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Explore the Ukrainian Research and Academic Network (URAN) program, promoting digital connectivity and collaborations in Ukraine. Learn about regional centers, user associations, and funding sources driving the development of internet infrastructure in the country.
` 1993 The order of the President of Ukraine “On the State Policy of Information in Ukraine“ August 2000 - The order of the President of Ukraine on Internet development in Ukraine The State Programme of informatisation in Ukraine
Regional Centres of URAN, Regional Access nodes and distance learning Centres Main disributed operational URAN Centre (Kiev) Universities Campus nodes and networks, electron libraries, webservers, FTP, DBA servers
Internet exchange point IX-UA –10 Mbps 2 Internet satellite channels 1,2Mbps 2 Internet satellite channels 2Mbps Chernigiv Житомир Sumy Lutsk Rivne Kyiv Kharkiv RC Lugansk Western RC UARnet, Lviv Khmelnitskiy Poltava Ternopil Cherkasy Dnipropetrovsk RC Ivano-Frankivsk Vinnitsa Kirovograd Uzhgorod Donetsk RC Chernivtsi Zaporizhzhe Kriviy Rig Mariupol Regional centres Mikolayiv Active regional nodes Digital TDM channels 64-128 кbps Digital TDM channels 256-2048 кbps Kherson Odesa RC Frame Relay 128 kbps Crimea RC Simferopol Analog channels 3000 bps Plan for 2003 Perspective 2003-2004 Sevastopol URAN structure map March 2003
New Services and possibilities • Distance learning • video conferencing • distance medical research and diagnostic • physical and biology researches • supercomputer resource sharing • direct broadband connection with more than 3000 science and education institutes in Europe and America
Universities Assembly ResearchInstitutes of NASU GeneralCouncil TechnicalCommittee Center for EuropeanIntegration (Kiev) Main URAN Centre RCKiev RC Donetsk RC Dnepropetrovsk RC Lviv RC Kharkiv RC Odessa Regional centers Organizational structure of URAN
URAN: foundators (1997) • TU Kiev Polytechnical Institute • TU Kharkov Polytechnical Institute • Odessa Politechnical University • University «Lvivska Politekhnika» • Mine Academy, Dnipropetrovsk • TU Donetsk • International vocational training centre of UNESCO for Information Technology and Systems, Kiev
Centre for European Integration – official operator of URAN In 1997 Presidium of NAS of Ukraine andBoard of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine have decreed to found The Ukrainian Research and Academic Network User АssociationandCentre for European Integrationfor coordination of works for its creation
Centre for European Integration – official operator of URAN Joint Decree of National Academy of Sciences and Board of Ministry of Education of Ukraine
URAN external funds 1998 – 2002 National infomatisation programme NATO grants 1998 2001 300 000 UAH 150 000 $ 200 000 UAH 100 000 $ 150 000 $ 1999 2000 2002
Ukraine Research and Educational Network, carrying funding Reginal Users Regional Regional NATO Science nodes Users for Peace Regional Programme Users equipment services Ukraine State Channels Tempus Tacis Channel discount Programme Incomming training State budget expenditure 50% 15% 35% Internet Management Channel Internal Channels
GEANT multi-gigabit pan-European research network
Chernigiv Zhitomyr Sumy Lutsk Rivne Kyiv Kharkiv RC Lugansk Western RC UARnet, Lviv Khmelnitskiy Poltava Ternopil Cherkasy Dnipropetrovsk RC Ivano-Frankivsk Vinnitsa Kirovograd Uzhgorod Donetsk RC Chernivtsi Zaporizhzhe Kriviy Rig Mariupol Regional centres Mikolayiv Active regional nodes Digital ATM channels > 8 Mbps Digital Frame-Relay channels > 4 Mbps Kherson Odesa RC TDM channels 2048 kbps Crimea RC Simferopol Frame Relay (TDM) 128-2048 kbps Perspective nodes Sevastopol Backbone bandwidth widening
Sebastopol (2, 8) * Sumy (3, 7) Vinnitsa (3, 9) Cherkassy (2, 8) Nikolaev (3, 12) Khmelnitsky (1,10) Kherson (3, 14) Mariupol (2, 3) Kirovograd (3, 8) Kryvyi-Rig (2, 10) Poltava (2, 8) Chernovtsy (8, 2) Zhitomir (2, 8) New regional nodes creation There is need to connect to URAN 13 towns - regional centres: *)(X, Y) - high level accreditation (X) and total (Y) q-ty of universities in regional town
URAN perspectives • New regional nodes creation • Backbone bandwidth widening • User connection bandwidth widening to 10 Mbps and more • New Services implementation • To GEANT access
Backbone bandwidth widening • ATM/FR Ukrtelecom network utilisation for URAN long-distance broadband connection > 8Mbps • ATM connection implementation between 7-th RC • Development optical city networks for last mile connections
User connection bandwidth widening • Development optical city networks • laying city optical dark lines • microwave channels with directional antennas as first step
Thanks for attention Yuriy Yakimenko YIY@ntu-kpi.kiev.ua • URAN co-ordinating council head Vladimir TimofeevTimof@ntu-kpi.kiev.ua • URAN co-ordinating council head deputy Mikhail Dombrougov mido@uran.net.ua • URAN co-ordinating council science secretary Vladimir Galagangal@uran.net.ua • URAN technical committee head