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Authors: (MTU): JJ Lyons, GP Waite, WI Rose, (INSIVUMEH): G Chigna

Patterns in Open vent, Strombolian Behavior at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala, 2005-2007 Bulletin of Volcanology (in press). Authors: (MTU): JJ Lyons, GP Waite, WI Rose, (INSIVUMEH): G Chigna. INSIVUMEH. Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2005-2007: objectives.

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Authors: (MTU): JJ Lyons, GP Waite, WI Rose, (INSIVUMEH): G Chigna

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  1. Patterns in Open vent, Strombolian Behavior at Fuego Volcano, Guatemala, 2005-2007Bulletin of Volcanology (in press) Authors: (MTU): JJ Lyons, GP Waite, WI Rose, (INSIVUMEH): G Chigna INSIVUMEH

  2. Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2005-2007: objectives • Develop simple tools to improve daily monitoring • Characterize activity at Fuego • Improve understanding of how Fuego works, sharing gains with INSIVUMEH scientists and observers

  3. Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2005-2007: overview

  4. Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2005-2007: overview Observational volcano monitoring Eruptive pattern recognition

  5. Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2005-2007: cyclic eruptive behavior Passive lava effusion Paroxysmal eruptions Degassing explosions eruption1 eruption2 eruption3

  6. Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2005-2007: lava flow length, thermal output, patterns in eruptive behavior

  7. Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2007: seismo-acoustic data Short period (1 Hz) single component seismometer Persistent tremor Harmonic, gliding Typically 1-3 Hz

  8. Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2007: seismo-acoustic data 2 low frequency microphones degassing explosion strombolian explosion

  9. Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2007: data comparison Tremor energy, lava flow length, thermal output

  10. Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2007: cumulativetrends Lava flow and thermal output agree for three periods of activity Tremor continues during degassing explosions

  11. Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2005-2007: estimate of lava volume extruded and output rate Output rate: 0.18 m3s-1 (0.021 – 2.43 m3s-1) Erupted lava volume: 11.3X106 m3 (9-48X106 m3)

  12. Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2005-2007: model for production of eruption cycle Foam growth model (Jaupart and Vergniolle 1989) Passive lava effusion and strombolian explosions stable foam growth and flow into conduit Paroxysmal eruptions unstable foam growth and collapse Degassing explosions drainback and slow foam growth

  13. Fuego volcano, Guatemala: current and future work Detailed characterization of tremor at Fuego and array analyses Acoustic determination of explosive gas volumes Measuring gas species ratios via FTIR

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