Code of Conduct” and attended VIRTUS training. However, he neglected to register online at www.virtus.org. Consequently, Joseph’s information is not included in the diocesan data base. Joseph Carter, Youth Director
Local Entity Spreadsheet • Provide missing information • Add new employees/volunteers not listed • Notate personnel for deletion who are no longer in ministry with children • Return corrected copy to the Diocese (maintain copy for local level) Upon receipt of your corrected report, The Office for the Protection of Children and Young People will have the data needed for the annual audit.
Remember, if you still have any questions, please contact us. • Stephen B. Williams, Director (912) 201-4073 sbwilliams@diosav.org • Joan B. Altmeyer, Safe Environment Coordinator (912) 201-4074 jbaltmeyer@diosav.org www.diosav.org/childyouthprotection Catholic Pastoral Center 601 East Liberty Street Savannah, Georgia 31401-5196 Telephone: (912) 201-4100 FAX: (912) 201-4101 Toll Free (in GA only): 888-295-7144