1. National Association of State Treasurers
3. Arbitrage Restrictions Yield Restriction - limits the time period bond proceeds can be invested above the Yield on the Bonds.
Time periods:
Capital projects?3 years
Working capital?13 months
DSRFs – unlimited, but size limited to “lesser of 3 measure”
No longer significant restriction since adoption of arbitrage rebate
4. Arbitrage Rebate – If Issuer fails to meet spending tests, earnings in excess of Yield on the Bonds are “rebated” to US Treasury.
“Rebate Amount” is excess of amount earned on the investment of Gross Proceeds over the amount earned if invested at the Yield on the Bonds.
Spending tests generally occur sooner than temporary periods end, so arbitrage rebate more important.
5. Arbitrage Bonds
Principal payments
Interest payments
Guarantee/Hedge fees
= Bond yield Investments
Principal payments
Interest payments
= Investment yield
6. Spending Tests Six months
18 months
Two Years (for Construction Issues)
Tests can be applied independently, if applicable
Use of spending exception not mandatory
For “multipurpose issues” (e.g., new money and refunding), tests apply to each separate portion
7. Gross Proceeds Subject to Rebate Sales proceeds
Investment proceeds
Transferred proceeds
Replacement proceeds
8. Six Month Test Spending Requirement:
95% of Gross Proceeds in six months
100% in one year
Excludes DSF, DSRF, “unexpected Gross Proceeds”
Rebate applies to excluded amounts absent exception.
Only test applicable to refundings
9. 18 Month Test Spending Requirement:
15% of Gross Proceeds in six months
60% in one year
100% in 18 months
(95% in 18 months and 100% in 30 months if unexpended 5% represents Reasonable Retainage)
Lesser of 3% or $250,000 de minimis exception
Similar exclusions
Applies to new money not qualifying as Construction Issue
10. Two Year Test for Construction Issue Spending Requirement:
10% of Available Construction Proceeds (“ACP”) in six months
45% in one year
75% in 18 months
100% in two years
(95% in two years and 100% in three years if unexpended 5% represents Reasonable Retainage)
Lesser of 3% or $250,000 de minimis exception
For six month, one year and 18 month spending periods, Investment Proceeds are estimated.
Applies to new money qualifying as Construction Issue
11. ACP ACP equals: Issue Price
Less: (DSRF) (Costs of Issuance)
Plus: Investment Proceeds
Election available to exclude earnings on DSRF for construction period up to two years
If excluded, rebate applies from Issue Date
12. Construction Issue 75% of ACP expended for Construction Expenditures
Based on expectations on Issue Date
“Construction Expenditures”:
construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation of real property (buildings, structures, component of buildings and structures)
not acquisition of interests in land
constructed personal property
specially developed computer software
13. Rebate Calculation Procedure Determine Gross Proceeds
Obtain Investment Records
Calculate (confirm) Yield on Bonds - fixed vs. variable - “qualified guarantees” (bond insurance, LC fees) - “qualified hedges” – interest rate swaps - yield-to-call bonds, deep-discount bonds
Computation of Rebate Amount
14. Rebate Amount Excess of:
Future Value of receipts from investments
Future Value of payments for investments
Future Value = PV x (1+i) n
Universal Cap limitation
Transferred Proceeds from refunded bonds
15. Rebate Compliance Calculation dates
Cumulative calculation at least every 5 years
90% every five years
100% after retirement
$1,000 per year
Filing Requirement
Payment is made using Form 8038-T
16. Penalties Loss of tax-exempt status
50% penalty plus interest on that amount
Waiver of penalty for “innocent failure” if corrected within 180 days of discovery
17. Filing Requirements Every fifth bond year
Bond year does not always mean anniversary of issue date
At final redemption, including early call or reissuance
Special due dates for short-term obligations
18. Unexpected Arbitrage Debt Service Funds
Escrow reinvestments
Yield Restriction
19. Debt Service Funds Bona-fide debt service funds are required to deplete at least once each bond year, except for a reasonable carryover amount not to exceed the greater of:
Draw down balance to 1/12th of annual principal and interest payments
Earnings on the fund for the immediately preceding bond year
20. Escrow Reinvestment Example Bond Yield = 5.35%
Escrow Yield = 5.32%
Escrow = $50,000,000T-Note due 6/1/2006, 6 % coupon, purchased 6/1/2005 @ 100% +scheduled 0% reinvestment of $51,500,000 6/1/2006-7/1/2006
23. SLG Window Closure Closure of SLG window precludes investment in 0% securities
Do not leave funds in cash! (results in positive arbitrage)
Purchase “alternative investment” (almost anything)
Pay all interest earned to IRS within 180 days of receipt using 8038-T (Rev Proc 95-47)
24. Yield Restriction Definition of Yield Restricted Investments
Financial instrument required to be invested at a yield that is not materially higher than the yield on the issue.
Temporary Periods
Possible Yield Restriction Issues
Bond Yield vs. Investment Yield
Series 2000-2002 bond issues requiring IRS calculations face yield reduction payments
25. Avoid These Pitfalls Commingled Funds
Including Commingled Reserve and Debt Service Funds
Transfers of funds to other accounts not pledged or related to the issue
Deposits other than interest income
Unreasonable interest income
Withdrawals that are not expenditures without proper description