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Marketing and Management Communication (MMC)

Marketing and Management Communication (MMC). Syllabus, Spring 2007 5 credit points – 7.5 ECTS Head of course: Hans Rämö, PhD, Associate Professor. Today’s Agenda. Administration of the course Purpose and goal for the course Coming lecturers and seminars

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Marketing and Management Communication (MMC)

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  1. Marketing and Management Communication (MMC) Syllabus, Spring 2007 5 credit points – 7.5 ECTS Head of course: Hans Rämö, PhD, Associate Professor

  2. Today’s Agenda • Administration of the course • Purpose and goal for the course • Coming lecturers and seminars • Examination, attendance, compulsory (individual and group) assignments • Course literature • Questions? • Introduction to communication

  3. Hans Rämö • PhD. Associate Professor. Director of Graduate & Doctoral Studies in the School of Business at Stockholm University. • Researcher and lecturer in organization theory and marketing communication. • Research interests include: temporal and spatial factors of organizations; marketing communication; project management; organizational trust; food industry; healthcare management; environmental management; philosophy and sociology of science.

  4. Contact Information Hans Rämö, Head of course email: hra@fek.su.se when emailing, please write MMC on the subject line Co-ordinator: Helena Flinck email: hf@fek.su.se

  5. Purpose and Goal Purpose • Deepening and broadening knowledge and understanding of communication in marketing and management Goal • Analyze and create a communication platform • Review form and content in communication material • Asses different theoretical perspectives

  6. Course Literature • Jim Blythe: Essentials of Marketing Communications (second or third edition) • Robert B. Cialdini: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (several editions) • John Fiske: Communication Theories. An Introduction (second edition) • Majken Schultz et al. The Expressive Organization

  7. Schedule and Lecturers 1 • Today: Basic communication concepts • (based on e.g. Blythe’s book) • Tomorrow: Concepts of persuasion (Cialdini) • Wednesday, May 9: Management Communication (Schultz et al.)

  8. Schedules and Lectures 2 • Thursday, May 10:Marianne NilsonPhD, Associate Professor:Communication studies, part 1 (Fiske) • Monday, May 14:Marianne NilsonCommunication studies, part 2 (Fiske)

  9. Schedule and Lecturers 3 • Monday, May 14: Mikael Holmgren, PhD, Assistant Professor:“Organization as Communication” • Monday, May 21: Magnus Fredriksson,Dept. Journalism & Mass Com. Göteborg Univ.“The Rhetoric Dimensions of Brands” • Tuesday, May 22: Jacob Östberg, PhD, Assistant Professor:“The Intersection of Marketing and Management Communication” • Wednesday, May 23: Tony Fang,PhD, Associate Professor:Cross-Cultural Business Communication

  10. MMC Seminars • Register in Fast-reg. • Five seminar groupsIrene Martinsson, 2 groups Hans Rämö, 2 groupsLisbeth Svengren Holm, (for MA-students only)

  11. MMC Seminar Assignments 1 Group Work (4-5 students) Identify the major communication objective(s) for a campaign of a company or an organization. 10-15 pages excl references (times new roman12 p; 4000- 6000 words) Specify the operational communicational objectives Analyze the chosen creative strategy Analyze the character of chosen design Analyze the chosen channel/media strategy Method for follow-up (how would you plan it if you were the communication manager?) Grades: Pass, (Conditional Pass), or Fail (=rewrite)

  12. MMC Seminar Assignments 2 Review (individual task) Analyze and review a chosen communicative object – not necessarily business related with the help of the course literature. 3 pages excl., references (times new roman12 p; 1200- 1400 words) – No more, no less! Grading based on: • Complexity of chosen object; • Capability to problematize (e.g. problems in taken for granted views); • Capability to integrate theories; • Capability to independently reflect upon the chosen object; • Structure, language and use of references Grades: Pass, (Conditional Pass), or Fail (=rewrite)

  13. MMC Short Exam, May 31 • Consisting of 6 questions (from Blythe, Cialdini, Fiske, and Schultz et al.) • To be answered on one page; grading: 0.5  1  1.5  2 points per question • Pass: 6 – 8.5 points; Pass with Distinction: 9 – 12 points

  14. Course Grade • The total course gradePass:– Pass on all three exam moments Pass with Distinction:– Pass with distinction on the literature exam and flawless reviewPass on the group exam with a flawless report Group teacher decides the grades

  15. Seminar Attendance • Attendance is mandatory for all seminar meetings. • Absences can only be made up by undertaking substantial extra assignments(absence from final seminar = Fail). • On-time completion of assignments and arrival to seminar meetings is expected

  16. Seminar Structure • Meeting 1: Presentation; organization of group work teams; preliminary choice of subject for group work; peer review work details • Meeting 2:Presentation of individual reviews. Leave a paper copy in seminar teacher’s mail box, no later than the day before the seminar, at noon Meeting 3:Literature short exam and status report of group work • Meeting 4:Presentation of group work and peer review of another group’s work. Leave a paper copy in seminar teacher’s mail box, and hand a copy of your group work to your peer reviewers, no later than the day before the seminar, at noon. • Thursday June 7, 16:00-17:00 3:230 Re-exam

  17. Lecture Attendance • On-time arrival to lectures is expected.Late arrival to lectures is a disruption to both the lecturer and students • Lectures give valuable information for the group assignment, review, and the short exam

  18. Why a Marketing and Management Communication Course? Respond and adapt (or fail to adapt) to the global 24/7/365 commerce through the use of pertinent communication No business is an island: networks of meaningful information and communication are crucial to sustain profitability, good reputation and brand value

  19. Information, Communication, or Meaningful Messages? • People read around ten megabytes (MB) worth of material a day; hear 400 MB a day, and see one MB of information every second.(The Economist, Dec. 2nd, 2006, p.14) • Consumers are exposed to hundreds, if not thousands, of commercial messages per day in one form or another, but we only remember a fraction (5-10) of the messages we have seen.

  20. Mass Communication… • Mass communication in the mass marketing and mass consumption society • Marketing communication in Sweden has a turnover of approx. 7.8 Billion US Dollars • USA’s annual investment in marketing communication is 154 billion US Dollars • China has surpassed the US as the single biggest contributor to global marketing communication growth, at the end of 2006

  21. …is changing • The “Mass-concept” has changed • One-to-one marketing • Customization • Relationships • Experience • Internet • Product branding and Corporate branding

  22. The Need for Marketing and Management Communication • To see, and to be seen effectively • Understanding the interconnectedness between marketing and management communication • Creating creative and broad mindsets for effective communication • Designing and evaluating communication tools

  23. Not about Verbal Eloquence… • The course is not focusing on teaching individual skills in verbal communication, eloquence, rhetoric’s or speech techniques • There are no (or very few) native speakers in the class, and no native English speaking teachers

  24. Intermission 1

  25. Marketing Communications Basic Introduction

  26. What is Marketing Communication? • Marketing communication (or marcom) consists of the messages and related media used to communicate with a market. Those who practice advertising, branding, direct marketing, graphic design, marketing, packaging, promotion, publicity, public relations, sales, sales promotion and online marketing are termed marketing communicators, marketing communication managers, or more briefly as marcom managers. (source: Wikipedia, Dec. 9, 2006)

  27. Communication • Is intentional – deliberate effort • Is a transaction – involves two or more • Is symbolic – words, pics, stimulants • Is a translation into meaningful symbols

  28. Overlapping • Sender’s and receiver’s field of experience must overlap, at least to the extent of having a common language.

  29. A ‘Ladder of Effects’ PURCHASE Conviction Preference Liking Knowledge Awareness Ignorance

  30. The Communication Mix • 1. Identify target audience • 2. Determine the response sought • 3. Choose the message • 4. Choose the channel • 5. Select the source’s attributes • 6. Collect feedback

  31. Advertising Medium • Print media – Press advertising • TV, Radio & Cinema • Outdoor advertising – billboards etc • Internet, Mobile phones etc

  32. Handling Public Relations • Organizing press conferences • Intra- Inter-organizational Staff training • Events • Handling requests and complaints • Media training for Media relations • Internal relations and organization culture

  33. Successful Press Releases • Must be newsworthy • Must not be merely an advertisements • Must fit the editorial style of media

  34. Corporate Image Advertising • To ensure that company activities are understood by its publics • Creating greater knowledge and understanding • Shaping behavior of staff, customers etc • Company view is communicated without ‘filtering’ (e.g. edited press releases)

  35. Corporate Advertising • Long-term image, not immediate sales • Rarely mentioning specific brands • Does not require immediate response • Appealing more to reader’s cognition

  36. Branding… • Questions of branding as a process of adding relevant and unique value to products by use of packaging, brand name, promotion and position etc., will be discussed in coming lecturers and seminars.

  37. Sales Promotion, examples • Free ‘taster’ samples • Money-off vouchers • Two for the price of one • Piggy-backing with another product • Instant lottery and scratch cards • Free gift with each purchase

  38. Personal Selling 1 • ‘You can fool some of the people some of the time, you can even fool all the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time’

  39. ‘Selling focuses on the needs of the seller; marketing on the needs of the buyer’ Theodore Levitt, 1960 Selling service providers, rather than gadgets and goods. E.g. a washing-machine is a washing service provider… Personal Selling 2

  40. Intermission 2

  41. Right Time at the Right Place Spatiotemporal aspects of Marketing Communications

  42. Etymology • Communication  Communi care  To Make Common to Many (cf. Communis: Common) • Marketing  Mercari  To Sell in a Marker Marketing Communication= • To Make Common to Many in a Market

  43. Timing at a Specific Place: • The market place in the middle of the town; • a salesperson serving a customer, etc. • Here and Now – The Rhetorical Situation

  44. Abstractions in Time and Space: • Linear communication models (e.g. Shannon & Weaver, 1949) • Source => Sender => (Noise) => Receiver • Input/Output models • AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action • Kotler’s 4P: Product, Price, Place, Promotion • Theoretical Ideals – written on a paper

  45. Exact Time at a Specific Place: • Direct Marketing (DM) • Knocking Doors • Visiting Customers • Tele Marketing, etc. • Time and Place Management

  46. Timing in Virtual Space: • Asynchronic (e.g. e-mail & “spam”) • Synchronic (Chat, Discussion Groups • Digital Market Actors (e.g. genetic algorithms automatically creating ”banners” based on user profile • Focus on Technology

  47. Don’t Forget the Purpose: • Increased attention on the technical aspects of information processing must not be at the cost of profitability, and target audience satisfaction • Information Processing: Technology & Interface • Customer Value Process: Experienced Satisfaction • Performance Measurement: Proft, Growth, etc.

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