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Community Wide Jail Diversion The Problem

Community Wide Jail Diversion The Problem. Criminalization of Mentally IllInappropriate Cost to Society20% in jailIncrease use of emergency roomsHomelessnessPublic Safety NetConsumers at riskLaw Enforcement at riskPublic at risk. Texas Department of Criminal Justice MHMR Match Statistics October, 2007.

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Community Wide Jail Diversion The Problem

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    3. Texas Department of Criminal Justice MHMR Match Statistics October, 2007

    5. Crisis Care Center Summary

    8. Re-incarceration/Re-Hospitalization Sample Outcome: Forensic Intensive Case Management - 2006 Objective: Reduce rates of re-incarceration for Manos program mentally ill offenders released from jail or prison by 25%. Of the 371 patients admitted to the Manos Program, 23 were re-incarcerated for a 6.2% rate. This compares to a re-incarceration rate of 67% for mentally ill offenders without the intensive case management services offered by the jail diversion program. Objective: Reduce rates of hospitalization for Manos program mentally ill offenders released from jail or prison by 25%. Of the 371 patients participating in the jail diversion program 12 were hospitalized after diversion for a program rate of 3.2%.

    9. Program Recidivism Rate Genesis – Offender Outpatient program for Felony Probation and Parolees FY 2007 429 - Felony Probation and Parole Offenders Served 29 - Re-arrested State Revocation/Decompensation rate (without treatment)= 52% Genesis Revocation Rate (with treatment)= 6%

    10. Research

    11. Dr. Johnsrud - Findings In the last decade, persons with mental illness accounted for 7% of all police contacts, 16% of prison inmates, and 7% of the entire jail population. As a percentage of total county revenues, Bexar County spends approximately 75% of all public funds on law enforcement, detention, and the justice system. As much as 14% of the Bexar County jail population is estimated to have a mental illness. Interim results of the program show over 1,700 diversions from jail incarcerations during state Fiscal Year 2004, potentially resulting in an estimated range of $3.8 million to $5.0 million dollars in avoided costs within the Bexar County Criminal Justice System.

    13. Research Objectives 4 Inter-connected Objectives

    14. Community Success Working As a Collaborative Received the American Psychiatric “Gold Award” for Community Program Innovation Received the National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare Directors “Service Excellence Award” Visited by 17 State Delegations and two Countries (Canada and the Republic of China) Six Year Cost Benefit Study nearing completion Substance Abuse Detox Services Expansion for Community and 600 Bed Homeless Facility Medical Directors Roundtable Committee Established Crisis Care Center -Psychiatric Screening/Medical Clearance 24/7 Established Congressional Testimony

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