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Coordination during acute isobaric hypoxia without exercise corresponding to altitudes until 4500 m Marius Schwager (sports science student), Dr. Sonja Claus (medic), Dr. Hermann Claus (medic), Prof. i. R. Dr. H.-V. Ulmer (physiologist) Institute for sports science,
Coordination during acute isobaric hypoxia without exercise corresponding to altitudes until 4500 m Marius Schwager (sports science student), Dr. Sonja Claus (medic), Dr. Hermann Claus (medic), Prof. i. R. Dr. H.-V. Ulmer (physiologist) Institute for sports science, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany marius.schwager@gmx.de 4th international Symposium:“High altitude influence on human performance: science and praxis” – Bohinjska Bela (Slovenia) Sept. 8-13, 2009 1
introduction, aims, methods, results, diskussion, conclusion introduction • mountaineering in high altitude has lots of consequences for human body • metabolic aspects/physical fatigue are analyzed well • previous study (BURKHARDT 2007) underlines that: • motor aspects are not well analyzed for moderate altitudes • hypoxia might influence coordination • high altitudes above ~4000 m: strong effect on body and central nervous system ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 2
Introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion aims • show influence of hypoxia on motor aspects • focus on „touristical height“ until 4500 m (europe, alps) • show progress from low heights to medium heights (2500-4500 m) • exclude metabolic aspects/physical fatigue • use task-typical tests ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 3
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion methods 9 subjects 5 female, 4 male, (students with inconspicuous Hb-values) • sitting in a chair in front of table • performing 2 tests after a pretest-training until plateau values • use of breathing mask: simulating hypoxia via O2-reduction • simulating practical-relevant tasks for mountaineering: • handling a rope • handling snap hooks ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 4
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion 1) test: handling a rope ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 5
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion 2) test: handling snap hooks ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 6
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion • isobaric hypoxia was generated (Hypoxico, USA), for 10 min, each • 4 levels: low level: “0 m” (= niveau of Mainz), 2500 m, • 3500 m and 4500 m • systematically changing order • one repetition and a control series (“0 m” low level). • Measurements of: • needed test-time (accuracy: 0.2 s) • inspiratory O2-concentration • heart rate (fingerclip oxymeter) • Hb-saturation (fingerclip oxymeter) ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 7
introduction, aims, methods, results, discussion, final conclusion results No principle problems during the alltogether 45 experiments with the 9 subjects ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 8
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 9
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 10
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion discussion ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 11
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion median split test: handling a rope < median > median ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 12
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion median split (2) relative average difference of needed test-time: 4500 m - average 0 m ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 13
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion • regarding means of test-times: • no influence of training effects • (continuous) increase from 2500 m – 4500 m • effect of hypoxia measurable after 10 min of exposition, each level • allover only a very light effect • the coordination is only lightly affected by hypoxia • some individuals are higher affected then others • depending on personal disposition • some subjects had problems with handling snap hooks and rope • add measurement: “movement quality” ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 14
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion final conclusions • only very light effect of hypoxia on coordination until 4500 m while rest (no physical action) • some individuals more affected then others • coordinative influence depending distinclyon personal disposition • stronger negative effect on coordination might be possible • add intensive physical exercise ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 15
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion Thanks for your attention ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 16
introduction, aims,methods, results, discussion, final conclusion Literature 1. BEITZEL, K. (2006): Auswirkungen hypobarer Hypoxie auf die Reaktionsfähigkeit im Alter, Dissertation, Hohe Medizinische Fakultät, Bonn, http://hss.ulb.uni-bonn.de/diss_online/med_fak/2006/beitzel_knut. 2. BURKHARDT, T. (2007): Der Einfluss des Sauerstoffmangels auf die Koordination bzw. Technik beim Bergsport. Diplomarbeit, Institut für Sportwissenschaft Mainz, abstract under: http://www.uni-mainz.de/FB/Sport/physio/pdffiles/BURKHARDT_DiplKurzf_XI-07.pdf.3. ELSNER, D., HAASE, J. (2000): Bergsport-Handbuch, Reinbek bei Hamburg.4. MEINEL, K., SCHNABEL, G. (2008). Bewegungslehre – Sportmotorik, Aachen. ________________________________________________________ Schwager et al.: Coordination under Hypoxia, 4th Symposium, 2009 17