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What is FEP?. The Board of Regents has authorized the President to implement a one-year system-wide Furlough/Salary Reduction Plan for University of California employees. Under the plan, employees' work time will be reduced by a specified number of furlough days according to their salary level, with a commensurate reduction in pay. The Furlough Exchange Program (FEP) allows eligible academic employees who are subject to the furlough program to devote extra effort to extramurally funded proje13
1. Furlough Exchange Program (FEP) University of California Irvine
3. FEP Eligibility This program is only available to full-time faculty in a Professorial or Lecturer with Security of Employment title, who are subject to salary reduction from the Furlough Plan.
Currently this program does not apply to members of a Health Sciences Compensation Plan, or to members of the Senior Management program.
4. How FEP Works Participation in this plan requires that all furlough days be forfeited and may not be used for any other purpose, including additional consulting days (outside professional activities) and campus closures.
Full year participation is required. Participants must have a contract or grant award(s) for the full year of participation with sufficient funding which can be reallocated to provide compensation (inclusive of benefits and overhead) for increased effort. Effort must be equivalent to the forfeited furlough days (the equivalent percentage reduction assigned to their salary band).
5. FEP Grant Administration There must be compliance with the award terms, and prior approvals must be sought when necessary.
Extramural awards and restricted gifts and endowments that can be used for research support may be used to qualify for the FEP.
Faculty wishing to participate would need to decide which existing extramural awards they will use for the FEP and obtain approvals prior to the September 24, 2009 payroll deadline. There may also be well justified cases for exceptions to the September payroll. These exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis and will require Vice Provost Killackey’s approval.
6. FEP Grant Administration
Faculty salary and benefits paid in July and August of 2009 are for the 2009-10 academic year effort.
Therefore, the transfer of charges for July/August salaries and benefits to the extramural award for work conducted in September and October is allowed, as long as such action is compliant with award terms and the transfers are made within 120 days of incurrence.
7. General Program Restrictions No more than two awards may be used for participation in this program. It is acceptable to use different extramural awards, as some expire and others are awarded, but the entire elected participation period must be covered.
It is acceptable to split award funding as long as the total FEP percent reduction equals to the Furlough/Salary Reduction.
8. NIH CAP Restrictions For faculty paid on a Fiscal Year salary, the monthly capped rate of $16,391.67 ($196,700/12) is applied against their monthly 1/12th salary rate as they are expected to be in service for the entire year.
Faculty paid on an Academic Year salary are normally expected to be in service for nine months of the year. However, most Academic Year appointees receive their Academic Year salary paid over twelve monthly pay periods (09/12) for service rendered over a nine month period.
As the capped rates of annual pay apply equally to Academic Year and Fiscal Year appointees, the capped monthly rate for Academic Year appointees paid 09/12 must be based on nine working months, not twelve months.
9. NIH CAP Restrictions The nine-month equivalent must be calculated as follows:
$16,391.67 x 9 = $147,525/year or $12,293.75/month when paid over 12 months.
The monthly salary rate for faculty paid 09/12 from an NIH fund source cannot exceed $12,293.75.
If a faculty member’s 09/12 monthly rate exceeds $12,293.75, they must follow the salary supplementation guidelines. Please note that this amount may change in January 2010. Please refer to the following link for additional information (http://www.research.uci.edu/ora/sp/nihsalarycap.htm).
10. NIH CAP Academic YearSubject to an 8% reduction (Salary Band 5) showing Supplemental Research Funding for the same percent of time based on current NIH CAP of $196,700
11. NIH CAP Academic Year
12. NIH CAP Academic Year
13. Cost Transfer Requirement Departments will need to process the appropriate cost transfer of funds for academic year appointees. These cost transfers need to be completed in the requisite 120 day limit.
Cost transfers or payments made in July and August for academic year effort will need to be made by October 31 (for July salary payments) and by November 30 (for August salary payments) in order to comply with the 120 day federal rule for cost transfers.
Because of recent audit findings relating to cost transfers on federal expenditures, these transactions will be subject to audit.
14. FEP Participation Period
Academic Year - July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 (Service Period: September 21, 2009 –June 11, 2010)
Note: There will be no salary reduction for Academic Year FEP participants in July & August 2010.
Fiscal Year - September 1, 2009 through August 31, 2010
15. FEP Academic Year Participation
16. UCI Sponsored Funds Exclusion List 18000-18199
17. Exception to UCI Sponsored Funds Exclusion List The UCOP 08/26/09 Guidelines for the FEP state: “Restricted gifts and endowments that can be used for research support may be used to support this increased effort.”
Please note that these restricted gift and endowment funds, however, are not included on the UCI Sponsored Funds Exclusion List and are normally subject to the Furlough/Salary Reduction Plan.
These funds will not be subject to reduction under the Furlough/Salary Reduction Plan only when used for the limited purposes permissible under the FEP guidelines.
18. Exception to UCI Sponsored Funds Exclusion List – cont.
The fund manager or financial analyst who administers a specific restricted gift or endowment fund, in consultation with the PI, will be responsible for determining if the fund can be used for research support in accordance with the terms of the gift/endowment and the FEP guidelines.
Neither the UC 2009-2010 Furlough Plan nor the Furlough Exchange Program (FEP) shifts from the Principal Investigator the ultimate responsibility for assuring that all costs are allowable, allocable, and consistent with the terms of an award.
19. FEP Payment DOS codes To implement the FEP pay line, new distribution lines with new DOS codes will need to be added to the EDB:
DOS code FEP = Furlough Exchange Program
20. FEP Full-Year Participation
21. Employee Appointment Screen — EAPC100% Academic Year Tenure Faculty
23. Employee Appointment Screen — EAPC100% Academic Year Tenure-Track Faculty
24. Employee Appointment Screen — EAPC100% Academic Year Tenure-Track Faculty
25. Employee Appointment Screen — EAPC100% Academic Year Tenure-Track Faculty
26. Academic Personnel Website
27. Furlough Exchange Program (FEP) Thank you for attending!
28. EAPC Screen for Faculty on Partial Sabbatical with Supplement and FEP Participation
29. EAPC Screen for Faculty on Partial Sabbatical with Supplement and FEP Participation