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Global Chemicals Outlook Using the LIRA-Guidance for Pillar III: Instruments and Approaches

Armand Racine Consultant Chemicals Branch Division of Technology, Industry and Economics United Nations Environment Programme. Global Chemicals Outlook Using the LIRA-Guidance for Pillar III: Instruments and Approaches. Contents. The LIRA-Guidance in UNEP Chemicals Mainstreaming Programme

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Global Chemicals Outlook Using the LIRA-Guidance for Pillar III: Instruments and Approaches

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  1. Armand Racine Consultant Chemicals Branch Division of Technology, Industry and Economics United Nations Environment Programme Global Chemicals OutlookUsing the LIRA-Guidance for Pillar III: Instruments and Approaches

  2. Contents • The LIRA-Guidance in UNEP Chemicals Mainstreaming Programme • The LIRA-Guidance in the GCO • Scope and Approach of the Guidance • Content of the Guidance

  3. The LIRA-Guidance in UNEP Chemicals Mainstreaming Programme UNEP Chemicals Mainstreaming Programme: UNEP-WHO Health and Environment Strategic Alliance: Improve cross-sectoral governance for better coordination of chemicals management activities Costs of Inaction/ Global Chemicals Outlook: Raise political awareness of the need for preventive and integrated chemicals management for sustainable development UNEP-UNEP Partnership Initiative: Promote and assist the integration of chemicals management into development planning policies LIRA-Guidance: Provide practical support to policymakers on crucial elements of national legislation and institutional set-ups for achieving sound management of chemicals, including measures for financing necessary national administration supports

  4. The LIRA-Guidance in the GCO (1) Proposed chapters for Pillar III: Introduction General Instruments and Approaches Corporate and Industrial Responses National Responses International Responses Recommendations for the Way Forward LIIs key element of response at country level LIIs also enable the deployment of general instruments, corporate and international responses

  5. The LIRA-Guidance in the GCO (2) LIIs give operational reality to SMC policy Framework for key elements of SMC: Clear roles and responsibilities (incl. coordination) Risk analysis systems (i.e. assessment and labelling) Information management systems Risks management measures Liability and rehabilitation Disasters prevention and management Implementation, monitoring and enforcement mechanisms Education and information communication

  6. The LIRA-Guidance in the GCO (3) LIIs also provide framework for financing SMC: Cost sharing Public and private sectors responsibilities Allocation of mandates between administrative bodies Organisation of administration for access to national budget allocation process Cost recovery measures

  7. Scope and Approach of the Guidance (1) Scope of LIIs (SAICM) Life-cycle chemicals management (from production to disposal) Agricultural and industrial chemicals in general, including chemicals in products Approach/ Key principles of the LIRA-Guidance The review of legal and institutional infrastructures should be part of an integrated, lifecycle chemicals management strategy LIIs should provide the foundational capacity for implementation of national SMC policy Strong inter-sectoral and multi-stakeholders collaboration mechanisms for SMC should be established The review should follow a sound planning process, including sustainable financing considerations

  8. Scope and Approach of the Guidance (2) Current focus: Placement of chemicals on the market Four main tasks Obtaining information on chemicals properties, hazards and risks Disseminating information (Classification and labelling) Making informed choices (Bans and restrictions) Organizing the safe use of chemicals (licensing, authorization, registration) Flexible enabling framework for SMC Principles for the management of the marketing of chemicals are relatively similar for all categories of chemical substances/flows Enabling framework for action on life-cycle chemicals management Early step of preventive chemicals risks management target few stakeholders (Producers, importers, distributers), but impact the whole supply chain (production, uses, transport, disposal) – Cost-efficient Particularly suited for DCs and CEiTs given structure of globalised chemicals markets

  9. Scope and Approach of the Guidance (3) Objectives of the Guidance: Assist countries in reviewing legal and institutional infrastructures in a step-by-step process, with a focus on the development and financing of an action plan for national strengthening SMC regimes Propose options for organizing the legal and institutional infrastructures governing the placement of chemicals on the market, including legislation and institutional arrangements given the national context Identify the main elements that should be considered when developing or strengthening legislation governing the placement of chemicals on the market, and discuss options for addressing these elements in line with the national situation Provide tools for ensuring sustainable financing, including cost recovery measures and access to national budget allocation process

  10. Content of the Guidance (1) The components of the Guidance Process for reviewing LIIs in the national context Three national contexts for reviewing LIIs Main steps of a review process Key elements for strengthening LIIs governing the placement of chemicals on the market in different country situations Organizing LIIs in the national context Key legal instruments (laws, regulations) Organisation of requirements (consolidation, harmonisation) Organisation of national administration International dimension

  11. Content of the Guidance (2) The components of the Guidance Main considerations for legislation Purpose, objective, scope, definitions, legal principles Administration Key instruments Inspections, reporting, enforcement Confidentiality Appeals Tools for compliance promotion Transparency and communication Education and training General awareness raising

  12. Content of the Guidance (3) The components of the Guidance Sustainable financing component Costing the development or reform of LIIs Sustainable financing through cost recovery Benefits to industry Options for cost recovery systems The legal basis Targeted entities Charges/fees structure Level of charges Implementation Monitoring Revenue allocation

  13. Thank you for your attention! Armand Racine Consultant UNEP DTIE Chemicals Branch Armand.racine@unep.org +41 22 917 89 19

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