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Learn about MMC (Muon Monte Carlo) and UCR (Ubiquitous CORSIKA Reader) software modules for simulating particle showers, including muons, taus, electrons, and neutrinos with adjustable parameters. Understand the necessity of CORSIKA and the features provided by MMC and UCR.
MMC and UCR icetray modules Tau 2-bang Coincident showers Dima Chirkin, LBNL Presented by Spencer Klein
MMC (Muon Monte Carlo) • consists of icetray modules mmc and mmc-icetray • mmc contains the full java sources of the stand-alone mmc package; cam be compiled by make or ammc –ca (compile all). The executable archive mmc.jar needs to be present in the lib directory and can be replaced with mmc executable compiled elsewhere (e.g., from the mmc homepage: http://dima.lbl.gov/~dima/work/MUONPR/) • mmc-icetray contains jni-based interface to mmc, and is largely just an interface to icetray • icetray-c2j needs to be compiled as well • java must be present and match the version of the jni libs used to compile mmc-icetray
MMC: All Lepton Monte Carlo • MMC can be used • with an external generator such as corsika++ or ucr • with an internal generator • MMC propagates: • muons • taus • electrons • monopoles • neutrinos of all types
default parameters for atmospheric fluxes are from fits to corsika, can be adjusted through the options parameter MMC as generator • Gaisser’s formula is implemented for muons with corrections: • Volkova’s large zenith angle • energy loss in the air • decay in flight • Volkova’s formulae are implemented for muon and electron neutrinos with correction: • Volkova’s large zenith angle • E-g spectrum can be specified for all charged leptons and neutrinos
Monopoles can be propagated (shown are m-s of 3 energies tau double bang events can be generated (as in the 1st slide) Earth neutrino oscillations can be taken into account Nutrino generation Earth density profile as:
UCR (Ubiquitous CORSIKA Reader)formerly UC reader (i.e., developed at the UC Berkeley) • Is CORSIKA really necessary then? • yes, since the simple phenomenological generator in MMC can only generate single particle per shower, i.e., no muon bundles • Why not use corsika++? • corsika++ is intended for IceTop and its muons will in many cases miss the in-ice detector completely • corsika++ does not take into account important effect of the Earth surface curvature • need features, missing in corsika++: • random primary generator • multiple showers per event
UCR datafiles Why use the f2k dcorsika files and not files in native (binary) CORSIKA format? • dcorsika f2k files are extremely compact, when compared to the native CORSIKA files. For 10000 atmospheric muon showers with primary threshold of 600 GeV and muon of 273 GeV, file sizes are: • 14845 for dcorsika f2k.gz format • 10988260 for native CORSIKA format dcorsika files can be produced with dcorsika distibution from http://dima.lbl.gov/~dima/work/CORSIKA (based on CORSIKA 6.204). • Should this be made part of the tools?
ucr-icetray ucr-icetray is a simple adaptation of ucr to icetray. It makes a system call to the executable ucr-icetray-ucr and will fail if the executable is not there (compiled when running make together with the ucr-icetray module) A pipe file is created in the /tmp directory and deleting it while the program is executing will stop it. This is done to preserve all of functionality of the ucr: multiple files can be read, oversampled, events can be combined. The core randomization is done at this stage. If the dcorsika files contain neutrinos, they will be created and possibly combined with other valid events.
Example script mmc-icetray/resources/RunSimulation.C is the example script for both mmc-icetray and ucr-icetray. mmc_mode: • propagate muons or taus only (one or the other, initializes faster and is smaller at run time). Electron and monopole propagation is possible only in this mode • use as phenomenological event generator (atmospheric or E-g spectrum charged leptons and/or neutrinos) • propagate all leptons (all charged leptons and neutrinos) gen_mode (only used with mmc_mode=1 or 3) • use corsika++ • use ucr-icetray
Conclusions • use ucr-icetray to read dcorsika muon and/or neutrino files, dcorsika is based on CORSIKA 6.204 • mmc can be used for both muon propagation and • charged lepton propagation • neutrino propagation • atmospheric and E-g charged lepton generation • atmospheric and E-g neutrino generation • monopole propagation