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Redundancy and Wordiness

Redundancy and Wordiness. What Does R & W Mean?. “Redundant phrases are those that unnecessarily repeat information,”(grockit.com) “Our rough drafts are full of extra words, because that’s the way most of us speak and think,” (ISU.edu)

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Redundancy and Wordiness

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  1. Redundancy and Wordiness

  2. What Does R & W Mean? “Redundant phrases are those that unnecessarily repeat information,”(grockit.com) “Our rough drafts are full of extra words, because that’s the way most of us speak and think,” (ISU.edu) “In both academic and business writing, conciseness is important. Concise writing expresses ideas without unnecessary wordiness. Wordiness not only increases the length of your work without adding meaning, but also makes your writing harder to understand. This (wordiness) is a natural result of trying to get your ideas down clearly on paper…” (Douglas College)
  3. How to spot redundancy? Spotting Redundancy can be TRICKY. For instance: I have to use the ATM machine, but I forgot my PIN number. machine and number ATM= Automatic Teller MACHINE PIN = Personal Identification NUMBER I have to use the ATM, but I forgot my PIN.
  4. In the beginning… Often we will begin a sentence with a phrase. In the beginning, At first, Initially, We may tend to follow this introductory phrase with a word or phrase that means the same thing. At first, I initially was afraid of flying.
  5. Super Extraordinary Modifiers! Sometimes we are so determined to find the right word(s) to describe something that we over-do it. Each and Every Uniquely different Completely done Select the word that best fits, not a combination! I worked hard on the project until I was completely done!
  6. Trying to Sound Faaaancy Sometimes we think certain phrases just sound better than the way we usually speak. during the course of regardless of the fact that due to the fact that Don’t try to overwork language. Speaking and writing should have a sense of flow. If it doesn’t, you be doin’ too much. Due to the fact that I didn’t study, I failed the test.
  7. Just Shut Up Already! Sometimes people like to talk, so they add all kinds of words that aren’t necessary! Expensive in price Heavy in weight Chances are if you’re questioning whether you need a word, you probably don’t. The new Jordan’s came out and man are they expensive in price.
  8. Therefore… Due to the fact that you just listened to this Powerpoint with your ears and probably took some notes in your notebooks, you definitely certainly should have learned a bit of knowledge about redundancy and wordiness, right?
  9. Works Cited Grockit.com. ACT English: Redundancy http://grockit.com/blog/collegeprep/2011/01/11/act-english-redundancy/. 2012. ISU.edu. Avoiding Wordiness.http://www.isu.edu/success/writing/handouts/wordiness.pdf. Fall 2008. Idaho Falls, Idaho. Douglas College Learning Center. Avoiding Wordiness.http://people.douglas.bc.ca/oltp/pdf/gr/GR8_10_Avoiding_Wordiness.pdf SparkNotes. Style.http://www.sparknotes.com/testprep/books/act/chapter6section4.rhtml. 2011.
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