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This overview provides a macroeconomic perspective and insights into the funding program of the Spanish debt market in 2007. It also includes information on the composition and size of the Spanish debt portfolio.
THE NEW 30 YEAR OBLIGACIÓN • Maturity: July 30, 2040 • Short First Coupon: July 30, 2007 • Initial Size: minimum €3 billion • Outstanding Amount at end-2007: €5 billion
AGENDA • Macroeconomic Perspective • Funding Program 2007 • Spanish Debt Portfolio
Macroeconomic Perspective: Sustained outperformance Real GDP growth (in %) 2007 Q1: 4.1 Source: European Commission (Spring 2007 Forecast)
Macroeconomic Perspective: Investment and saving Net lending / borrowing: components (as % of GPD) Investment (% YoY, volume growth) Source: National Statistical Institute (INE)
Macroeconomic Perspective: Spanish real estate Factors supporting upward trend : Balanced adjustment : • Expected to remain robust • Moderate adjustment: Mortgage rates already registered the highest increase in the last 6 years • Supportive • Increase in household income • Monetary conditions • Demographic factors Housing trends Source: Ministry of Housing
Macroeconomic Perspective: Inflation Consumer Price Index (% YoY) Industrial Price Index (% YoY) Source: National Statistical Institute (INE)
Macroeconomic Perspective: Fiscal discipline General Government balance (% of GDP) General Government debt (% of GDP) Source: European Commission (Spring 2007 Forecast)
Macroeconomic Perspective: Fiscal discipline State financing: capacity (+) or requirement (-) (in million euro) In ESA-95 terms Source: Ministry of Economy and Finance
Macroeconomic Perspective: The legal side • The Budgetary Stability Law was approved in2003to ensure fiscal responsibility at all levels of Government and has been reformed in2006: • To avoid pro-cyclical bias:all levels of Gvt must post budgets: • - In upturn (GDP > 3%): surplus required. • - In downturn: max deficit of 1%GDP (State 0.2%). • Additional room for R&D:0.5% GDP (State 0.2%). • Explicit no bail out for regions. • Social Securityobjectives establishedseparatelyfrom those of the Governments.
Macroeconomic Perspective: Social security Pension reforms agreed by consensus in 2006: - More years of contributions (15 vs 12.6) and more incentives to work beyond 65. Social Security Reserve Fund: Portfolio breakdown (in billion euro) Source: Spanish Social Security
AGENDA • Macroeconomic Perspective • Funding Program 2007 • Spanish Debt Portfolio
2007 Funding Program: Forecast Vs Execution Central Government Funding Program(Effective amounts in billion euro) • New forecast (cut from €7.5bn): • 4.20% Jan 37: €0.9bn (closed) • New Jul 2040: max €5bn Data on a budget basis Source: Spanish Treasury
2007 Funding Program : Liquidity Outstanding per bond(data in billion euro as of May 2007) Average Outstanding:12.10 Source: Spanish Treasury
AGENDA • Macroeconomic Perspective • Funding Program 2007 • Spanish Debt Portfolio
Spanish Debt Portfolio: Composition and size Central Government Debt outstanding(in billion euros and nominal terms) Source: Spanish Treasury
Spanish Debt Portfolio: Distribution by holder Government Bonds by Holder(Term investment) Source: Spanish Treasury
Spanish Debt Portfolio: Non-resident holdings Government Bonds by Country(Term investment) Government Bonds by Type(Term investment) Source: Spanish Treasury
Spanish Debt Portfolio: Trading volumes Outright trades in Letras(Average daily volume in € million) Outright trades in B&O(Average daily volume in € million) Source: Spanish Treasury
Thank you for your attention For more information please contact:Soledad Nuñez- Head of the TreasuryDirectorTesoro@tesoro.meh.esEnrique Ezquerra-Head of the debt departmenteezquerra@tesoro.meh.esMatias Viola- Liability management and foreign currency fundingmviola@tesoro.meh.esEnrique M. Quilis-Risk Managementequilis@tesoro.meh.esFederico Ferrer- Senior Advisor fferrer@tesoro.meh.es Rosa M. Moral-Advisorrmmoral@tesoro.meh.es tlf: 91 209 95 29/30/31/32fax: 91 209 97 10Reuters: TESOROBloomberg: TESOInternet: www.tesoro.es