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Strategic Writer Unit D Block GT. Mrs. Demos 2011-2012. Drill 4 9/6. Take out binder, paper, dividers Homework: Parts of Speech Review Objective: TSWBAT organize binders in order to find materials as needed for assignments, class activities, and review.
Strategic Writer UnitD Block GT Mrs. Demos 2011-2012
Drill 4 9/6 • Take out binder, paper, dividers • Homework: Parts of Speech Review • Objective: TSWBAT organize binders in order to find materials as needed for assignments, class activities, and review. • Drill: Category Yellow (talk about the assignment). Answer in complete sentences. • Based on the opening week lesson, what does it mean to be accountable for your learning? • Include examples of being accountable.
Setting up your binder As long as you are working, Category Green • Make sure your first and last name and block can be seen. • Label dividers: Drills, Literature, Grammar, Vocabulary, Writer’s Workshop • Put dividers in notebook. • Put paper in each section. • Grade Sheet • Partner Clock
Letter to yourself Category Red—Independent Work For the rest of class you will think about your goal and where you are. You will write a letter to yourself about 8th grade. • What do you see as happening? • What do you like to do? • Who are your friends? • What will you accomplish this year?
Drill 5 9/7 • Take your parts of speech review out. • Homework: Find an example of good word choice in a song, poem, or book that you are familiar with. Remember to cite your source. Be prepared to explain your choice. • Objective: TSWBAT explain the 6+1 Writer’s Traits through a review activity in order to effectively use the writer’s traits when composing and presenting information. • Drill: Category Yellow • With your team identify as many of the 6+1 Writer’s Traits as you can. Define them if possible.
Drill 6 9/8 • Take out word choice homework • Homework: Read for 30 minutes • Objective: TSWBAT explain the 6+1 Writer’s Traits through a review activity in order to effectively use the writer’s traits when composing and presenting information. • Drill: Category Yellow Focus on Word Choice • With your team create a list of words that are boring and general. Words that you should try to avoid in your writing.
Drill 7 9/12 • Homework: Continue research on phrases. Presentations 9/14. Quiz 9/16 • Objective: TSWBAT recognize phrases in order to compose more detailed sentences. • Drill:Category Yellow Identify the underlined phrase and write a sentence that imitates the sentence. • Rainsford, reclining in a steamer chair, indolently puffed on his favorite brier. • (Richard Connell, The Most Dangerous Game)
Answer Drill 7 • Rainsford, reclining in a steamer chair, indolently puffed on his favorite brier. • (Richard Connell, The Most Dangerous Game) • A participial phrase is a group of words consisting of a participle (verb ending in –ing or –ed) and the modifier(s) and/or (pro)noun(s) or noun phrase(s) that function as the direct object(s), indirect object(s), or complement(s) of the action or state expressed in the participle. • Often set off with commas.
Phrase Practice • Write a sentence with a participial phrase for this picture. Ravens 35 Steelers 7 Seven turnovers See you in November.
Drill 8 9/13 • Homework: Complete Phrase Review Research. Presentations on 9/14. Quiz 9/16 • Objective: TSWBAT recognize phrases in order to compose more detailed sentences. • Drill: Identify the participial phrase. Add an appositive phrase. • Inspirited by this wind of promise, my day dreams become more fervent and vivid. • (Mary Shelley, Frankenstein)
Drill 9 9/14 • Homework: Collect and bring in a favorite quote, interesting picture, headline, or list of ideas. (Be prepared to glue this into your journal.) Phrase quiz 9/16. • Objective: TSWBAT apply and demonstrate listening skills appropriately in a variety of settings and for a variety of purposes in order to construct meaning. • Drill: Take out your materials and make any final adjustments to your phrase and grammar lessons. Be ready to present.
Drill 10 9/16 • Homework: Review phrases and parts of speech notes. Quiz on 9/19. • Objective: TSWBAT use writing-to-learn strategies such as dialectic journals, quickwrites, and mindmaps to make connections between learning and prior knowledge in order to develop strategies for writing. • Drill: Take out your homework and write about why you choose the item you did for your journal.
Drill 11 9/19 • Homework: Absolute Phrase Handout Objective: TSWBAT use writing-to-learn strategies to make connections between learning and prior knowledge in order to develop strategies for writing. Drill: Category Yellow Take out phrase and parts of speech notes and prepare for the quiz. You may test each other.
Drill 12 9/20 • Take out absolute phrase handout • Homework: Hunter/Hunted BCR Quiz 9/26 • Objective: TSWBAT annotate a text in order to create meaning and understanding when reading. • Drill: : Category Yellow • View the painting “The Hungry Lion” by Henry Rousseau. • Describe the emotions of the hunter and of the hunted. • Write in complete sentences.
Drill 13 9/22 Take out Hunter/Hunted BCR Homework: MDG Vocabulary • Objective: TSWBAT analyze the events of the plot: exposition, rising action, climax, and resolution in order to understand and interpret the text. • Drill: Mood is the emotional responseofthe audience to a piece of art. View the picture on the next slide, identify the mood you feel and explain why the image conveys this mood.
Drill 14 9/23 • Take out MDG vocabulary homework • Homework: Study for Point of View Quiz 9/26 • Objective: TSWBAT identify point of view in order to further understand the text. • Drill: What one word would you use to describe Sanger Rainsford? Explain your answer. (Refer to the book if you need to.)
Point of View • Point of View • First Person: The speaker is I. Told from the point of view of one person in the story. • Second Person: The speaker is you. • Third Person: The speaker or narrator tells the point of view of one character. • Third Person Omniscient: Speaker knows what all characters are thinking and feeling. • What is the point of view of the Most Dangerous Game--Support your answer with information from the text.