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Faculty Kudos. Dr. Janet Andersen 2004 Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. Dr. Donald A Cronkite 2005 Michigan College Teacher of the Year. Dr. Matt DeJongh 2005 Towsley Research Award . Faculty Kudos. Dr. Paul DeYoung Kenneth G. Herrick Professor of
Faculty Kudos • Dr.Janet Andersen 2004 Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching • Dr. Donald A Cronkite 2005 Michigan College Teacher of the Year • Dr. Matt DeJongh • 2005 Towsley Research Award
Faculty Kudos • Dr. Paul DeYoung • Kenneth G. Herrick Professor of • Physics • Dr. Sue Dunn • Completed Ph.D. in Nursing at MSU and • Gilbert and Leona Schuman ScholarshipMSU • Dr.Ed Hansen President of the MI Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters
Faculty Kudos • Dr. Graham Peaslee • 2005 Macatawa Watershed • Stakeholder of the Year Award • Drs. Mark Pearson& Airat Bekmetjev • 2004 Project NExT Fellows • Dr. Will Polik Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Fellow
Faculty Kudos • Dr. Hilary MacKay • Completed Ph.D. in Bio Chemistry • at University of Bradford • Dr.Deb Sietsema • Completed Ph.D in Nursing at MSU • Dr. Joanne Stewart • Carnegie Scholar
Student Awards NSF Predoctoral Fellowship Jill Pinter, Jonathan Atwell 2nd place at ACM/SIGCSE Student research competition Sara Henry, Megan Patnott, Leslie Tableman Best student presentation at the 27th Annual Midwest Environmental Chemistry Workshop held in Madison, WI, October 16, 2004. Chris Avery (’05) Clare Booth Luce Scholarship Kathleen Ludewig and Sara Henry MI Dept of Community Health Outstanding Student Award Emily Mark – Nursing Outstanding Student in the 2004 ACS Nuclear Summer School program at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Jill Pinter (05) Phi Beta Kappa Esch ,Julie M.,(Minor),Machado, Karina Cleonice,Stowe, Timothy Richard ,VanDerKolk Kristi, Amanda DeYoung, Benjamin Hilldore, Benjamin Schoettle, John Siehling and Lynette Wehmer 12 chemistry majors/minors were also selected
Student Awards SIAM Award for Best Applied Mathematics Student Talk at MathFest in Providence RI, 2004 Michael Cortez – Mathematics Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nurses Cindy Reichert, Micah Holden, Jennifer Holland, Heather Ludwick, Jenna Martino, Nancy Smit–Nursing Sigma Xi Seth DeVries, Nathan Hahn, Layne Hillman, Isabelle Le, Karina Machado, Brian Murphy, Bradley Norden, Michael Ross, Timothy Stowe, Melissa Sulok, John Swartz, Kristi VanDerKolk, Ryan White, Amy Zwart, Andrew Huisman, Amanda J. DeYoung, Eric J. Jongekryg, Martha M. Luidens, John C. Siehling, Allison D. Bultemeier and Benjamin B. Hilldore. 29 chemistry and 7 Physics majors/minors received Sigma Xi Student Research Awards Sigma Pi Sigma Carol Guess, Patrick Mears, Brandon Alleman, Stefan Coltisor and Jill Pinter
Success 2004-2005 • External Grants Received - $2.2M • Regional and National Recognition • Publications - 67 • Presentations - 106 • Most NSF-REU sites for a Liberal Arts College - 6
2004-2005 New Grant Awards $2.2 Million American Chemical Society American Waterworks and Wastewater Assoc Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Campbell Foundation Health Resources and Service Admin Merck/AAAS NASA National Ctr for Supercomputing Applications NIH NSF PEW Midstates Consortium S & R Foundation
Six NSF-REU SITES Biology Chemistry Computer Science Geological/Environmental Sci Mathematics Physics/Engineering
Jeff Brown - Assistant Professor of Engineering New Natural Science Division Members Bob Clark - Visiting Asst Professor of Chemistry Chuck Cusack - Visiting Asst Prof of Computer Science
New Natural Science Division Members Traci Smith - Visiting Instructor of Chemistry Nathan Tintle - Asst Professor of Mathematics
New Natural Science Division Members Toni Brown – Chemistry Research Associate Hilary Mackay – Chemistry Postdoctoral Fellow Paul Van Allsburg Computational Science & Modeling (CSM) Facilitator
New Natural Science Division Members Joyce Durr - Assistant Professor of Nursing Moses Lee - Dean for the Natural Sciences
Faculty Presentations Dr. Janet Andersen • Andersen, J. and Chase, L. “Mathematical Biology: Synergy between curriculum and research” Society for Mathematical Biology Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, July, 2004. • “Changing the Focus from the Teacher to the Learner,” MAA/AMS Joint Meetings, Phoenix, January 2004. • “How to Establish a Culture of Grantsmanship,” CCLI Conference (invitation only conference) sponsored by NSF, Arlington, VA, April 2004. • “An Interdisciplinary Course for Biology and Mathematics Majors,” Council on Undergraduate Research, Univ. of Wisconsin – LaCrosse, June 2004. • Janet Andersen and Lie Zia, “Finding NSF Funding for Mathematics,” Council on Undergraduate Research, Univ. of Wisconsin – LaCrosse, June 2004. (invited 60 minute talk.)Janet Andersen, “Using Mathematics to Gain Insight into Biological Systems,” Grand Valley State University REU, Allandale, MI, July 2004. • Janet Andersen, Brandon Alleman*, and Leah Chase, “Blurring the Line Between Curriculum and Research,” Society of Mathematical Biology Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, July 2004. • “The Freedom of Choice,” keynote address for Project NeXT,” Providence, August 2004. • “When Two Teachers are Better Than One,” MathFest, Providence, August 2004. (invited panel discussion) • “GEMS Program at Hope College,” Science for All Project Kaleidoscope Conference, Atlanta, November 2004.
Faculty Presentations Dr. Christopher Barney • Barney, C.C. and B.S. Haskin*. 2004 Thermal Dehydration-induced Thirst in Female Rats. FASEB. J., 18:A740. Presented at Experimental Biology 2004, Washington, D.C. April, 2004. Dr. Aaron Best • Poster: Defining Microbial Relationships with Complete Genomes: The Euryarchaeal Crown. Presented at the American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 2004. Dr. Airat Bekmetjev • “Graph Pebbling” minisymposium on the SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Invited talk, June 2004 • "Establishing an Academic Career at Hope College" at a Pew Conference, June 2005.
Faculty Presentations Dr. Brian Bodenbender • Mineralogy of Beach and Dune Sand near Holland, Michigan. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters Annual Meeting, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, March 5 (Bodenbender, B., E. Hansen, D. Miller*, and M. Knapman*). Published in Michigan Academician 36 (1): 55-56. • Paleoenvironmental analysis of a Morrison Formation dinosaur site, Bighorn Basin, WY: conducting an interdisciplinary field study through disciplinary tasks. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 36(5):233. (T. M. Demko, B. E. Bodenbender, E. E. Baar*, C. W. Holbrook*, S. J. Kubarek*, J. Murphy*, E. M. Ramirez*, J. E. Scott*, E. Swor*, M. Yonovitz*, E. C. Clites*, and C. J. Thomason*) Dr. Kenneth Brown • “Cyclic Voltammetric Studies of Electropolymerized Tetraaminophthalocyanine Polymer Thin Films: Electrochemistry at Hope College”, Chemistry Seminar, Calvin College, December 2, 2004 Dr. Thomas Bultman • Bultman, T.L., C. Pulas*, L. Grant*, and G. Bell*. 2004. “Effects of Plant Cultivar and Neotyphodium coenophialum Isolate on Performance and Preference of Bird Cherry-oat Aphid.” Presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Neotyphodium/Grass Interactions, Fayetteville, AR. 2004.
Faculty Presentations Dr. Maria Burnatowska-Hledin • Maria Burnatowska-Hledin and Matt DeJongh, “Development of a Bioinformatics Workshop”, National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE) meeting, Chicago, Oct 7, 2004. Dr. Leah Chase • Chase, L.A., R. Coleman*, M. Teusink*, and J. Andersen. Presented: “Role of Chloride in Cystine Transport by System Xc-.” Bezon Symposium #51: Neurotransmitter Transporters, Copenhagen, Denmark, August, 2004. • Chase, L. A., R. Coleman*, K. Hutchins*, and J. Andersen. Presented: “Chloride-Dependence of Cystine Transport by System Xc- is Affected by Changes in pH.” At the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. October 25, 2004. • Andersen, J. and L. Chase Presented: “Mathematical Biology: Synergy Between Curriculum and Research.” At the Society for Mathematical Biology Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI. July, 2004.
Faculty Presentations Dr. Aaron Cinzori • “Spiraling to Our Doom” at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in January 2005. Professor Catherine Clarey-Sanford • The New M.O.: Morbid Obesity and Health Care Issues, Lakeland Health and Potpourri Seminar, St. Joseph, MI, October 2004. Dr. Donald Cronkite • Winnett-Murray, K., D. Cronkite, L. Hilman*, J. Dreyer*, K. Machado*, Zwart, A. Presented: “Ask Your Way Through Biology” at the Michigan Science Teacher’s Association Meeting, Lansing, MI. March 2004. • Winnett-Murray, K., D. Cronkite, L. Hilman*, J. Dreyer*, K. Machado*, Zwart, A. Presented: “Ask Your Way Through Biology,” a workshop on investigative learning at the National Association of Biology Teachers Annual Meeting, November, 2004.
Faculty Presentations Dr. Matt DeJongh • M., “Beginning Programming in Perl for Bioinformatics,” at the American Society for Cell Biology 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 4-8, 2004. • DeJongh, M. and Burnatowska-Hledin, M., “Report On the MITC Hands-on Teaching of Bioinformatics Workshop,” at Voyage to Ithaka: Technology, Collaboration, and the Future of Liberal Arts Colleges, National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education, Chicago, Illinois, November 7-9, 2004. • DeJongh, M., Burhans, D., Doom, T., LeBlanc, M., “Bioinformatics in the Undergraduate Curriculum: Opportunities for Computer Science Educators,” at SIGCSE 2004, Norfolk, Virginia, March 3-7, 2004. • DeJongh, M., LeBlanc, M., “SIGCSE Special Projects Showcase: Bioinformatics in the Computer Science Curriculum,” at SIGCSE 2004, Norfolk, Virginia, March 3-7, 2004. • DeJongh, M., VanDort, P., Ramsay, B., “Linking Molecular Function and Biological Process Terms in the Gene Ontology for Gene Expression Data Analysis”, Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2004, Poster Session, Hawaii, January 6-10, 2004. Professor Mary DeYoung • “The Matrix: It’s More Than a Movie—Use Codes to Engage Students Discretely,” April, 2004, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Faculty Presentations Dr. Paul De Young • FPGA-based Trigger Logic for the Modular Neutron Array (MoNA). T. Baumann, P.A. DeYoung, and the MoNA Collaboration. American Physical Society April Meeting. W15.003 (2004). • Characteristics and Preliminary Results from MoNA at MSU/NSCL. W. A. Peters, N. Frank, M. Thoennessen, T. Baumann, J-L. Lecouey, K. Yoneda, J. Brown, D. Hecksel, P. DeYoung, T. Pike, J. Finck, P. Voss, B. Luther, M. Kleber, J. Miller, R. Pipen, W. Rogers, L. Elliott, M. Strongman, and K. Watters. Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, Chicago IL, BB.003, (2004). • The Installation of a New Van de Graaff Accelerator and its Applications at Hope College Abe Peña III@, P.A. DeYoung, and G.F. Peaslee. Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting, Chicago IL, CK.057, (2004). Dr. Sue Dunn • Dunn, S., vonEye, A., & Holmes Rovner, M. Depression and Hopelessness as Psychological Predictors of Exercise and Physical Functioning in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (oral presentation), American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, New Orleans, LA, November, 2004.
Faculty Presentations Dr. Tim Evans • Sousa, L.O.F. de, G.K. Brown, T. Wendt, D.E. Tuthill, and T. M. Evans. “Is the Genus Lymania (Bromeliaceae) Monophyletic? Phylogenetic Analyses of Morphology, Molecular and Combined Data” to the American Society of Plant Taxonomists/Botanical Society of America Annual Meeting. Mobile, Alabama. • Evans, T.M., G.K. Brown, T. Wendt, D.E. Tuthill. Presented: “Phylogenetic Relationships in Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae) Based on Three Chloroplast DNA Regions” to the American Society of Plant Taxonomists/Botanical Society of America Annual Meeting. Mobile, AL. Dr. Greg Fraley • Fraley, G.S., S.M. Krasnow, J.T. Smith, R.A. Steiner, and D.K. Clifton. Presented: “Regulation of KiSS-1 mRNA by Sex Steroids in the Female Rat” to the Society for Neuroscience • Acohido, B.V.,G.S. Fraley, J.T. Smith, Y. Ma, H. Lin, D.K. Clifton, and R.A. Steiner. 2004. Presented: “Sexual Differentiation of KiSS-1 Gene Expression in the Forebrain of the Rat” to the Society for Neuroscience. • Kauffman, A.S., J. Buenzle, G.S. Fraley, and E.F. Rissman. 2004. Presented “The Effects of Galanin-like Peptide (GALP) on Locomotor and Reproductive Behaviors in Female Mice” to the Society for Neuroscience. Dr. Tam George • Ethnonursing: Method Used for the Study of Care in the Chronically Mentally Ill and in Dutch Americans (oral presentation), Transcultural Nursing, Madonna University, Detroit, MI, May, 2004.
Faculty Presentations Dr. Ed Hansen • Hansen, E.C. and Harlov, D.E. Chemical and Mineralogical Patterns Along a Late Archean Crustal Profile in Southern India: Signatures of a High Temperature Brine? 2004 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, December 13-17 San Francisco, California • Hansen, E., Derby, S., Timmons, E and Zietlow R. Geomorphic History of the Coastal Dune Complex Along the Southeastern Shore of Lake Michigan. 2004 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, November 7-10, Denver Colorado • Andersen, B and Hansen, E. Breaking Free: Collaborating Outside the Department. Crossing Boundaries: Council on Undergraduate Research Tenth National Conference, June23-26, 2004 University of Wisconsin, La Crosse • Hansen, E.C., Arbogast, A.F., van Dijk , D., and Yurk B., Growth and Migration of Parabolic Dunes along the Southeastern Coast of Lake Michigan. 2004 International Coastal Symposium, March 14-18, Universidade do Vale do Itajai, Brazil • Hansen, E.C. and Elizabeth Tillman: Sand Dune Formation. This was a half-hour presentation given 3 times as part of the session “Great Lakes Sand Dunes – Like no Others on Earth” at Hoffmaster State Park. It was one of the offsite sessions of the 2004 National Work Shop of the National Association for Interpretation in Grand Rapids, Michigan Nov. 16-20, 2004
Faculty Presentations Dr. Mike Jipping • “Investigating Wired and Wireless Networks Using a Java-based Programmable Sniffer”, paper with A. Kalafut, N. Kooistra, and K. Ludewig, at ITiCSE 2004, June 2004. Dr. Brent Krueger • “Can physics and biology get along? Using computation and spectroscopy to develop new tools in structural biology”, Chemistry Seminar, Michigan State University, 21 July 2004. Dr. Ryan McFall • (2004) "Evaluation of a Prototype of an Electronic Textbook Application", World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Lugano, Switzerland, June 21-26, 2004, Association for Advancement of Computing in Education. • Poster presentation on Electronic textbooks (with students Dan Hansens, Chris Johnson and Josh Morse): World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Lugano, Switzerland, June 21-26, 2004 • Poster presentation on Electronic Textbooks at NSF CCLI Showcase: Norfolk Virginia, March 2004 as part of ACM Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education annual conference • "The eTextReader System": presentation at HP Teaching with Technology conference (with students James Boerkoel, Christopher Johnson and Benjamin Worrel), Monterey CA
Faculty Presentations Dr. John Krupczak • Similarities Between Current Engineering Education Problems in the United States and Japan, Krupczak, J.J, and G. Suzuki, I. Takahashi, K. Takayama, A. Ming, T. Miyazaki H. Takashima, “American Society for Engineering Education North Central Section Spring Conference (2004). • A Case Study of a Technological Literacy Course, Krupczak J.J, S. Vanderstoep, and L. Wessman, 2004 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, June 20-23, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah. • An Electrodynamic Loudspeaker that students can build and take home, Krupczak, J.J, Christy Heid and Miguel Abrahantes Michigan Science Teachers Annual Conference (2004). • A Case Study of a Technological Literacy Course, Krupczak J.J, S. Vanderstoep, and L. Wessman, 2004 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, June 20-23, 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah. • Results from Replacing General Physics with Introduction to Engineering in the First Year, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference (2004), Krupczak, J.J., Joseph Kaloust, Michael Misovich, Janice Pawloski, Roger Veldman, Paul DeYoung, Peter Gonthier, Catherine Mader, and Mark Little.
Faculty Presentations Dr. K. Greg Murray • Murray, K. G. and J. Atwell* Presented Poster: “19 Years of Gap Dynamics in a Costa Rican Cloud Forest” at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, 1-6 August 2004. Portland, Oregon. Dr. Mark Pearson • “Building Community in the Mathematics Department at Hope College” at MINExT (Michigan Project NExT), April 2005 • “The First Year in (P)review: A first-year faculty’s recollections” at the PEW New Faculty Conference held at Hope, Summer 2004. Dr. Graham Peaslee • “Radiodating of a Lake Michigan Sediment Core”, Invited seminar, November 11, 2004, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Dr. Tim Pennings • Plenary speaker for the Midwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium at Simpson College, Indianola, IA, March 2004.
Faculty Presentations Dr. Jon Peterson • (2004), The Savvy Traveler: Learning Language & Customs of Interdisciplinary Research: Invited presentation in a CUR/GSA Special Session-Integrative Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research in the Earth Sciences Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado, November 7-10, 2004. • Peterson, Jonathan W.; Bassman*, Jennifer; Cencer*, Jennifer; and Johnson*, Eric; (2004), Analysis of Insect Occurrence in Groundwater in a Coastal Lake Michigan Aquifer: Poster presentation at Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado, November 7-10, 2004. Dr. Will Polik • “WebMO: Web-Based, State-of-the-Art, and Cost Effective Computational Chemistry”, Fall 2004 ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 8/25/04. Dr. Elizabeth Sanford • “Rearrangements Encountered in the Preparation of Spirosubstituted [1.1.1]Propellanes,” 30th Reaction Mechanisms Conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, June 25-28, 2004. • “The Preparation of Polyether Substituted PPV’s for use in Light Emitting Electrochemical Cells,” National Science Foundation 12th Workshop on Materials Chemistry and Nanoscience, Broomfield, CO, October 28-31, 2004.
Faculty Presentations Dr. Darin Stephenson • Shova KC* and Anna Madras* “Randomly Generated Triangles” at the Undergraduate Research Mini-conference at GVSU, 2005 (Based on research with Darin Stephenson) • “New examples of quantum P3 with finitely many points,” invited talk in the Special Session on Algebras and Deformation Theory at the Fall Central Section Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Evanston, IL, October 24, 2004. Dr. Joanne Stewart • "I'll Come Back When You’re Teaching: Reform in College Science Education Now and In the Future," Pew Faculty Teaching & Learning Center Seminar, March 12, 2004, Grand Valley State University. • "Is this real chemistry? Reform in college science education now and in the future," Chemistry Department Seminar, November 4, 2004, Purdue University. Dr. John Stoughton • “Niven’s Proof that Pi is Irrational and Its Importance Today” at the Joint Meetings in Phoenix, AZ in January, 2004. Dr. Debbie Swarthout • Presented Poster: “Endophytic Tall Fescue Grasses Show Greater Stomatal Responses to Changes in CO2 Concentrations in Intact Leaves” at the American Society of Plant Biologists Meeting in Orlando, Florida during July 2004.
Faculty Presentations Dr. Roger Veldman • “Effects of Pre-Pressurization on Plastic Deformation of Blast-Loaded Square Aluminum Plates,” R.L. Veldman, J. Ari-Gur, C. Clum, J. Folkert, 8th International LS-DYNA Users Conference, Dearborn, Michigan, May 2004. • “Blast Response of Plastic Deformation of Pre-Pressurized Square Plates”, R. Veldman, 8th International LS-Dyna User’s Conference, Dearborn, Michigan, (May, 2004). Dr. Kathy Winnett-Murray • Winnett-Murray, K., D. Cronkite, L. Hilman*, J. Dreyer*, K. Machado*, Zwart, A. Presented: “Ask Your Way Through Biology” at the Michigan Science Teacher’s Association Meeting, Lansing, MI. March 2004. • Winnett-Murray, K., D. Cronkite, L. Hilman*, J. Dreyer*, K. Machado*, Zwart, A. Presented: “Ask Your Way Through Biology,” a workshop on investigative learning at the National Association of Biology Teachers Annual Meeting, November, 2004. • Winnett-Murray, K. and L. Hertel Presented: “Photosynthetic Strategies and Their Consequences for Plant Community Structure”. (co-authored with K.G. Murray) at the Annual Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE), Bowling Green State University, OH., June 2004. • Winnett-Murray, K., L. Hertel Presented: “Phylum Masquerade” (co-authored with Donald Cronkite) at the ABLE meeting in Bowling Green, OH. June 2004. • Presented: “Enlisting Children and Student Teachers in Ecological Research on an Invasive Plant, Elaeagnus umbellate”. (co-authored by K.G. Murray, Angela Bunker*, Anne Hilbrecht*, James Grosse*, and Spencer Bacon*) – 89th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR. August 2004.
Student Presentations Elizabeth Adenegan • "Fair Division and budget constraints," Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Flint, MI, October 2005. (Based on research done at Goshen College in Summer 2005) Daniela Banu • “Analysis of the Conditioning Effect of Future Polynomial Regularization,” University of Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics, 2005. (Based on research with Aaron Cinzori) • Presentations and representations of metacyclic groups," Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Flint, MI, October 2005. (Based on research with Mark Pearson) • Daniela Banu, Jeff Langford and Dan Visscher “Presentations of Semidihedral and Metacyclic Groups” at the Undergraduate Research Mini-conference at GVSU, 2005 (Based on research with Mark Pearson) A. Buchwalter*, I. Le, and M. Burnatowska-Hledin • Presented: VACM-1, a Cul 5 Gene, Regulates Angiogenesis by Modulating MAPK Phosphorylation and Maspin Protein Expression. ISBMB. Boston, MA. 2004 Mike Cortez • “A Mathematical Model of Tri-trophic Interactions,” MathFest, Providence, RI, August 2004. This talk won an award for the best applied mathematics student talk. (Based on research with Janet Andersen)
Student Presentations Mike Cortez and Mike Nelsen • “A Mathematical Model of Tri-trophic Interactions,” presented by Mike Cortez and Mike Nelsen, Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, 2004. (Based on research with Janet Andersen) Andrew Craker and Erin Wicker • “Spiraling to Our Doom”, presented by Andrew Craker and Erin Wicker, Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, 2004. (Based on research with Aaron Cinzori) Henry Gould • “An Interdisciplinary Course for Mathematics and Biology Students,” MathFest, Providence, RI, August 2004. (Based on research with Janet Andersen) Daniel J. Halloran • Daniel J. and Peterson, Jonathan W., (2004) Analysis of Onychiuridae Occurrence in Groundwater Beneath the Hope College Campus, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, Annual Meeting, March 5, 2004.
Student Presentations Rebecca Lambert • "Sorting in Graphs" at the Undergraduate Research Mini-conference at GVSU, 2005 (Based on research with Airat Bekmetjev) • "Sorting in Graphs", Young Mathematicians Conference at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 2005 (Based on research with Airat Bekmetjev) Isabelle Le and A. Buchwalter • Presented: Mutation of VACM-1, a cul 5 Gene, Induces Cellular Growth and Converts Endothelial Cells to the Angiogenic Phenotype. PEW. St. Louis, MO. KC Shova • "Randomly Generated triangles whose vertices are vertices of a regular polygon," Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Flint, MI, October 2005. (Based on research with Darin Stephenson) David Visser*and Kim Harrison • "Modeling Tri-Trophic Interactions with tall fescue, fall armyworms, and euplectrus constockii," Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Flint, MI, October 2005. (Based on research with Janet Andersen)
Student Presentations Andrew Wallis • "Non-greedy Pebbling Configurations" at the Undergraduate Research Mini-conference at GVSU, 2005 (Based on research with Airat Bekmetjev) Ryan Weaver • “Optimizing a Trip up the River”, Pew Undergraduate Research Symposium in Mathematics and the Physical Sciences 2004. (Based on research with Tim Pennings) Andrew Wells • “Counting Quadratic Forms of Rank 1 and 2,” MathFest, Providence, RI, August 2004. (Based on research with Darin Stephenson) • “Order of the Group of Units in the Quaternions Modulo n,” Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, 2004. (Based on research conducted at the SUNY-Potsdam Mathematics REU.) • Analysis of the Conditioning Effect of Future Polynomial Regularization,” Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, 2004. (Based on research with Aaron Cinzori
Student Presentations Kyle Williams • “A Mathematical Model of Tri-trophic Interactions,” Pew Undergraduate Research Symposium in Mathematics and the Physical Sciences 2004. (Based on research with Tim Penning) • A Probabilistic Model of Neural Connections” Pew Undergraduate Research Symposium in Mathematics and the Physical Sciences 2004. (Based on research with Tim Pennings)
Publications & Books Dr. Janet Andersen and Professor Todd Swanson • Understanding our Quantitative World, Mathematical Association of America, 2005. • Andersen, Janet “Turning barriers into opportunities,” invited paper for PKAL, web published on http://www.pkal.org, 2004. Dr. Chris Barney • Burnatowska-Hledin, M.A., J.B. Kossoris*, C.J. Van Dort*, R.Le. Shearer*, P. Zhao, D.A. Murrey*, J.L. Abbott*, C.E. Kan*, and C.C. Barney. 2004 “T47 D Breast Cancer Cell Growth is Inhibited by Expression of VACM-1, a cul-5 Gene. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 319:817-825. Dr. Airat Bekmetjev • Airat Bekmetjev, Tim Pennings, and Todd Swanson, “Do dogs know calculus? A statistical investigation,” STATS 41 (2004). Dr. Aaron Best • Best, A.A., H.G. Morrison, A.G. McArthur, M.L. Sogin, G.J. Olsen. 2004. “Evolution of Transcription: Insights from the Genome of Giardia lamblia. Genome Res. 14:1537-1547.
Publications & Books Dr. Harvey Blankespoor • Verbrugge, L.M., J.J. Rainey, R.L. Reimink, and H.D. Blankespoor. 2004. "Swimmer's Itch: Incidence and Risk Factors." American Journal of Public Health 94:738-741. • Verbrugge, L.M., J.J Rainery, R.L. Remink, H.D. Blankespoor. 2004. "Prospective Study of Swimmer's Itch Incidence and Severity." Journal of Parasitology 90: 697-704. Dr. Brian Bodenbender • B. E. Bodenbender and E. J. Hiemstra* (2004) A reconnaissance of skeletal crystallography in rhombiferans, diploporans, and paracrinoids. Journal of Paleontology 78:1154-1162 Dr. Allan Brady • Brady, A.R. and A.J. Santos. 2004. Oxyopidae. pp. 102-1-4 in "Spiders of North America: an Identification Manual." Ubick, D., Papuin, P. Cushing, P. and Roth, V. Roth, eds. Dr. Kenneth Brown • Brown, K.L.; Ambrose, M.*; Pinter, J.S.*, Ruch, T*., Ewing, K*. ”Amperometric Detection of Glucose Involving Electropolymerized Tetraaminophthalocyanine and Ferrocene Thin Films”, accepted for publication in Analytical Letters 2005, 38, 5.
Publications & Books Dr. Tom Bultman • Bultman, T.L., G. Bell*, and W. Martin*. 2004. “Reversal of Wound-induced Effects in a Grass are Mediated by a Fungal Endophyte.” Ecology 85:679-685 Dr. Maria Burnatowska-Hledin • Burnatowska-Hledin, M. and M. DeJongh. 2004. “Development and Implementation of an Introductory Bioinformatics Course at Hope College. In: Transformations @ Liberal Arts in Digital Age. Vol 2:(http://dev.colleges.org/drupal/) • Burnatowska-Hledin, M., J. Kossoris*, C. Van Dort*, D. Murrey*, J. Abbott*, C. Kan*, and C. Barney. 2004. “VACM-1 Expression in T47D Human Breast Cancer Cell Line.” Biochem Biophys. Res. Com. 319: 817-825. • Burnatowska-Hledin, M. and M. DeJongh. Development and Implementation of an Introductory Bioinformatics Course at Hope College. In: Transformations @ Liberal Arts in Digital Age. Vol 2: (http://dev.colleges.org/drupal/) 2004. • Burnatowska-Hledin, M., J. Kossoris*, C. Van Dort*, D. Murrey*, J. Abbott*, C. Kan* and C. Barney. VACM-1 expression in T47D human breast cancer cell line. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 2004, 319: 817-825.
Publications & Books Dr. Aaron Cinzori • Aaron Cinzori, “Continuous future polynomial regularization of 1-smoothing Volterra problems,” Inverse Problems 20 (2004), 1791—1806. Dr. Donald Cronkite • Cronkite, D.L., J. Gentile, and J.L. Andersen. 2004. “An Integrating Culture of Undergraduate Research.” In L.E. Kaufman and J.E. Stocks (editors) Reinvigorating theUndergraduate Experience: Successful Models Supported by NSF’s AIRE-RAIRIEProgram. CUR Publications • Cronkite, D.L., “A Problem-based Guide to Basic Genetics”, Brooks/Cole Publishing. 2005. (It has a 2005 copyright but was being sold in 2004). • Cronkite, D.L., 2004. Genetics Volume 2. A joint project of Brooks/Cole Publishing and CNN. Dr. Cronkite produced a video of news stories about genetics and a study guide for it. • Cronkite, D.L. April,. 2004. “Mouse Under Box in Kitchen.” Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought, pp. 5 and 19. • Cronkite, D.L. December, December 2004. “Instruments.” Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought. p. 3.
Publications & Books Professor Mary DeYoung • Mary DeYoung, Online Mentoring with the Math Forum: A Capstone Experience for Preservice K-8 Teachers in a Mathematics Content Problem-Solving Class, Volume 4, Issue 3 (2004) • Mary DeYoung, “Lessons in square making,” Mathematics in Michigan 43 (2004) Dr. Tim Evans • Givnish, T.J., K.C. Millam, T.M. Evans, J.C. Hall, J.C. Pires, P.E. Berry, K.J. Sytsma. 2004. “Ancient Vicariance or Recent Long-distance Dispersal? Inferences about Phylogeny and South American-African Disjunctions in Rapateaceae and Bromeliaceae based on ndhF Sequence data.” International Journal of Plant Science 165 (4 Suppl.): S35-S54. Dr. Greg Fraley • Fraley, G.S., S.E. Thomas-Smith, B. Acohido, D.K. Clifton, and R.A. Steiner. 2004. “Stimulation of Sexual Behavior in the Male Rat by Galanin-Like Peptide. In: Hormones and Behavior 46: 551-557. • Irwig, M.S., G.S. Fraley, J.T. Smith, B.V. Achohido, S.M. Popa, M.J. Cunningham, M.L. Gottsch, D.K. Clifton, R.A. Steiner. 2004. "Kisspeptin Activation of GnRH Neurons and Regulation of KiSS-1 mRNA in the Male Rat." Neuroendocrinology 788:1-9.
Publications & Books Dr. Jason Gillmore • Gillmore, J.G.; Neiser, J.D.; McManus, K.A.; Roh, Y.; Dombrowski, G.W.; Brown, T.G.; Dinnocenzo, J.P.; Farid, S.; Robello, D.R. Quantum Amplified Isomerization: A New Concept for Polymeric Optical Materials. Macromolecules 2005, 38 (18), 7684-7694. (big paper from my PhD at Rochester with Joe Dinnocenzo) • Tanko, J.M.; Gillmore, J.G.; Friedline, R.; Chahma, M. Cyclopropyl Carbinyl Homoallyl-Type Ring Opening of Ketyl Radical Anions. Structure/Reactivity Relationships and the Contribution of Solvent/Counterion Reorganization to the Intrinsic Barrier. J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70 (10), 4170-4173. (little paper dates back to my BS/MS days with Jim Tanko at Virginia Tech) • Robello, D.R.; Dinnocenzo, J.P.; Farid, S.; Gillmore, J.G.; Thomas, S.W. III. Quantum Amplified Isomerization: A New Chemically Amplified Imaging System in Solid Polymers. In Chromogenic Phenomena in Polymers: Tunable Optical Properties; Jenekhe, S.A., Kiserow, D.J., Eds.; • Tanko, J.M.; Gillmore, J.G.; Friedline, R.; Chahma, M. Cyclopropylcarbinyl to Homoallyl-Type Ring Opening of Ketyl Radical Anions. Structure/Reactivity Relationships and the Contribution of Solvent/Counterion Reorganization to the Intrinsic Barrier. Submitted to Journal of Organic Chemistry, December 2004.
Publications & Books Dr. Ed Hansen • Arbogast, A.R. Schaetzl, R.J., Hupy, J.P. and Hansen E.C. (2004) Formal recognition of the Holland Geosol: A pedostratigraphic unit in the coastal dunes of southeastern Lake Michigan. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 41, 1385-1400 • Hansen, E.C., Arbogast, A.F. and Yurk, B. (2004) The History of Dune Growth and Migration along the Southeastern Shore of Lake Michigan: A perspective from Green Mountain Beach. Michigan Academician 35, 455-478 • Hansen, E. C. (2004) Introduction to The Geology and Geomorphology of Lake Michigan’s Coast. Michigan Academician 35, 351-354 Dr. Mike Jipping • Numerous articles for Forum Nokia Website and Sony Ericsson: • Series 60 Developer Platform: Debugging Software with the CodeWarrior IDE • Series 60 Developer Platform: Switching to the CodeWarrior IDE • Series 60 Developer Platform: Customizing the CodeWarrior IDE • Series 60 Developer Platform: Creating DLLs And Device Drivers Using The CodeWarrior IDE • Series 60 Developer Platform: Debugging Software with Borland C++BuilderX • Series 60 Developer Platform 2.0: RAD Development With Borland C++BuilderX • Working with TCP/IP from J2ME • ACS Symposium Series 888; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2004; pp 135-146.
Publications & Books Dr. Virginia McDonough • McDonough, V.M., T.M. Roth*. 2004. “Growth Temperature Affects Accumulation of Exogenous Fatty Acids and Fatty Acid Composition in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 86: 34-354. Dr. K. Greg Murray • Murray, K.G., K. Winnett-Murray, and the Ecological Society of America. 2004. “The Effect of Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) on the Establishment of Interspecific Seedlings . Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology. Volume 1. Experiments to Teach Ecology. http://tiee.ecoed.net/vol/v1/experiments/hemlock/hemlock.htm
Publications & Books Dr. Graham Peaslee • Baumann, T.; Thoennessen, M.; Brown, J.; DeYoung, P.; Finck, J; Hinnefeld, J.; Howes, R.; Kemper, K.; Pancella, P.; Peaslee, G.; Rogers, W. ; Tabor, S; MoNA--The Modular Neutron Array. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 2003, A505, 33-35. • Rogachev, G.V.; Aprahamian, A.; Becchetti, F.D.; Boutachkov, P.; Chen, Y.; Chubarian, G.; DeYoung, P.A.; Fomichev, A.; Goldberg, V.Z.; Golovkov, M. S.; Kolata, J.J.; Oganessian, Yu. Ts.; Peaslee, G.F.; Quinn, M.; Rodin, A.; Skorodumov, B.B.; Slepnev, R. S.; Ter-Akopian, G.; Trzaska, W. H.; Wohr, A.; Wolski, R.; Structure of exotic 7He and 9He. Nuclear Physics 2004, A746, 229c. • DeYoung, P.; Hilldore, B.B.*; Kiessel, L. M.*; Peaslee, G. F.; Analysis of Event-Mode Data with Interactive Data Language. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 2003, A505, 294 (listed as in press in 2003 report). • Clement, R. R. C.; Bazin, D.; Benenson, W.; Brown, B.A.; Cole, A.L.; Cooper, M.W.; DeYoung, P.A.; Estrade, A.; Famiano, M.A.; Frank, N.H.; Gade,A.; Glasmacher, T.; Hosmer, P.T.; Lynch, W. G.; Montes, F.; Mueller, W. F.; Peaslee, G. F.; Santi, P.; Schatz, H.; Sherrill, B. M.; van Goethem, M.-J.; Wallace, M.S.; New Approach for Measuring Properties of rp-Process Nuclei. Physical Review Letters 2004, 92, 172502. • Kolata, J.J.; Aguilera, E.F.; Becchetti, F.D.; Chen, Y.; DeYoung, P.A.; Garcia-Martinez, H.; Hinnefeld, J.D.; Lupton, J.H.; Martinez-Quiroz, E.; Peaslee, G.F.; Elastic scattering of 10Be on 208Pb near the Coulomb barrier. Physical Review 2004, C69, 047601. • Rogachev, G.V.; Boutachkov, P.; Aprahamian, A.; Becchetti, F.D.; Bychowski, J.P.*; Chen, Y.; Chubarian, G.; DeYoung, P.A.; Goldberg, V.Z.; .Kolata, J.J; Lamm, L.O.; Peaslee, G.F.; Quinn, M.; Skorodumov, B.B.; Wohr, A.; Analog States of 7He Observed via the 6He(p, n) Reaction. Physical Review Letters 2004, 92, 232502.
Publications and Books Dr. Jon Peterson • Peterson, Jonathan W.; (2004), “Geology/Earth Science” in The College Board Book of Majors, 1st Edition, T. Vandenberg, Edt., Published by College Entrance Examination Board, New York, 1252 pgs. Dr. Mike Pikaart • Amy B. Ghering, Lisa M. Miller Jenkins, Brandy L. Schenck*, Sandhya Deo, R. Aeryn Mayer, Michael J. Pikaart, James G. Omichinski, and Hilary A. Godwin. “Spectroscopic determination of the thermodynamics of the interation of Pb2+ with GATA proteins.” Journal of the American Chemical Society, in press. • BH Mott*, J Bassman*, and MJ Pikaart. “A molecular dissection of the interaction between the transcription factor Gata-1 zinc finger and DNA.” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2004, 316: 910-917.
Publications and Books Dr. Will Polik • Dr. Polik, “Computational Science and High-Performance Computing”, Computer Science Seminar, Hope College, 1/29/04. • Dr. Polik, “WebMO: Web-Based, State-of-the-Art, and Cost Effective Computational Chemistry”, Fall 2004 ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 8/25/04. • Hahn, K.E.*; Polik, W.F. Factors Influencing Success in Physical Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education 2004, 81, 567. • Crim, F.F.; Polik, W.F. Revision of ACS Guidelines for Undergraduate Chemistry Programs, Journal of Chemical Education 2004 81, 1695. • Schmidt, J.R.*; Polik, W.F. WebMO 5.0: WWW-Based Interface for Computational Chemistry, Hope College: Holland, 2004. Dr. Darin Stephenson • G. Dietz*, R. Higginbottom*, and D. R. Stephenson, Quantum 3-spaces which embed weighted quantum planes, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 35 (2005), 415-444.
Publications and Books Dr. Joanne Stewart • Joanne L. Stewart, “Assessment and Evaluation of the Undergraduate Research Experience,” in Enhancing Research in the Chemical Sciences at Predominantly Undergraduate Institutions: A Report from the Undergraduate Research Conference, Bates College, August 2-4, 2003. Full paper available at http://abacus.bates.edu/acad/depts/chemistry/twenzel/assessment.pdf. Professor Todd Swanson • Todd Swanson, A Review of Undergraduate Programs & Courses in the Mathematical Sciences: CUPM Curriculum Guide 2004, Mathematics Teacher, Vol. 98, No. 6, February 2005, p 447. Dr. Debbie Swarthout • Verburg, P., J.A. Arnone III, D. Obrist, D.E. Schorran, R.D. Evans, D. Le Roux-Swarthout, D.W. Johnson, Y. Luo, J.S. Coleman. 2004. “Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange in Two Experimental Grassland Ecosystems.” Global Change Biology 10: 498-508 Dr. Elliot Tanis • Robert Hogg and Elliot Tanis, Probability and Statistical Inference, 7/e, 2005.
Publications and Books Dr. Nathan Tintle • Bromet EJ, Gluzman SF, Paniotto VI, Webb CP, Tintle NL, Zakhozha V, Havenaar JM, Gutkovich Z, Kostyuchenko S, Schwartz JE. Epidemiology of psychiatric and alcohol disorders in Ukraine: Findings from the Ukraine World Mental Health survey. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2005 Sep;40(9):681-90. Epub 2005 Sep 20. • Bromet EJ, Havenaar JM, Gluzman SF, Tintle NL. Psychological aftermath of the Lviv air show disaster: a prospective controlled study. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2005 Sep;112(3):194-200. • Webb CP, Bromet EJ, Gluzman S, Tintle NL, Schwartz JE, Kostyuchenko S, Havenaar JM. Epidemiology of heavy alcohol use in Ukraine: Findings from the world mental health survey. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 2005 Jul-Aug;40(4):327-35. Dr. Kathy Winnett-Murray • Winnett-Murray, K. 2004. Article for Labstracts (on-line): New on-line resource “TIEE’s together experiments, ecological issues, and pedagogical reform (website review). ABLE: Association for Biology Laboratory Education. http://www.zoo.utoronto.ca/able/news/fall2004/winnett-murray-review-f04.htm • Murray, K.G., K. Winnett-Murray, and the Ecological Society of America. 2004. “The Effect of Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga Canadensis) on the Establishment of Interspecific Seedlings . Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology. Volume 1. Experiments to Teach Ecology. http://tiee.ecoed.net/vol/v1/experiments/hemlock/hemlock.htm
Student Publications F. F. Crim and Polik, W.F. • Revision of ACS Guidelines for Undergraduate Chemistry Programs, Journal of Chemical Education 2004 81, 1695. K.E. Hahn and Polik, W.F. • Factors Influencing Success in Physical Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education 2004, 81, 567. Schmidt, J.R. and Polik, W.F. • WebMO 5.0: WWW-Based Interface for Computational Chemistry, Hope College: Holland, 2004. Melissa Sulok ‘04 • M. Sulok*, N.A. Slade, and T.J. Doonan. 2004. "Effects of Supplemental Food on Movements of Cotton Rats (Sigmodon hispidus) in Northeastern Kansas." Journal of Mammalogy 85: 1102-1105. Jennifer Yamaoka ‘05 • Taylor, S.K., C.R. Arnold, A.T. Gerds, N.D. Ide, K.M. Law, D.L. Kling, M.G. Pridgeon, L.J. Simons, J.R. Vyvyan, J.S. Yamaoka*, M-K. Liao, and T.E. Goyne. 2004. "Lactone Synthesis via Biotransformations of alpha-hydroxyamides. Tetradedron: Asymmetry 15:3819-3821.