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Work package 2: History of corruption in a comparative perspective Andreas Bågenholm Andreas.bagenholm@pol.gu.se. Department of Political Science University of Gothenburg. Objectives.
Work package 2: History of corruption in a comparative perspective Andreas Bågenholm Andreas.bagenholm@pol.gu.se Department of Political Science University of Gothenburg
Objectives • To provide a grounded historical/developmental perspective of several key concepts and practices related to the perception, detection, and handling of corruption across several regions and periods. • To conduct several case-studies illuminating continuity and change in the history of the relations of public morals and government, origins of mechanisms of checks and balances, the impartiality and autonomy of magistracies. • In the cases of early modern Northern European countries special emphasis will be laid on the reforms in different areas in a short period of time in order to come to terms with corrupt behavior. • To develop a research network of historians working on the topic of corruption across periods and regions and encourage them to examine their work vis-à-vis developments in other disciplines.
Projects on pre-modern history of corruption • Guy Geltner (UNIAM): 'Fighting corruption in medieval cities‘ • André Vitória (UNIAM): ‘Portugal and the History of Late Medieval Anti-Corruption: A Comparative Study’ • Maaike van Berkel (UNIAM): ‘Fighting corruption between theory and practice in the medieval Middle East’ • Alina Mungiu-Pippidi (HERTIE): ‘Republican, monarchical and democratic designs of corruption containment: a comparison’. • Ovidiu Olar (SAR) ‘Rules of governance, exceptions, and networks in South-Eastern Europe. The political theory of patriarch Kyrillos Loukaris (1570-1638)
Projects on modern history of corruption • Muhittin Acar (HAT): Ottoman empire’s struggle with maladministration and corruption during Tanzimat period (1839-1876) • Mette Frisk-Jensen (QoG): The Danish History of Anti-Corruption 1700 – 1950 • Andreas Bågenholm (QoG): Curbing corruption in Sweden in the 19th century • James Kennedy (UNIAM): Dutch Anticorruption Mechanisms, 1750-2000 • Sanne Deckwitz (UNIAM): Corruption and Good Governance in the Netherlands Indies and the Philippines, 1850-1942
WP 2 updates • New recruitment: André Vitória (UNIAM) • Two literature review deliverables (September) • WP-meeting in Amsterdam in October
Discussion • How can history help us to combat corruption today? • What lessons may we draw from history? • Comparability: • Patterns and trajectories • Are concepts, such as corruption and Weberianism, relevant historically? • What is success and what is evidence of success? • Is “Getting to Denmark” teleological?
A couple of problems • Not much research on corruption history done so far • Assess the amount of corruption, i.e. the key concept and the dependent variable in the modern studies. • Assess when equilibria are changed, i.e. finding the most relevant periods to study. • Lack of good indicators • Weberianism as a proxy for good government and lack of corruption • Court cases, convictions, citizen complaints etc. • Sources