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Unit 7. Teaching Objectives. 1. Enlarge vocabulary 2. Talk about love 3. Learn to identify the writer’s purpose 4. Learn to write an application letter for admission. Sections. Section A A Rose Is a Rose Section B The Chunnel Section C Suggested Technique to
Teaching Objectives • 1. Enlarge vocabulary • 2. Talk about love • 3. Learn to identify the writer’s purpose • 4. Learn to write an application letter for admission
Sections Section AA Rose Is a Rose Section B The Chunnel Section C Suggested Technique to a Speedy Recovery
Section A A Rose Is a Rose
Table of Contents • Background Information • Warming-up Activities • Text Analysis • Vocabulary and Structure • Vocabulary Test • Writing
Valentine’s Day • Valentine was a priest in Rome at the time Christianity was a new religion. The Emperor at that time, Claudius II, ordered the Roman soldiers not to marry or become engaged. Claudius believed that as married men, his soldiers would want to stay home with their families rather than fight his wars. Valentine defied the Emperor’s decree and secretly married the young couples. He was eventually arrested, imprisoned, and put to death. Valentine was beheaded on February 14th, the eve of the Roman holiday Lupercalia (牧神节). After his death, Valentine was named a saint. As Rome became more Christian, the priests moved the spring holiday from the 15th of February to the 14th—Valentine’s Day.
The Andes Mountains The Andes Mountains stretch over 5,500 miles from the southern tip of Argentina and Chile to the northern part of Columbia in south America. With many peaks and active volcanoes over 20,000 feet, including the highest peak Cerro Aconcagua (elevation 22,826, located on the Chile and Argentina border), this majestic region is second only to the Himalayas in size and average elevation.
Colombia Colombia was one of the three countries that emerged from the collapse of Gran Colombia in 1830 (the others being Ecuador and Venezuela). A 40- year insurgent campaign to overthrow the Colombian Government escalated during the 1990s, undergirded in part by funds from the drug trade. Although the violence is deadly and large swaths of the countryside are under guerrilla influence, the movement lacks the military strength or popular support necessary to overthrow the government.
What is love? What is love? And what causes it? An American professor, Charles Zastrow, offers an interesting answer, particularly to the second question. He argues that there are many kinds of love and that especially in one kind, which he calls “romantic love”, we are strongly influenced not so much by what we actually feel but what we tell ourselves about the way we feel. He calls this “self-talk”(自我暗示). Zastrow says that especially in romantic love, our self-talk comes from “strong, unsatisfied desires and frustrations”, and that this kind of love often requires distance. “The more forbidden the love, the stronger it becomes.” He points out that this kind of love often begins to die as soon as the problem and obstacles which separated the two people are cleared and a normal relationship begins.
Group Discussions (1) • Work in groups to tell your group members whom you love very much and explain why. The following words and phrases will help you. • considerate, patient, generous, hard-working, encouraging, tender, honest, gentle, responsible, easy to get along with, caring, warm-hearted, a good listener, humorous, energetic
Group Discussions (2) • 2. Work with your group members to make up a love story. Try to make your story coherent and well-organized. The following words and phrases are for your reference. • eagerly, emotion, be fond of, attractive, pretty, graceful, cute, handsome, fall in love at first sight, generous, loyal, devoted, gaze, hesitate, unconditionally, adoring, interaction, heart-broken, stroke
Comprehension of the Text(1) • 1. What message do red roses deliver according to Gerald Hager, executive director of a marketing research institute? “Red roses say ‘I love you’,” says Gerald Hager. 2.How do discount rose shops help those people who are hopelessly in love? They help those people save money.
Comprehension of the Text(2) • 3. How are the customers dressed when they move about among the counters and stare at shelf after shelf of roses in more than 50 colors? • Some are dressed in work clothes, and some in expensive suits and overcoats. • 4. How does Roses Only obtain success in the discount rose retailing field? • By holding prices down through controlling every link in the rose chain.
Comprehension of the Text(3) • 5. Why are U.S. rose growers going bankrupt while discount rose retailers watch their business prosper? • Because of severe foreign competition. • 6. What is the trend that has hurt domestic rose growers such as Johnson Flowers of California? • The trend is that imported roses are sold across the entire breadth of the industry, from big flower shops to street-corner stands.
Comprehension of the Text(4) • 7. What are the Johnsons trying to do about their overseas competitors? • They are trying to work with their overseas rivals instead of fighting them. • 8. What happened recently to Colombia’s rose crop and to U.S. rose growers on this Valentine’s Day? • A recent frost killed 25% of Colombia’s rose crop and consequently U.S. rose growers had the good luck to make a lot more money on this Valentine’s Day as there was less competition from overseas rivals.
Text Analysis (1) • Main idea of the text • Rose industry, both selling and growing in U.S., is faced with severe challenges. Fortunately, some retailers and growers have found their way out. Roses Only, a retailer, made it by holding prices down, and Johnson Flowers survived the intense competition through cooperation with overseas rivals.
Text Analysis (2) • Main Ideas of Each Part As long as the rose remains the most popular flower as a symbol of love, any changing conditions in the nation’s rose industry mean much to rose growers, and to those who distribute roses and those who sell. Part I (Paras. 1) When selling roses is no longer a beautiful experience for traditional flower shops, one rose retailer, Roses Only, made a success with some adjustments. Part II (Paras. 2-6) Severe foreign competition puts U.S. rose growers on the edge of bankruptcy. Johnson Flowers, a domestic rose grower, however, finds a way out. Part III (Paras. 7-12) When people in the rose business are trying to adapt to changing conditions in the marketplace in order to succeed, they long for the good old days of steady profits for them. Part IV (Paras.13-14)
distribute delivery via bankrupt launch release chase rival go out of style range from… to… look like/as if be left over account for nothing but on sb.’s side Words and Expressions
Structures • 1. Typical patterns for the exposition of sb.’s way of doing sth. • 2. Typical patterns for comparisons and contrasts
distributevt. • 1. supply (goods) esp. to shops 销售 • The company aims eventually to distribute its products throughout the European Union. • 该公司的最终目的是将产品销售到整个欧盟。 • 2.divide and give out 分发 • The manufacturers distribute free samples to customers who are willing to try their products. • 生产商给愿意试用他们产品的顾客们分发免费的样品。 • 3. spread out through an area 分布 • The world’s wealth is not fairly distributed between women and men. • 世界财富男女之间分配不均。
delivery n. • 1. the act of taking or giving sth. to sb., or the things taken or given 投递,送交 • Since you fail to keep your promise of punctual delivery of the goods, we have to cancel our order and claim for compensation. • 由于你方未能如约准时交货,我方只好取消定单,并且要求索赔。 • 2. the process of giving birth 分娩 • To our great joy, she had an easy delivery in the hospital. • 令我们大为高兴的是,她在医院顺利生产。
via prep. • using, through 通过,经由 • Thanks to the swift transmission of television pictures via satellite, we are kept well-informed of what is happening all over the world. • 多亏电视画面通过卫星能够迅速传送,我们才能及时准确地了解发生在全世界各地的事情。 • As there is no direct flight available, we will have to/have no option but to fly to Athens via Paris. • 由于没有直达航班,我们不得不经由巴黎飞至雅典。
bankrupt a./n. • a. 1. unable to pay what one owns 破产 • The company went bankrupt because of its poor management. • 那家公司因管理经营不善而破产。 • 2. lacking in some good quality 败坏 • The public views him as a morally and ethically bankrupt politician. • 公众把他看作是道德沦丧的政客。 • n. a person who is bankrupt 破产者 • The bankrupt and the men to whom he owed money arranged an accommodation. • 破产者和他的债权人协议调解。
launch vt. • 1. begin (sth. such as a plan) or introduce (sth. new such as a product) 发起(运动),推出(产品) • To beautify the environment and make the campus green, the student union launched a campaign to plant trees surrounding the university. • 为了美化环境,绿化校园,学生会发起一项在大学周边植树的运动。 • 2. send (a new ship, etc.) into the water or send (a rocket, satellite, etc.) into the sky or space 使(船)下水,发射(火箭、卫星等) • Russia’s space industry has won a contract to launch its first western satellite. • 俄国的航天工业赢得了一份合同,发射它的第一枚西方卫星。
release vt./n. (1) • vt. 1. allow (news, film, etc.) to be made known or to be shown 发布、发行 • Don’t release this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead. • 请等我们给你许可后再公布这条新闻。 • 2. give freedom or free movement to 释放、放开 • Under the pressure of international consensus, the hijackers released three of the hostages. • 迫于国际舆论,劫机犯释放了三名人质。
release vt./n. (2) • n.1.the act of setting free or being set free 解脱 • After the match the coach had a feeling of release. • 比赛结束后,教练有一种如释重负之感。 • 2. a book, film, record, piece of news, etc. that has been made available to the public 发行的新书、电影 • Her latest release is a song about hopeless love. • 她的最新单曲是关于无望的爱情。
chase vt./n. • vt. 1. force to run away; drive away 驱赶、驱逐 • The Johnsons’ cat likes to chase after the mice as if it were playing with them. • 约翰逊家的猫喜欢追逐老鼠,好像在跟它们闹着玩似的。 • 2. run after in order to get 追赶、追逐 • Many a person sacrifices their health in the process of chasing after fame and wealth. • 许多人在追求名利和财富的过程中牺牲了健康。 • n. an act of chasing sth. 追踪、追捕 • After the robbery, the police immediately gave chase to the criminals. • 劫案发生之后,警方立即开始追查罪犯。
rival n./vt. • n. a person, group, etc. competing with others for the same thing or in the same area 竞争对手 • Clashes between rival football fans/supporters are commonplace in western football matches. • 相对立的两派足球球迷间的冲突在西方球赛中很常见。 • vt. seem or be as good as sb./sth. 与……相匹敌 • As far as the old lady is concerned, of all the flowers in the garden, few can rival the lily. • 对那个老妇人来说,花园里所有的花卉当中,很少有能与百合花相媲美的。
go out of style/date 不再时兴,过时 这些老歌也许永远都不会过时,而且会越来越 受欢迎。 Maybe these old songs will never go out of style and will become more and more popular. These models of coats are no longer in fashion now. 这种样式的外衣不再时兴了。
range from…to… 在一定范围内变化 • 那个贫穷的山村学校里只有二十五个年龄从6岁到13岁不等的学生。 In that poor village school, there were only 25 students ___________________________. whose ages ranged from 6 to 13 Sentences range from 5 or 6 words to 70, with the majority not far from 20. 句子的长度从5、6个字到70个字不等,不过大多数句子的长度在20个字左右。
look like+N./clause; look as if+clause 看起来像;好像要 • From the results, (似乎我们当初做出了正确的选择)_________________________________ it looks as if we made the right choice. The old lady was only skin and bones and she looked as if she had been through some terrible famine. 那个老妇人瘦得皮包骨,看上去就象经历了一场严重的饥荒。
be left over 剩下来,留下来 今日事,今日毕。 Today’s work should never be left over till tomorrow. 这些苹果分完后还剩下两个。 After sharing out the apples, there were two left over.
account for 占去;解释 • Young people, university students in particular, account for the vast majority of our consumers 我们的绝大多数消费者是年轻人,尤其是大学生。 I want you to account for each sum of the money you spent. 我要你说明你所花掉的每一笔钱的用途。
nothing but 只有; 除了……以外什么也不 • Do not have him for a friend: he’s nothing but a criminal. • 不要把他当作朋友,他只是一个罪犯。 Compare: anything but : not at all; far from That little bridge is anything but safe. 那座小桥一点也不安全。
be on sb.’s side 对某人有利;赞同某人的意见 The champion is a more experienced fighter, but the challenger has got youth on his side. 冠军更有经验,但他的挑战者却有年轻这一优势。 When it comes to studying abroad, I am on your side. I also hold that the advantages of going abroad to study far outnumber its disadvantages. 在出国留学这一问题上,我赞同你的意见。我也认为出国留学利大于弊。
1.Typical patterns for the exposition of sb.’s way of doing sth. 原句:The company’s formula for success is to hold prices down by controlling every link in the rose chain. (L. 32) 该公司成功的秘诀是通过其销售链的每一个环节降低成本。 句型提炼 Sb.’s formula / recipe / prescription for (doing) sth. is sth. else / to do sth. else.某人(做某事)的诀窍 / 秘诀是······
应用:宽容、耐心和理解是她幸福婚姻的秘诀。应用:宽容、耐心和理解是她幸福婚姻的秘诀。 Tolerance, patience and understanding are her formula for a happy marriage.
应用:他生意场上成功的秘诀是:诚信为本,顾客至上。应用:他生意场上成功的秘诀是:诚信为本,顾客至上。 His recipe for success in business is to take honesty as the fundamental principle and put the customers first.
2. Typical patterns for comparisons and contrasts (1) 原句:For rose growers, those who distribute roses, and those who sell,this year’s anticipated 7% increase in saleswill be sweeter thana 5-pound box of chocolate candy. (L. 3) 对玫瑰花种植商、分销商及零售商来说,预计今年的销售量将增加7%,这个数字比一盒5磅重的巧克力糖还要甜蜜。 句型提炼 1) For those who…, sth. is more…than sth. else. 对那些······人来说,某事要比别的事更······
应用:对那些追求家庭生活温馨的人来说,配偶的内在素质要比外表更可靠、更可取。应用:对那些追求家庭生活温馨的人来说,配偶的内在素质要比外表更可靠、更可取。 For those who go after the warmth of family life, the spouse’s interiors are more reliable and more desirable than his / her exteriors.
2. Typical patterns for comparisons and contrasts (2) 原句:Whilediscount rose retailerswatchtheir business bloom, U.S. rose growersare going bankrupt amidsevere foreign competition. (L. 38) 在折价玫瑰花零售店生意兴隆的同时,美国的玫瑰种植商却在残酷的外来竞争中濒临破产。 句型提炼 While sb. watches his business/career/study etc. bloom/thrive/boom/prosper etc., sb. else is undergoing sth. unfortunate/distressing etc.在某人目睹其生意/事业/学业等兴旺发达的同时,别人正在经历不幸的事情。
应用:在我们看着沿海地区日益繁荣的同时,贫困地区许多失学儿童却亟需我们的关爱。应用:在我们看着沿海地区日益繁荣的同时,贫困地区许多失学儿童却亟需我们的关爱。 While we watch the coastal areas thrive with each passing day, many of the children unable to go to school in the poverty-stricken regions are seriously in need of our love and care.
Vocabulary Test (1) • Directions:For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. 1. They are two dollars each but if you buy ten, you get a _____ of ten per cent. A) discount B) recession C) depression D) discharge A) discount 2. Money _____ as it goes from person to person. A) speaks B) scatters C) circulates D) distributes C) circulates
Vocabulary Test (2) • 3. Ibought a washing-machine and asked to have it sent to my house. The manager of the store promised to make a prompt _____. • A) delivery B) relay • C) supply D) transport • 4. His hope _____ when he heard that there were some survivors in the shipwreck. • A) highlighted B) soared • C) inspired D) flourished A) delivery B) soared
Vocabulary Test (3) • 5. He _____ his rose bushes carefully with insecticide every evening. • A) distributed B) discharged • C) spread D) sprayed • 6. His company went _____ after he failed in the business. • A) decent B) negative • C) bankrupt D) acute D) sprayed C) bankrupt
Vocabulary Test (4) • 7. Although the two players are _____ in the tennis court, they are really good friends. • A) partners B) enemies • C) rivals D) companions • 8. Don’t _____ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead. • A) relieve B) release C) relate D) retain C) rivals B) release
Vocabulary Test (5) • 9. A new spaceship was _____ at Cape Kennedy yesterday. • A) motivated B) released • C) transmitted D) launched • 10. The noise was caused by a dog _____ a cat through the garden. • A) chasing B) following • C) catching D) fighting D) launched A) chasing
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. long for account for hold down go out of style look like range from …to … on sb.’s side anything but nothing but get a break be left over devote …to … account for • Recent pressure at work may ___________ his strange behavior. • 2. Problems that _____________ in history between different countries are now able to be solved by peaceful means. • 3. He was wearing __________ a pair swimming trunks. • 4. Price reductions are _________, but unlikely. • 5. Such kind of furniture has long ______________. were left over nothing but longed for gone out of style
long for account for hold down go out of style look like range from …to … on sb.’s side anything butnothing but get a break be left over devote…to… 6. The increase in GDP in various provinces of the coastal region ___________ several _____ several dozen times. 7. The field ______________ a possible site for the competition. 8. The rate of interest has been ___________. 9. No matter what happens, just remember: justice is ___________. 10. Anna __________ yesterday when the teacher failed to notice she was late for class. ranged from to looked/looks like held down on our side got a break
Writing • 求学信 • Application Letter for Admission • 写作方法 • 参考范文