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The S-TEAM Project Science-Teacher Education Advanced Methods

The S-TEAM Project Science-Teacher Education Advanced Methods. Peter Gray Workshop for: Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. Four themes. An overview of S-TEAM Managing the project Issues from the FP7 process Do it yourselves. What is S-TEAM?. 100 people/25 institutions/15 countries

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The S-TEAM Project Science-Teacher Education Advanced Methods

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  1. The S-TEAM ProjectScience-Teacher Education Advanced Methods Peter Gray Workshop for: Friedrich Schiller University of Jena S-TEAM

  2. Four themes • An overview of S-TEAM • Managing the project • Issues from the FP7 process • Do it yourselves... S-TEAM

  3. What is S-TEAM? • 100 people/25 institutions/15 countries • Involved in science teacher education • Potential reach: 480,000 science teachers • Providing a tool kit for science teacher education, using inquiry based methods S-TEAM


  5. Institutions • Involved in teacher education • Or science education... • Not a rational selection process S-TEAM

  6. The S-TEAM story • Original Idea - improve teacher education in Europe (Arquette project) • SiS 2008, action : widest possible dissemination of inquiry based methods in science teaching (IBST) • AHA!: improve teacher education and science education at the same time! S-TEAM

  7. S-TEAM Aims • Improve scientific literacy and.. • Increase popularity of MST careers • Through.... • Better student engagement • Through... • Better teaching S-TEAM

  8. The Number is three… • Three vital key-words: Partnership, Life-Long-Learning, Repertoire of Actions • Three levels: Policy-level, action level, teacher education/professional development level • Three phases: Gathering, production, dissemination S-TEAM <Presentation title>. <Presenter>. <Date>

  9. Work Packages • Management • Policy overview of the interaction between science and teacher education in Europe • Powerful learning environments: disseminating the successful SINUS programme • Teacher collaboration in changing science education. • Innovative methods in initial teacher education for science teaching. • Professional development for science teaching S-TEAM

  10. Work Packages, ctd. • Argumentation in science teaching; structures underpinning talk about science in the classroom • Scientific Literacies: engaging with the discourses of science • Indicators - measuring our results • Media and dissemination: making sure our results are widely known S-TEAM

  11. Delivery • Diversity: Wide range of support materials for teacher education in science • Comprehensive overview of policy regarding IBST and other science teaching innovations in national contexts • Amplification: enabling teachers’ voices to reach European policy arenas S-TEAM

  12. What are the products? • National Workshops (15 +) • Conferences (2) • Reports (14) • Training packages (43) • Books (2) • DVDs(2)... S-TEAM

  13. An example • Work (sub)package 6g: the use of open investigations and Vee-heuristics within science education (Abo Akademi University, Finland) • Product 6.10 - a training package with supporting book chapter in 6.15 S-TEAM

  14. Contents of training package 6.10: (1) 1.What is a V diagram?/What are Vee-heuristics? a.Theoretical background: PowerPoint presentation. b.How can Vee-heuristics be used in the classroom? Description of practical teaching examples. 2.What is an open investigation?. Text. Examples. 3.How can open investigations and Vee-heuristics be used in the classroom? S-TEAM

  15. Contents of training package (2) Approx. 20-minute DVD and/or protected web material showing classroom work (in Swedish, with English subtitles). 4.How can open investigations and Vee-heuristics be used in the classroom? Text. 5.Guidelines on how the learning of both content and language of students from non-mainstream backgrounds can be supported. Text on-line, including comments on recorded material, + book chapter. S-TEAM

  16. More products: • Workbooks for teachers • Guidelines for teacher educators • TV documentary on IBST • Website and digital repository • Indicators, Instruments and data • Conference presentations/papers S-TEAM

  17. Why did S-TEAM succeed? • Comprehensive geographical and technical coverage • Multiplier effects through teacher education and range of training packages • Critically listening to the Call S-TEAM

  18. Why might it have failed? • Too diverse • Uneven resource distribution • No previous experience • Competition S-TEAM

  19. Success criteria for S-TEAM • Crossing boundaries between science education and teacher education • Moving from information to learning • Taking account of national contexts and agendas through National Liaison Partners • Creating a European pedagogical field in (science) education S-TEAM

  20. The consortium • Building on Mind the Gap • Adding SINUS • Gaining critical mass • An open door? • Many ideas, one proposal S-TEAM

  21. Working principles • Transparency and regular communication - newsletters/wiki • Strong central team (4-6 persons) • Competent WP leaders (x 10) • Listening to partners • Diversity: more than one way of doing things... S-TEAM

  22. We need Energy! • Attention and the mental energy to contribute to a project are scarce resources • Essential to minimise need for additional work S-TEAM

  23. Writing issues • Preparing an FP7 proposal is about writing and word processing as much as organisation • Edit, edit, edit • Does anyone read the whole thing? S-TEAM

  24. Management process • Delegation to WP leaders • Use of wiki to handle information flow and to provide transparency • Separating operational, administrative and financial responsibilities S-TEAM

  25. Relations with DG research... • DG Research: Please don’t give us more than 30 deliverables over three years! • Friendly but with own agenda • Working with, not working for... S-TEAM

  26. The Process • Complex - need for experienced administrative and financial team • Expensive - even if successful • Possible formative aspect - contributing to the emergence of a European educational space/ pedagogical field S-TEAM

  27. Benefits of • Science-in-Society provides challenges and opportunities for Teacher Education Research in Europe • Developing a European Pedagogical Field • Projects can provide strategic leadership across national contexts • Legitimacy - internal and external S-TEAM

  28. The Pedagogical field and European Science Education • The pedagogy of science education in any national context is determined by • Curriculum design • Assessment frameworks • Teacher knowledge base • Teacher education • Research influence and dissemination • Resources • Prevailing social policies and attitudes S-TEAM

  29. S-TEAM and the European Pedagogical Field • In order for there to be change at a European level, S-TEAM has to become part of the pedagogical field in a large group of countries. Teacher education is the best way into the field, as a catalyst for sustainable change. S-TEAM

  30. The European field • Joining up the isolated players • Supporting FP7 and the DGs • Jumping into the unknown - expected results, unexpected reactions S-TEAM

  31. The future • Building research and support capacity • Synergy as a result of coordination • Moving towards common teacher education frameworks? • Democratic research & support - moving development upstream S-TEAM

  32. Thank you for listening! http://www.ntnu.no/s-team graypb@gmail.com S-TEAM

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