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Welcome to the Department of Political Science Orientation session for MA students 2007/2008 In front of you: Noemi Kakucs and Robert Sata… Noemi is the coordinator of the MA program in political science, and Robert of the PhD program in political science Office: FT 802, FT 803
Welcome to the Department of Political Science Orientation session for MA students 2007/2008
In front of you: Noemi Kakucs and Robert Sata… • Noemi is the coordinator of the MA program in political science, and Robert of the PhD program in political science • Office: FT 802, FT 803 • They are the ones to talk to about routine aspects of the program like requirements, class schedule, syllabi, readers, etc. Orientation session
… and Dorothee Bohle • Head of department • The head is the person to whom you can address all complaints and special requests regarding the program and your studies • Office: FT 801 • Office hours: Tuesday 15:30-17:30 (or by appointment, which you can arrange for by sending an email to bohled@ceu.hu) Orientation session
Other office(r)s of interest • The student services (all offices located on the ground floor of the Monument Building) deal with your accommodation, stipend, special theatre tickets, etc. • The Student Records Office manages course registration, issues transcripts and diplomas • Alumni Affairs Office keeps contact with former students • Computer Help Desk (basement) • The Academic Pro-Rector, the Student Council and the University Disciplinary Committee are the ultimate authorities with respect to student complaints (for details see the Student Handbook) Orientation session
Departmental Calendar • September 10 - 14: Pre-session Prepare for the semester: • settle down in Budapest • get to know CEU facilities like the computer system and the library • attend orientation sessions • meet your mentor For further particulars see the departmental schedule Orientation session
Departmental Calendar • September 17 - 21: Zero week - One introductory class from each course (try to attend all these classes and check out for cross-listed courses) - Exemption tests (passing an exemption test in the field of a core group gives you exemption from the given core group requirement) [sing up with Noemi, FT#802 by 5 pm, Thursday 13 September] - departmental reception (September 18, 3 pm) • September 21, 3 p.m.: Opening Ceremony in CEU Auditorium For details see the MA and PhD course schedules Orientation session
Departmental Calendar • September 24 - December 14: Fall semester • Task: Earn appr.16 credits from courses • December 15 - January 6: Winter break • Task: No exams, just holidays! • January 7 - March 28: Winter semester • Task: Earn the rest of your 32 course credits • Feb. 4: deadline to choose thesis title and supervisor • Feb. 25: Submit a formal research proposal of at least 2500 words Orientation session
Departmental Calendar • March 31 - June 18: third semester No more classes; just thesis writing April-May: research trips April 21: submit 4000-word outline of thesis May 26: submit a full draft of your thesis June 2: submit final version of thesis June 9-13: MA thesis defenses June 19: Graduation Ceremony Orientation session
Diploma requirements Defend a thesis and earn 32 credits in courses, which: • (usually) HAVE TO include Scope and Methods in Political Science (2-credits) and one four-credit core course from each core group; • include elective courses offered or cross-listed by the department; and • MAY include 8 credits in PhD-level political science courses and 4 credits of any other courses offered at CEU, subject to departmental approval. Note also the departmental policies that you will receive by email and regulate further details. Orientation session
Your core courses • Understanding Statistics (one class every week in the fall semester) • Introduction to Contemporary Political Philosophy (Fall) OR Constitutionalism and Democracy (Winter) • Concepts in Political Economy (Fall) OR Rational Choice(Winter) • Comparative European Politics: Political Parties and Interest Groups (Fall) OR Comparative Europe: History, Institutions and Culture (Winter) NOTE: you can be exempted from any and all core groups if you pass the relevant exemption test(s) during the zero week Orientation session
Requirement: you earn at least 12 credits in courses related to the given specialization and receive a B+ or better grade in each course. The list of courses belonging to each specialization is available through the departmental website. Basic idea: in the course of your studies for an MA in Political Science you can, if you so wish, specialize in a field of your choice, and receive from the department – in addition to your MA diploma – a certificate proving this. One new option: certificate programs in political science Orientation session
Certificate programs in 2007/08 • Comparative Politics • Political Economy • Public Policy • Social and Political Theory • Comparative European Politics • Constitutional Politics • Electoral Politics • Political Communication • Political Research Methodology and Social Analysis • Post-Communist Politics Orientation session
Another new option: earn a Hungarian (i.e. European) degree • Those of you who are interested in this option should signal this to Noemi by 1 November2007 and then we shall convene an information session about it Orientation session
Class schedules during the semesters: You will find these displayed on the departmental notice board on the 8th floor of the Faculty Tower and on the departmental website: http://www.ceu.hu/polsci/new Some overlaps between the timeslots of the various courses are inevitable. If there is such an overlap between two courses that you would like to take, ask the instructor and your classmates whether rescheduling may be possible. (not likely!) Orientation session
Besides courses you will also need to pick a thesis supervisor Dorothee Bohle:political economy of globalization, eastern enlargement of the EU, comparative political economy of Central European transformation Andras Bozoki: comparative politics (democratization, East Central European politics) and theories of political change Nenad Dimitrijevic: political theory, constitutional theory Anil Duman:political economy, economic development, welfare state policies, and comparative economic systems, labour market institutions, social security regimes, and their interactions Orientation session
Faculty specialization (contd.) Zsolt Enyedi: party politics, political culture and subcultures, Christian Democracy, comparative politics, political attitude research Attila Folsz (part-time): the political economy of post-communist transitions, monetary and exchange rate politics, European integration Matteo Fumagalli: Central Asian and post-Soviet politics, social and political activism, the comparative study of authoritarianism, the politics of identity and ethnicity. Bela Greskovits: political economy of transition and macro-economic stabilization, leading economic sectors and their political consequences Orientation session
Faculty specialization (contd.) Carol Harrington: ideological politics, social theory (especially Bourdieu, Bauman and Butler), gender and politics Janos Kis: political philosophy, democratic theory Tamas Meszerics: decision theory, organization theories, bureaucratic politics, foreign policy, history of the cold war Zoltan Miklosi: political and moral philosophy, especially theories on political obligation and egalitarian justice Anton Pelinka: comparative politics, democratic theory, west European politics Tamas Rudas:data analysis, applied statistics, survey methodology, mathematical statistics Judit Sandor: human rights, legal policy, health care law, privacy, discrimination, politics of reproduction Orientation session
Faculty specialization (contd.) Carsten Q. Schneider: comparative research methods, democratization Miklos Sukosd: political communication, media policy and media law, journalism and politics, information society, environmental politics Gabor Toka (on leave in 2007/2008): voting behavior, public opinion, electoral systems Orientation session
Visiting professors in 2006/07 Fall: Ludger Helms (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) Philippe C. Schmitter (European University Institute, Florence) Sidney Tarrow (Cornell University, Ithaca) Winter: Herbert Kitschelt (Duke University, North Carolina) Kate Coyer (Goldsmiths College, University of London) Fall –Winter: Robert Hancke (London School of Economics) Levente Littvay (University of Nebraska, Lincoln) Orientation session
CEU Political Science Journal • Is now in its third year of existence, and is looking for collaborators (consult: website link). • Especially wanted: • language editor • local organizer of distribution • potential editors • Please contact • George Jiglau (george.jiglau@yahoo.com) • Sergiu Gherghina (sergiulor@yahoo.com) Orientation session
Once again, welcome to the Department of Political Science. Try to make the most of our offering. With any further questions, please turn to Noemi, Robert, Dorothee or your academic advisor.