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Marketing Research

Marketing Research. Aaker, Kumar, Day Seventh Edition Instructor’s Presentation Slides. Chapter One. A Decision-Making Perspective On Marketing Research. Marketing Research. Function of Marketing Research is to link an organization to its market through information

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Marketing Research

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  1. Marketing Research Aaker, Kumar, Day Seventh Edition Instructor’s Presentation Slides

  2. Chapter One A Decision-Making Perspective On Marketing Research

  3. Marketing Research • Function of Marketing Research is to link an organization to its market through information • Identify and define marketing opportunity and problems • Generate, redefine and evaluate marketing actions • Monitor marketing performance • Improve understanding of marketing as a process Aaker, Kumar, Day ©

  4. Role of Market Research • Specifies information required • Designs method for collecting information • Manages and implements data collection process • Interprets results & communicates findings Aaker, Kumar, Day ©

  5. Marketing Information System • A continuing and interacting structure of people, equipment and procedures designed to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute pertinent, timely and accurate information to marketing decision making MIS Uses 3 Types of Information • Recurring market and accounting data from market analysis and accounting activities • Intelligence relevant to future strategy of business • Marketing research studies not of a recurring nature Aaker, Kumar, Day ©

  6. Role of Marketing Research in Managerial Decision Making Four Stages of Market Planning Process • Situation analysis • Strategy development • Marketing program development • Implementation Aaker, Kumar, Day ©

  7. Examples of Marketing Research • DaimlerChrysler~ • find market potential for small cars • gateway Inc.~ • help to configure its products and services to the needs of a particular ethnic group • Music Samplers on web buy CDs~ • reveal facts contrary to popular beliefs Aaker, Kumar, Day

  8. What is Marketing Research?Examples Gentleness • Tylenol Pain Relievers (perceptual map) Effectiveness • Bayer • Advil • Private-label Aspirin • Nuprin • Anacin • Excedrin Aaker, Kumar, Day

  9. Minute Maid Quits Trying to Free OJ • Minute Maid attempted to market orange juice as more than a breakfast drink. • They failed in their attempt, but succeeded in re-discovering their original market. • With a renewed emphasis on marketing orange juice as a breakfast drink, sales have steadily risen. • Who thinks they were right to try. Aaker, Kumar, Day ©

  10. 雅虎奇摩的服務創造 • 由嚴謹分析與研究創造競爭力-良好使用經驗 • 瞭解網路特性創造競爭優勢 網路特性: a.鉅細靡遺地紀錄、分析 網友的使用行為 b.掌握消費者行為,找出改善關鍵 Aaker, Kumar, Day

  11. 三種研究分析 • 顧客透視(Customer Insight):目的在於瞭解某群消費者對Yahoo!奇摩的看法,或某種新服務是否能被特定消費者接受 • 媒體資訊解決方案(MDS):這是幫助產品負責人瞭解網友的使用行為與習慣的分析。 • 使用者經驗測試(User experience test):Yahoo!可透過這項研究,瞭解網路上不同的訊息呈現方式。 此外,還必須: 1.先分析網站服務的三個指標數字: 平均瀏覽頁數、使用時間、與訪客人數 2.再按服務類型不同,觀察不同的指標 Aaker, Kumar, Day

  12. Understand the environment and the market Identify threats and opportunities Assess the competitive position Situation Analysis Define the business scope and served market segments Establish competitive advantages Set performance objectives. Strategy Development Marketing Program Development Product and channel decision Communication decisions Pricing Personal selling decisions Implementation Performance monitoring Refining strategies and program Marketing Managerial Decision Making Aaker, Kumar, Day ©

  13. Situation Analysis Analysis of • Market environment • Market characteristics • Consumer behavior Research Approaches • Organize information obtained from prior studies (secondary) • Focus groups Aaker, Kumar, Day ©

  14. Common Marketing Research Questions Describing the general market: • How big is the existing market? • How big is the potential market? • How fast is the market growing? • What are the buyers like? • How brand loyal is the market? • How and why do buyers use the product? • What market segments exist? • ... Aaker, Kumar, Day

  15. Common Marketing Research Questions Describing an organizations market position: • What market share does the company hold? • How do buyers perceive your brand and competing brands? • What is the repurchase rate for your brand and competing brands? • How satisfied are customers with your brand? • What are competitors marketing plans (product lines, prices, distribution, advertising, promotions, sales force)? • ... Aaker, Kumar, Day

  16. Strategy Development Market Research Provides Information to Assist Management With Three Critical Decisions • What business should we be in? • How will we compete? • What are the objectives for the business? Aaker, Kumar, Day ©

  17. Marketing Program Development • Programs embrace specific tasks • Action program usually focuses on a single objective in support of one element of overall business strategy Aaker, Kumar, Day ©

  18. Implementation • Starts with decision to proceed to a new program or strategy • Commitment to objectives, budgets and timetables • Specific measurable objectives must be set for all elements of marketing program • "Did the elements achieve their objectives?" • “Should the marketing program be continued, discontinued, revised or expanded?" Aaker, Kumar, Day ©

  19. Factors Influencing Marketing Research Decisions • Relevance • Type and Nature of Information Sought • Timing • Availability of Resources • Cost-benefit Analysis Aaker, Kumar, Day ©

  20. Ethics in Marketing Research Ethics of the Sponsor • Overt and covert purposes • Dishonesty in dealing with suppliers • Misuse of research information Ethics of the Supplier • Violating client confidentiality • Improper execution of research Respondents Abuse • Falsifying answers Aaker, Kumar, Day ©

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