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MILITIA OF UKRAINE. Militia is assigned to provide a creative and effective functioning of reliable mechanism to protect a person, his life, dignity, honour, property, rights and freedoms, interests and environment. Тhe Law of Ukraine «On Militia».
Militia is assigned to provide a creative and effective functioning of reliable mechanism to protect a person, his life, dignity, honour, property, rights and freedoms, interests and environment.
Тhe Law of Ukraine «On Militia» • was approved оn the 20th of December, 1990. In accordance with the Ukrainian legislation the militia is the state armed agency of the executive power
forms and methods The most important forms and methods of the Ukrainian militia according to the new tasks imposed by the modern situation are: • securing human rights; • preventing violent crimes; • combating organized crime and banditry; • counteracting criminal elements; • guarding property against criminal and administrative encroachments; • protecting business activities and creating favourable conditions to attract foreign investments into the state economy.
missions Dealers of the criminal world consider the territory of Ukraine to be a profitable ground for distribution of drugs and firearms, criminal money laundering. In order to counteract these phenomena Ukraine has integrated into the Interpol structures, joined a number of European Conventions on criminal court proceedings. All the above contributes to prestige of the State and gives the Ukrainian militia other opportunities to combat international criminal gangs.
Being a part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. • Militia is composed of the following subdivisions: • Criminal Militia; • Militia of Public Safety; • Transport Militia; • State Traffic Inspection; • State Guard Service; • Specialized Militia Service.
The characteristic feature of the militia in Ukraine • is the centralized structural organisation of its departments which corresponds to three levels of management in the Internal Affairs agencies, namely: • general state level - the corresponding departments in the MIA; • regional level - Militia Departments of the Crimean Autonomous Republic within the MIA of Ukraine, Regional Departments of Internal Affairs and in such cities as Kyiv and Sevastopol; and on transport; • local level - militia subdivisions in districts, city departments of Internal Affairs and transport militia units.
The staff of militia is composed of personnel serving in militia who has special militia ranks. Recruitment to militia is done on a voluntary basis. It enrolls persons over 18 years of age who by their qualities, education and state of health are able to perform the duties vested in them. • There are 16 higher educational institutions in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. • The main educational establishments are the National Academy of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv, the Kharkiv University of Internal Affairs, the Law University in Kharkiv.