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Neutrino Astrophysics: PeV to ZeV (with some whacky particle physics). Tom Weiler -- Vanderbilt University & CERN *. For the viewing pleasure of Alan, the only person to make me regret that I don’t play (cough) golf!. * thanks Alan, and Francis.
Neutrino Astrophysics: PeV to ZeV(with some whacky particle physics) • Tom Weiler • -- Vanderbilt University & CERN* For the viewing pleasure of Alan, the only person to make me regret that I don’t play (cough) golf! * thanks Alan, and Francis Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Neutrinos versusCosmic-Rays and Photons ns come from central engines - near Rs of massive BHs - even from dense “hidden” sources cf. ns vs. gs from the sun ns not affected by cosmic radiation (except for annihilation resonance) ns not bent by magnetic fields - enables neutrino astronomy Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Cosmic Photo- Proto-Spectra SN87a sun Neutrino Incognito hadron wall? no wall a’tall Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Extreme Energy (EE) Neutrino Sources: Bottom-Up “Zevatrons” - givens Cosmogenics ~1019 eV · AGNs · GRBs · Hidden vs. Transparent (the thick/thin debate) Top-Down “EE-trons” - ?? · Topological Defects · Wimpzillas, M ~H(post-inflation) ~1022 eV · Msee-saw ~ 1023 eV · MGUT ~ 1025 eV · And even MPlanck ~ 1028 eV Other: - ???? Mirror-Matter mixing Multiverse Leakage Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
HiRes vs. AGASA UHE spectrum FlysEye event goes here discovery opportunity GZK recovery ? Z-burst discovery ? EUSO reach x 103 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
nHAS event rate Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Size matters EUSO ~ 300 x AGASA ~ 10 x Auger EUSO (Instantaneous) ~3000 x AGASA ~ 100 x Auger Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
“clear moonless nights” Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
“Essentially Guaranteed”Xgal Cosmogenic n Flux Cosmogenic n’s: Fn(Ep/5/4) = Fp(E>5 1019) x 20 graphs from Semikoz and Sigl Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
for comparison, AGN and Z-burst fluxes an AGN prediction and Z-burst fit Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Present and Imminent Limits on Neutrino Flux Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Model Neutrino Fluxes and Future Limits Eberle, Ringwald, Song, TJW Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
EE Neutrinos are young Consider a 1020 eV neutrino. Lorentz factor = 1021 for mn = 0.1 eV. Age of Uni is 1018 sec, But age of n is 1018/1021 sec = 1 millsec ! And it doesn’t even see the stream of radiation rushing past it – untouched ! Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Resonant Neutrino Annihilation Mean-Free-Path From Fargion, Mele, Salis l=(nn sn)-1 = 40 DH/h70 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Escher’s Angels and Devils” Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Z-bursts TJW, 1982; Revival – 1997 ~ 50 Mpc Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Neutrino mass-spectroscopy: absorption and emission Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
It “probably” looks something like this m3 Dm223 ~ 2.5 x 10-3 eV2 m2 Dm212 ~ 7 x 10-5 eV2 m1 nm ne nt What we think we know about neutrino mass Log m2 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
zmax=2, 5, 20 (top to bottom), n-a=2 (bottom-up acceleration) Eberle, Ringwald, Song, TJW, 2004 n-mass spectroscopy Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Dips & sobering realism • hidden MX=4 1014 and 1016 GeV, • to explain >GZK w/ Z-bursts; • mass = 0.2 (0.4) eV - dashed (solid); Error bars – per energy decade, by 2013, for flux saturating present limits Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Fitted Z-burst (Emission) Flux Gelmini, Varieschi, TJW Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Nu-mass limit for Z-burst fitted to EECRs Gelmini, Varieschi, TJW Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Neutrino Mass tomography in the Local Super-galactic Cluster (Fodor, Katz, Ringwald) Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Upward and Horizontal Air-shower Rates Versus Neutrino Cross-section Kusenko, TJW HAS UAS Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Earth Absorption versus Neutrino Cross-Section Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Can’t Lose Thm Whatever the weak cross-section, get robust event rate from HAS or UAS! and Get measurement of neutrino cross-section (peak angle also gives snN) Kusenko, TJW hep-ph/ Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
The “Learned Plot” Oscillation phase is . ( L dm2 / 4 En ) Figure parameterized by dm2 / (eV)2 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Neutrino Decay -- Models, Signatures, and Reach P(survive)= e –t/t = e –(L/E)(m/t0) Beacom, Bell, Hooper, Pakvasa, TJW Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
PMNS neutrino-mixing matrix Weak-interaction and mass “vectors” point differently: |nk>=Uki |ni>, or Uki = <ni | nk> = <nk | ni>* Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
The cosmicnflavor-mixing thm If theta32 is maximal (it is), And if Re(Ue3) is minimal (it is), Then nm and nt equilibrate; Further, if initial ne flux is 1/3 (as from pion-muon decay chain), Then all three flavors equilibrate. ne:nm:nt = 1 : 1 : 1 at Earth Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
AMANDA/IceCube nm event Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Flavor ratio Topology ratio Map Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Sensitivity of n1 flavor-projection to MNS parameters Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Final “remark”:Is anyone driving to/by Nottingham East Midlands airport tomorrow morning?I could use a ride.Thank you. Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
1991 Fly’s Eye reports 3x1020 eV, with proton-like profile; Akeno/AGASA Xpt begins 1993 Baikal sees underwater neutrinos mid-90s DUMAND taken off life-support 90s SuperK neutrinos from the sun (directional astro) 1996 AGASA reports event clustering within 2.50 ang. res’n and: F(E 1020 eV) ~ 1/km2/century, withshower diameter ~ 5km, N(e) ~ 1011 2000 20 events at and above 1020 eV 2001 HiRes withdraws 7 events;AGASA adds 6 (from z > 45o); And the controversy has begun! Importantly, Auger gets first “light” 2002 AMANDA pushes to 1014 eV thru-Earth neutrinos 2005 Auger expected to go public Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
CR Spectrum above a TeV from Tom Gaisser VLHC (100 TeV)2 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Hillas Plot -- coherence length= B x L Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Orbiting Wide-angle Lens (OWL) 3000 events/year above 1020eV and UHE Neutrinos! Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
WINDOWS on the UNIVERSE Crab Nebula Stars & Galaxies Galaxy Clusters Big Bang Planets Black Holes Neutron Stars Distant Galaxies Gamma Ray Bursts 10-3 1 103 106 109 1012 Limited Vision E L E C T R O M A G N E T I C S P E C T R U M Radio -wave IR /Visible/ UV X-rays -rays VHE -rays Accelerators Reactors, Nuclear Decays N E U T R I N O S P E C T R U M 10-3 1 103 106 109 1012 1015 1018 1021eV Sun Crab Nebula Produced by New Particles Atmospheric Neutrinos Big Bang Stars Dark Matter Produced by Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays Neutron Stars Supermassive Black Holes Supernovae Gamma Ray Bursts Underground Lab IceCube Auger EUSO radio From Turner & Olinto Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
EUSO • Hundredth anniversary of V. Hess • – EUSO finishes three-year data-taking FOV = 2 105 km2, Aperture = 106 km2 sr, and 2 teratons of visible mass Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
“Essentially Guaranteed” High-Energy Galactic Neutrino Flux ctn = 10 kpc (En / EeV) and En/ En ~ Q / mn ~ 0.8 x 10-3 En ~ PeV, for En ~ EeV Anchordoqui, Goldberg, Halzen, TJW; hep-ph/0311002 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
“More Guaranteed” Comparing to “guaranteed” cosmogenic flux, Galactic beam (here) is higher ! a signal in a km3. So, atmos background in 1o circle is just 1.5events/yr, 3.5 events offers 95% CL detection in 1 yr; Calculated signal is 4 nm /yr and 16 ne+nt showers/yr. Conclude that in a few years, IceCube attains 5s discovery sensitivity for Fe n ne nm, Providing “smoking ice” for GP neutron hypothesis. Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Schematic: AGN Unified Source Model • annotated by M. Voit Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
The TeV g-ray -- PeV n connection A handful of TeV g-ray emitters have been identified, all of the BL-Lac class, with a relativistic jet slightly off-set from the line of sight. Two principle production mechanisms: Electrons: synchrotron on magnetic field, or inverse Compton on gamma’s; Hadrons: pion production off g’s and nucleons, with p0 g g (and p+/- 2 nm+ ne + e ) Only the latter accommodates production of observed CRs ! In the Unified Source Model, BL-Lacs, FR-I’s, … are all Accreting Super-Massive Black Holes Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Nearest are Cen-A (3.4 Mpc) in South and M87 (16 Mpc) in North Ergo, may be the best candidate Xgal neutrino sources The n-mixing thm predicts a nearly equal flux for each flavor “j”, normalized to the g-ray flux as (factor 2 from scaling energy bin) The resulting n flux on Earth from Cen-A during a bursting phase (~ yr, Narrabri 4.5s, 1970s) is Prediction: Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
And for M87: • From HEGRA, 4.1s, 98-99 • Consistent with Cen-A and 1/r2 • ~ 2 events/yr in IceCube, similar to atmospheric background The diffuse flux on Earth then follows: leadingto: between bursts. Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Auger neutrons form Cen-A Since ctn = 0.9 Mpc E20, Neutron survival probability from Cen-A = e –3.8/E20 = 2% at 1020 eV = 15% at 2 1020 eV = 1/e at 3.8 1020 eV Maybe 2 evts/yr at Auger, more at EUSO, with Glennys’ flux (Farrar-Piran) Anchordoqui, Goldberg, TJW; hep-ph/01 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
m3 m3 m2 m2 m1 m1 nm ne nt Or maybe … It looks like this Log m2 Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Dirac neutrino vs Majorana neutrino • Majorana Dirac Lorentz Boost, E, B C P T C P T So is a Dirac just two Majoranas? Yes, iff the two Majoranas are mass-degenerate and have opposite CP parity Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN
Pseudo-Dirac Mass Spectrum Beacom, Bell, Hooper, Learned, Pakvasa, TJW Tom Weiler, Vanderbilt & CERN