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Cologne: ancient water pipe credits: willkommeninkoeln.de/06kunst/kunst01e.htm

Cologne: ancient water pipe credits: http://www.willkommeninkoeln.de/06kunst/kunst01e.htm Dionysus Mosaic, detail Cologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: http://www.citlink.net/~javalee/cologne.html

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Cologne: ancient water pipe credits: willkommeninkoeln.de/06kunst/kunst01e.htm

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  1. Cologne: ancient water pipecredits: http://www.willkommeninkoeln.de/06kunst/kunst01e.htm

  2. Dionysus Mosaic, detailCologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: http://www.citlink.net/~javalee/cologne.html

  3. silver bracelet with child's portraitCologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  4. filigree silver medallion and chain early first century CECologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  5. bronze oil lamp in the form of a comic maskCologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  6. terracotta oil lamps depicting erotic scenesCologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  7. Roman silver and ivory hairpins with sculpted tops and ivory hairpin box with relief carving of satyr and maenadCologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  8. life-size model of Roman wagon modernCologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  9. small terracotta vase with incised scene of maenads killing Orpheus or Pentheus; Roman, third century CECologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  10. large mosaic of Dionysus—detail dancing satyr and maenad:from oecus on west side of peristyle of third-century CE Roman villa near modern Cologne Cologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  11. terracotta flask depicting a gladiatorial sceneCologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  12. cameo of Augustus wearing rayed crown of the sun god indicating deification; first century CECologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  13. bust of Agrippa 50-60 CECologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  14. large mosaic of Dionysus, satyrs, and maenads:10.57 x 7 meters (1-2 million tesserae), from oecus on west side of peristyle of third-century CE Roman villa near modern Cologne Cologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  15. mosaic head of Aristotle; detail of headfrom large mosaic depicting Greek philosophersCologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum.Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  16. mosaic head of Sophoclesfrom large mosaic depicting Greek philosophersCologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

  17. model of Roman soldiers quarrying stone for a construction project modernCologne, Romisch-Germanisches Museum. Credits: Barbara McManus, 1988

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