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What is a Behavioral Emergency Report? BER. A document that contains specific demographic information about the pupil and clear descriptions of the incident, emergency interventions used, whether the student has a BIP (BSP) and details of any injuries. This must be completed ?immediately" followin
1. Butte County SELPA:Behavioral Emergency and Incident Reports Prepared by:
Gail Cafferata, SELPA Program Specialist
2. What is a Behavioral Emergency Report?BER A document that contains specific demographic information about the pupil and clear descriptions of the incident, emergency interventions used, whether the student has a BIP (BSP) and details of any injuries.
This must be completed “immediately” following the application of an emergency intervention [§3052(i)(5)(A-E)]
Behavioral Emergency Reports must be maintained in the individual’s file.
3. What is a Behavioral Incident Report?BIR A method for LEA’s to document student behavioral incidents that do not require the use of non-violent physical crisis interventions.
Safety techniques may have been used.
The purpose of documenting behavioral incidents is to maintain data on a student’s behavioral performance in order to develop timely positive behavioral supports if indicated.
Behavioral Incident Reports are not referred to in code.
4. Which Form to Use: For emergencies the Butte County SELPA Behavior Emergency Form/BER is used in all districts.
The SELPA Behavior Emergency Form may be used as an incident report by simply checking, at the top of the form, that the behavior being documented is an incident rather than an emergency.
However, please consult your district administrator to determine what form your district uses to document behavioral incidents.
5. When do I use a BER? When a behavioral emergency has occurred.
Behavioral emergency is defined as: [§3001(d)]
“the demonstration of a serious behavior problem”
“which has not previously been observed and for which a behavioral intervention plan has not been developed.”
2. “for which a previously designed behavior
intervention is not effective. “
6. When do I use a BER? cont. So….use a BER for a serious behavior problem….
Serious is: [§3001(aa)]
cause serious property damage
pervasive and maladaptive for which approaches specified in the student’s IEP are found to be ineffective.
There is a clear and present danger to others.
When an event requires the use of non-violent physical interventions to protect the safety of the student, self, or others.
7. Guidelines for Using BIRs
There is no behavior plan in place however the student exhibits behavior that may be interfering with learning.
If safety techniques have been used as a response to student behavior.
Never when Non-Violent Physical Crisis Interventions are used
When the student demonstrates an unusual or uncharacteristic behavior and staff determine that it may have the potential of becoming dangerous.
8. Who fills out the BER/BIR form? The person involved in the event should fill out and submit the form
If a paraprofessional is completing the form, the teacher should be notified and consulted.
9. How do I complete the process? Determine if the event was an emergency or an incident
If an emergency, use SELPA BER/BIR form and check ‘emergency’.
If an incident, and your district uses current SELPA BER/BIR for incident reporting, check ‘incident’.
Use pen or complete electronically
10. How do I complete the process? When the form is completed, submit it to administrator
Each district/school typically has their own protocol for submitting Behavior Emergency Reports and Behavior Incident Reports
Parents must receive notification of the emergency w/n 24 hours.
11. How long do I have to complete the BER/BIR form? No BIP (BSP):
administrator must schedule an IEP meeting within two days
At IEP, review the BER and determine the need for a Functional Analysis Assessment and an interim behavioral intervention plan
Team must document the reasons for not conducting FAA and/or not developing an interim plan. BIP (BSP):
Administrator should refer to the IEP team to review and determine the need to modify the plan
12. How long do I have to complete the BER/BIR form? Behavioral incident report (BIR) should be completed and turned in as soon as possible (rule of thumb is within 2 days)
13. And then… IEP team makes decisions regarding actions that need to be taken after BER is submitted
LEA’s should have a procedure for who responds to incident reports, notifying parent, need for IEP team to meet regarding ‘behavior interfering with learning…”