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Ih Hnoi Nyei Zunh Doz Waac. Sunday/April 20,2014. Servant Leadership Zoux Bou Nyei Bieiv. Mark 10:35-45 = Maako 10:35-45.
Ih Hnoi Nyei Zunh Doz Waac Sunday/April 20,2014 Servant Leadership Zoux Bou Nyei Bieiv Mark 10:35-45 = Maako 10:35-45
35 Se^mbe^ndi nyei i dauh dorn, Yaagorpc caux Yo^han, daaih lorz Yesu yaac gorngv, "Sai-Diex aah! Yie mbuo oix meih ei jienv yie mbuo tov nyei waac zoux." 36 Yesu dau, "Meih mbuo oix yie tengx meih mbuo zoux haaix nyungc?" 35 Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him. "Teacher," they said, "we want you to do for us whatever we ask." 36 "What do you want me to do for you?" he asked. (NIV)
37 Ninh mbuo dau, "Meih faaux weic zoux hungh duqv njang-laangc wuov zanc, tov bun yie mbuo zueiz dauh meih nyei mbiaauc maengx, zueiz dauh meih nyei zaaix maengx oc." 37 They replied, "Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory." (NIV)
38 Yesu mbuox ninh mbuo, "Meih mbuo tov nyei meih mbuo maiv hiuv. Meih mbuo haih hopv dongh yie oix zuqc hopv wuov norm zaanv fai? Meih mbuo haih jiex dongh yie oix zuqc jiex wuov nyungc leiz fai?" 38 "You don't know what you are asking," Jesus said. "Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with? (NIV)
39 Ninh mbuo dau, "Yie mbuo haih nyei." Yesu mbuox ninh mbuo, "Yie hopv nyei zaanv meih mbuo za'gengh oix zuqc hopv. Yie jiex nyei leiz meih mbuo za'gengh oix zuqc jiex. 39 "We can," they answered. Jesus said to them, "You will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with, (NIV)
40 Mv baac yie maiv maaih leiz paaiv haaix dauh zueiz yie nyei mbiaauc maengx fai zaaix maengx. Tin-Hungh liuc leiz ziangx bun haaix dauh zueiz, wuov deix duqv zueiz aqv." 40 but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared." (NIV)
41 Wuov deix ziepc dauh sai-gorx haiz liuz naaiv deix sic, ziouc qiex jiez Yaagorpc caux Yo^han. 41 When the ten heard about this, they became indignant with James and John. (NIV)
42 Yesu heuc ninh mbuo yietc zungv daaih nzoih yaac gorngv, "Meih mbuo hiuv duqv Janx funx zoux ninh mbuo nyei domh jien wuov deix longc hatc maaz gunv ninh mbuo. Zoux hlo wuov deix longc hatc maaz hatc ninh mbuo. 42 Jesus called them together and said, "You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. (NIV)
43 Mv baac, meih mbuo maiv horpc zuqc hnangv naaic. Haaix dauh oix duqv zoux hlo, wuov dauh oix zuqc zoux meih mbuo nyei bou. 44 Haaix dauh oix zoux hlo jiex, wuov dauh oix zuqc zoux zuangx mienh nyei nouh. 43 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 44 and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. (NIV)
45 Weic zuqc liemh yie, Baamh Mienh nyei Dorn, maiv zeiz daaih oix mienh fu-sux yie. Yie daaih fu-sux mienh yaac siev yie nyei maengc weic zuoqc mienh camv nzuonx." 45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.“ (NIV)
Biux Mengh Waac IntroductionYiem naaiv douc Ging-Sou Ziouv Yesu njaaux taux zoux bieiv mienh nyei juoqv setv fiem-fingx jauv hnangv haaix nor. Ziouv Yesu gorngv, mbuo maiv zeiz ndorqc mienh yiem ninh mbuo maaih mbuoqc ziex dauh bou, mv baac mbuo ndorqc yiem ninh mbuo duqv fuh sux jiex mbuoqc ziex dauh mienh. In this passages of Scripture, Jesus is teaching about the leadership character and attitudes. Jesus said, we are not measure people how many servant they have, but we measure how many people they served.
I. Mienh Hnamv Dorngc Taux Zoux Bieiv Nyei Jauv. People Miss Understood The Leadership Role (vv. 35-41). Yaagorpc caux Yo^han tov Yesu gorngv, “Meih faaux weic zoux hungh duqv njang-laangc wuov zanc, tov bun yie mbuo zueiz dauh meih nyei mbiaauc maengx, zueiz dauh meih nyei zaaix maengx oc.” James and John said to Jesus, "Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory."
A. Fuh sux mienh nyei bieiv dongh Yesu gorngv yiem kuv fienx sou wuov, aqc duqv haih lorz duqv buatc yiem ih jaax hnoi nyei jiu-bang, dongh gauh camv nyei Giduc mienh kungx gorngv taux hnangv haaix nor haih duqv zoux maaih mengh dauh mengh hoc wuov nyungc bieiv hnangv. Maiv haiz gorngv mbuo hnangv haaix nor haih fuh sux ganh dauh mienh. A. The servant leader that Jesus said in the four gospels, is difficult to find in our day among our Christian community, because most people talk about how to be a great leader and their reputation. We never heard people talk about how to serve others.
B. Mbuo maiv dungx hnangv Yu^ndaatc I^saa^kaa^li^otc wuov nor gan Yesu. Don’t follow Jesus as Judas Iscariot. (1) Ninh laaic duqv gan Yesu haih duqv put zoih. He thought to follow Jesus can get rich. (2) Bieqc hnyouv dorngc taux zoux bieiv nyei jauv. Miss understood about the leadership role.
(3) Maiv kangv goiv hnyouv guangc zuiz. Refused to repent. (4) Mingh caux win-wangv zoux doic.Made friend with enemies. (5) Mauv nyaanh maaic Yesu. Greedy for money and sold Jesus.
Yesu mbuox ninh mbuo, “Meih mbuo tov nyei meih mbuo maiv hiuv. Meih mbuo haih hopv dongh yie oix zuqc hopv wuov norm zaanv fai? Meih mbuo haih jiex dongh yie oix zuqc jiex wuov nyungc leiz fai?” (vv.38). "You don't know what you are asking," Jesus said. "Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?” (vs. 38) (NIV)
Ninh mbuo dau, “Yie mbuo haih nyei.” They answered , “we can.” Naaiv deix i muoz nyunc diev kouv naanc se weic oix duqv zueiz Yesu nyei mbiaauc maengx caux zaaix maengx nyei weic. Se maiv zeiz weic zien fuh sux Yesu, se weic hnamv oix zueiz Yesu nyei weic. This two brothers willing to suffer for exchange the throne of Jesus. They were not sincerely to served Him.
Mbuo ih jaax nyei mienh fih hnangv nyei, fuh sux Yesu nyei jauv se weic oix duqv mengh dauh mengh hoc nyei jauv hnangv. In our day is the same way, people served Jesus for reputation and prizes.
Mbuo ih jaax nyei jiu-bang yaac fih hnangv nyei buangv nzengc Yaagorpc caux Yo^han, yaac hungx jienv mingh zorqv, caux huaax lorz zoux hlo nyei mengh, ngorc oix duqv mengh dauh mengh hoc. In our day is the same way, the church is full of James and John, seeking and chasing the reputation and greedy for prizes.
Dorh yiem baamh gen lorz duqv nyei daaih zoux bouc ndorqc ninh mbuo nyei maengc. Haaix zanc yaac mbeix jienv mbeix yiem maiv haih dingh. Bring the worldly thing to measure their lives. Also dreaming and seeking for the throne none stop.
Yiem zoux bieiv mienh nyei sou gorngv, “oix zuqc faix taux ih jaax hnoi nyei zoux bieiv mienh. In the leadership book says, “Be aware of today’s leaders.” (1) Dongh maiv zeiz dorh mienh daaih lorz Tin-Hungh mv baac weic bun ganh duqv taaih faaux wuov deix. The one who did not lead people to God, but seeking the honor and reputation for themselves. (2) Weic duqv hinc cong-mengh hlang jiex benx nernh jiex wuov norm hleix. The one who wants to show off as the mighty one and the higher star.
(3) Ninh mbuo buatc zoux Yesu nyei sai-gorx benx saaix mengh dauh mengh hoc nyei jauv, benx lengc jeiv haic nyei qangx. They saw to be a disciples of Jesus is the special time to show off their wisdom and knowledge. (4) Ninh mbuo mauv Yesu haih tengx ninh mbuo duqv dongh ninh mbuo mauv nyei. They hope that Jesus can help them to get reach the point they are dreaming. (5) Hnamv jienv ninh mbuo haih duqv Ziouv nyei mengh hoc.Hope that they can get the honor of lordship.
Da’yietv zangv #1: Baamh gen nyei bieiv se mv zeiz dongh Ziouv Yesu gorngv wuov nyungc bieiv. vs. 42 Point #1: The world’s view of leadership, is not Jesus’ definition (vs. 42)
Yesu gorngv, “Meih mbuo hiuv duqv Janx funx zoux ninh mbuo nyei domh jien wuov deix maaih hatc maaz gunv ninh mbuo. Zoux hlo wuov deix maaih lingc hatc ninh mbuo.” (vs.42) Jesus said, "You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them.” (vs.23)
Zorqv Nyungc Zeiv – For Examples “Bide daaih taux An^ti^okc Zingh wuov zanc, yie doix hmien gorngv ninh weic zuqc ninh za'gengh zoux dorngc. (Gaa^laa^tie 2:11) “When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong.” (Galatians 2:11)
“Yaagorpc paaiv daaih nyei mienh maiv gaengh taux, Bide zanc-zanc caux Janx juangc nyanc juangc hopv. Mv baac wuov deix mienh daaih taux, ninh ziouc simv nqoi, maiv caux Janx aqv, weic zuqc ninh gamh nziex oix aapv Janx jiex gaatv nyei leiz wuov deix mienh.” (Gaa^laa^tie 2:12) “Before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group.”
Da’nyeic zangv #2: Fuh sux mienh nyei jauv se benx bouc ndorqc mbuo Giduc mienh nyei bieiv zeiv. Point #2: Servicing others is the measure of Christian leadership (vv. 43-44)
“Haaix dauh oix zoux hlo jiex, wuov dauh oix zuqc zoux zuangx mienh nyei nouh.” (Maako 10:44) “And whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.” (Mark 10:44)
Martin Luther King Jr. gorngv "Meih mbuo dauh dauh haih duqv zoux hlo nyei weic zuqc meih mbuo haih fuh sux nyei.“ Martin Luther King Jr. said, “All of you can be the greater, because all of you can serve.
Da’faam zangv # 3: Zien fuh sux nyei bieiv se dongh ei jienv Ziouv Yesu nyei nyungc zeiv zoux wuov deix (v. 45) Point #3: Truth Servant leadership is modeled after Jesus’ behavior (v. 45)
Yesu zoux nyungc zeiv taux zoux bou nyei bieiv hnangv haaix nor: Jesus set an example about the servant leadership:
“Ninh ziouc yiem wuov dieh jiez sin daaih jaiv ga'nyiec wuov yiemc lui, zorqv siqc jaauv sai jienv, yaac zorqv wuom dox jienv bunh, njiec buoz tengx sai-gorx mbuo nzaaux zaux. Nzaaux liuz, ninh longc sai jienv wuov kuaaiv siqc jaauv sortv nqaai.” (Yo^han 13:4-5) “So he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.” (John 13:4-5)
“Yie zoux nyungc zeiv bun meih mbuo zuotc. Yie hnangv haaix nor tengx meih mbuo zoux liuz, meih mbuo yaac oix zuqc hnangv wuov nor zoux. 16 Yie gorngv zien mbuox meih mbuo, bou maiv gauh hlo ziouv. Paaiv mingh nyei mienh maiv gauh hlo paaiv ninh mingh wuov dauh.” (Yo^han 13:15-16) “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 16 I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.” (John 13:15-16).
“Yie zoux nyungc zeiv bun meih mbuo zuotc. Yie hnangv haaix nor tengx meih mbuo zoux liuz, meih mbuo yaac oix zuqc hnangv wuov nor zoux (Yo^han 13:15) Jesus said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you (John 13:15)
II. Fuh sux mienh nyei bieiv longc naaiv deix 6 nyungc za'eix dorh mienh. The Servant leadership use this 6 methods to lead people.
1. Fuh sux nyei bieiv se longc jiu tong nyei za’eix dorh mienh, maiv zeiz longc hatc maaz aapv mienh. The servant leader use the communication to lead people, not to use the force to make people do things.
2. Fuh sux nyei bieiv longc dengv mienh nyei za’eix dorh, maiv zeiz gunv mienh. The servant leader use motivation to lead people, not ruled over the people.
3. Fuh sux nyei bieiv ceix jiex ganh dauh bieiv daaih tengx jienv zoux gong, maiv zeiz ganh caangv zoux nzengc nyungc-nyungc. Dongh nyungc-nyungc ganh oix zoux nzengc nyei mienh benx dux-caix-zuv (dictator). The servant leader is to build or edified the others up to help, not do everything by himself or herself. The person who wants to do everything is a dictator.
5. Fuh sux nyei bieiv zoux weic hnamv mienh nyei jauv, maiv zeiz zoux weic duqv zoux gauh hlo mienh fai zoux weic duqv mengh dauh. The servant leader work for the love, not work for the reputation or to be the greater than others.
6. Fuh sux nyei bieiv mauv oix buatc mienh jorm hnyouv hnamv Tin-Hungh, se maiv zeiz mauv oix duqv mienh taaih. The servant leader wants to see people love God and faithful to serve, not desire for honor.
Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion Meih jorm hnyouv nyei fuh sux ganh dauh fai? Se gorngv mbuo jorm hnyouv fuh sux mbuo nyei jiu-bang doic nor: Do you eager to serve others? If we are zealous to serve our church members:
1. Ceix jiu-bang doic faaux. Build the church members up. 2. Orn hnyouv ninh mbuo caux jienv zoux gong. Encourage them to work together. 3. Yienz ninh mbuo yangh gan Tin-Hungh nyei waac. Lead them to follow God words.
4. Maiv zeiz kungx ginv dauh baav ganh nyei mienh hnangv. Do not only choose some one who related to you. 5. Lorz jauv ceix dauh dauh jiu baang mienh daaih tengx jienv fuh sux Tin-Hungh. Find the way to help every members to help serving God together. 6. Njaaux zien Tin-Hungh nyei waac bun jiu-baang doic. Teach the truth word of God to the church members.
“Haaix dauh oix duqv zoux hlo, wuov dauh oix zuqc zoux meih mbuo nyei bou. Haaix dauh oix zoux hlo jiex, wuov dauh oix zuqc zoux zuangx mienh nyei nouh.” (Maako 10:43-44). “Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.” (Mark 10:43-44)