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VIRGINIA SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICTS. ANNUAL MEETING DECEMBER 9, 2013. Richard Street Tri-county & City SWCD Fredericksburg VA. Districts and The New SWM Codes. 9VAC25-870-150 . Authorization procedures for local Virginia stormwater management programs.
Districts and The New SWM Codes • 9VAC25-870-150. Authorization procedures for local Virginia stormwater management programs. • A. A locality required or a town electing to adopt a VSMP in accordance with § 62.1-44.15:27 A or B respectively of the Code of Virginia, must submit to the board an application package which, at a minimum, contains the following: 3. The policies and procedures including, but not limited to, agreements with Soil and Water Conservation Districts, • Education and Outreach • Agricultural/Urban BMP’s • Nutrient Management • Watershed Implementation Plan • Land Use Planning • Stormwater Management • Erosion and Sediment Control • Resources/Clearinghouse
SWCD’s • Erosion Control • Chesapeake Bay • Stormwater Management • Entered into agreements or contracts to carrying out the provisions of the Act • Agricultural Conservation plans will be submitted to the local Soil and Water Conservation District Board, which will be the plan-approving authority. • The policies and procedures including agreements with Soil and Water Conservation Districts, adjacent localities, or other public or private entities for the administration, plan review, inspection, and enforcement components of the program
WHAT WE NEED TO CONTINUE • Education and outreachAgricultural BMP’s • Urban BMP’s • Nutrient Management • Watershed Implementation Plans • Stormwater Management • Erosion and Sediment Control • Resource • Clearinghouse
Education and outreach – all Localities have to provide education and outreach for the new SWM regulations. The new regulations now cover Chesapeake Bay Act, E&SC and SWM so it is not a stand-alone code. • Agricultural BMP’s – need to be reported to the County on a watershed basis basically explaining the type BMP and how many acres it severs. No details about the location are required outside of the watershed. • Urban BMP’s – need to detail the locations of rain gardens, drainage repair etc. with address and watershed for SFR practices. Usually within a development, city, town, community. • Nutrient Management – help localities to educate all who would be spreading all forms of nutrients both Agricultural and Urban. Districts could assist with training needs. • Watershed Implementation Plans – localities need to provide some critical information on how each watershed will address pollution loads. The districts are considered to be efficient in Agricultural practices but the districts insights will prove to be of great value within urban areas. Waste is waste whether it comes from domestic pet or livestock. The treatments can be similar. • Stormwater Management – in many localities the ability to hire additional staff to handle the SWM & E&SC will be limited. The districts could provide a valuable avenue for many localities to achieve the minimal goals set by the new regulations. • Erosion and Sediment Control – It is recognized that many of our localities have adequate yet minimal staff to address the requirements of the E&SC laws. With the additional burden of the new SWM regulations localities may seek outsourcing for many of their inspection and review requirements. The Districts can be valuable to help fill the local gaps as a partner. • Resource - many localities are going to look for answers about everything that is coming from DCR & DEQ. The Districts have always been there in the past to provide local comments and insight. This is still needed and will be needed for a very long time to come. • Clearinghouse - all localities are looking for a one stop shop that can get information for them quicker than going through the state avenue. The Virginia Environmental Professionals’ Organization (VEPO) has been formed for just such a reason however they are going to rely on the districts to provide specific questions from their directors, localities and jurisdictions.
New Information Agriculture Community & Environmental Defense Services Big Six Chesapeake Bay Pollution Sources Presentation
We need to remind localities and jurisdictions that we have been serving the Commonwealth long before there was a DEQ and/or DCR. We have been and will be here to help! We do not create a challenge but we find ways to make them work.