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The Book of Deuteronomy “Looking to Thee From Day to Day”. Book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament. Deuteronomy Among the Five. Genesis = origin of a nation Exodus = redemption of a nation Leviticus = life of a nation Numbers = testing of a nation Deuteronomy = reminders to a nation.
Deuteronomy Among the Five Genesis = origin of a nation Exodus = redemption of a nation Leviticus = life of a nation Numbers = testing of a nation Deuteronomy = reminders to a nation
Time Period in OT History Creation The Flood Patriarchs Bondage in Egypt 1445-1405 B.C. Wilderness Wanderings (Num. & Deut.) Conquest of Canaan Period of the Judges United Kingdom Divided Kingdom Captivity and Exile Return and Restoration
Book Background Title: “Deuteronomy” (1:5; 4:44; 17:18; 29:1; LXX and Vulgate); “These are the words…” (1:1; Hebrew Bible) Authorship: Moses (Deut. 31:9,22,24-26; Lk. 20:28; Jn. 5:46-47) Date: 1445 – 1405 B.C. Audience: Future generations of Israelites will be reminded not to follow the sins of their ancestors.
Outline of the Book • Moses’ First Sermon (Deut. 1-4) • Retrospective: look back to what God had done • Moses’ Second Sermon (Deut. 5-26) • Introspective: look within to what God expects • Moses’ Third Sermon (Deut. 27-30) • Prospective: look ahead to what God will do • Moses’ Fourth Sermon (Deut. 31-33) • Circumspective: look outward to what God is • Moses’ Death (Deut. 34)
Outline of the Book • Moses’ First Sermon (Deut. 1-4) • Retrospective: look back to what God had done • Moses’ Second Sermon (Deut. 5-26) • Introspective: look within to what God expects • Moses’ Third Sermon (Deut. 27-30) • Prospective: look ahead to what God will do • Moses’ Fourth Sermon (Deut. 31-33) • Circumspective: look outward to what God is • Moses’ Death (Deut. 34)
Keys to the Book Key verses: 10:12-13; 30:19-20 Key word: covenant / law
Time and Location of Events Israel on the Plains of Moab(Deut. 1:1,5; 4:46; 29:1; 34:8; Josh. 1:2; 4:19; 5:6-12) About 1 month
Geographical Location of Events Deut. 1:1,5; 29:1; 34:8
Deuteronomy 1Lessons for Today Let us speak only what is commanded by God (1:3) We must journey by the Lord’s direction (1:6-8) God’s judgments are righteous and fair (1:1:16-17) Let us not rebel or murmur against the Lord’s command (1:26-27) Let us not discourage or frighten our brethren into disobedience (1:28-29)
Deuteronomy 1Lessons for Today The Lord bares us as a son and guides us all the way through life (1:31-33) Reward is given to all who wholly follow the Lord (1:36) Leaders need encouragement (1:38) Children are born innocent (1:39) The Lord will punish the sin of presumption (1:41-46) God is not on the side of sinners (1:42)
Deuteronomy 2Lessons for Today We must journey through life at God’s order and God’s direction (2:3,13,18,24,37) When we do out part, the Lord will provide all we need during our journey (2:6-7) The Lord hardens hearts by allowing an occasion for one to harden his own heart (2:30; Ex. 8:15; 9:12) There is no battle is too great to win when the Lord is on our side (2:36)
Deuteronomy 3Lessons for Today The Lord fights for his people (3:22) No one can do what God can do (3:24) God does not always answer our prayers with a “yes” (3:35-27) Leaders need encouragement and strengthening (3:28)
Deuteronomy 4Lessons for Today Let us obey all that God commands without adding to or taking from his word (4:1-2) Those who follow the world into sin will be punished and those who cleave to the Lord will be rewarded (4:3-4) Greatness comes by following a great God and his great law (4:5-8) Keep God’s word before you at all times (4:9-14,23)
Deuteronomy 4Lessons for Today Pass on God’s word to the next generation (4:10) Idols corrupt the nature of God and in turn corrupts the one who makes them (4:15-25) Sin can cause us to lose our reward (4:25-28) Genuine repentance can cause us to regain our reward (4:29-31) Lay to heart the greatness of God (4:32-40)
Moses’ First Sermon (Deut. 1-4)Retrospective: Look Back From Mt. Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea (1) From Kadesh-Barnea to Sihon King of Heshbon (2) From Sihon King of Heshbon to the Plains of Moab (3) Israel exhorted to observe God’s law and avoid idolatry and apostasy (4)
Deuteronomy 5Lessons for Today We must hear God’s word to learn it; we must learn God’s word to observe it (5:1) The Law of Moses was for the Jews, not for people of all time and place (5:2-4) The “10 Commandments” (except the Sabbath command) are all repeated in the NT for Christians today (5:6-21) When God stops, do not add to his word (5:22)
Deuteronomy 5Lessons for Today God does speak with man (5:24) Let us go and hear all that the Lord says (open mind); let us speak to others all that the Lord says (open mouth); and let us hear (open ears) and do (open life) all that has been spoken to us from the Lord (5:27,31) Fearing God and keeping his commandments is the whole of man (5:29) Life and prosperity comes to those who follow God’s word and do not deviate from it (5:30-33)
Deuteronomy 6Lessons for Today Teaching leads to obedience; obedience leads to spiritual prosperity (6:1-3) Loving God with all our being is the “greatest” (most fundamental) commandment (6:4-5; Mt. 22:37) God’s word must be in our heart, our house, and our hands (6:6-9) When people get “full” they often “forget” God and no longer “fear” God (6:10-15)
Deuteronomy 6Lessons for Today Do not test or try God (6:16-19) When our children ask about God’s word we must be prepared to tell them where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going (6:20-23) God’s law is for our good always (6:24-25)
Deuteronomy 7Lessons for Today Close association with worldliness will cause God’s people to turn away from God (7:1-5) Let us remember that we are God’s possession and that he chose us out of love (7:6-8) God is faithful (trustworthy) to reward the obedient and punish the disobedient (7:9-11) Blessings come to all who obey God (7:12-16)
Deuteronomy 7Lessons for Today Do not fear the enemy with whom we battle for God is on our side and he will deliver him into our hand (7:17-24) If we do not destroy and detest the worldliness around us, we will find our selves snared by it (7:16,25-26)
Deuteronomy 8Lessons for Today Observing God’s commandments leads to spiritual life and prosperity (8:1) Remember how God has cared for us (8:2) God gives opportunities in life that will test whether or not we will humbly trust and obey him (8:2-6,16) We cannot live without God (8:3; Mt. 4:4; Lk. 4:4) We are chastened by God like a son (8:5; Heb. 12:6)
Deuteronomy 8Lessons for Today Bless God for the fullness he gives us (8:7-10) Beware, fullness can lead to forgetfulness (8:11-20) [Note the two threats facing Israel: outward influence (7:1-5) and inward arrogance (8:14,17).] God gives us the power to get wealth (8:18) God’s people will be punished like world if they are disobedient like the world (8:20)
Deuteronomy 9Lessons for Today The Lord is greater than our greatest enemies (9:1-3) We must guard against self-righteousness and pride (9:4-5) The Lord will always keep the promises / covenants that he made years ago (9:5) Remembering a people’s sin and God’s anger will help keep a new generation humble (9:6-24) God hears the prayers of intercession (9:25-29)
Deuteronomy 10Lessons for Today The 10 Commandments were laid up in the Ark of the Covenant as a reminder of the ever-presence of God’s word in the lives of the people (10:1-11) The Lord’s basic requirements are: (1) fear him; (2) love him; and (3) obey him - with all our being (10:12-20; 11:13) There is no respecter of persons with God (10:17) Praise the Lord for the great and mighty things he has done for his people (10:21-22)
Deuteronomy 11Lessons for Today There is no reason for not believing in the power and punishment of God after witnessing the evidence of his work among the people (11:1-7) Obedience to God’s word brings blessing (11:8-15,22-25); obedience to false gods brings cursing (11:16-17) God’s word must be found in our heart, on our hands, and in our home (11:18-21) God’s people have a choice: blessing or curse; conditioned upon (“if”) obedience or disobedience (11:26-32)
Deuteronomy 12Lessons for Today Israel was to offer up the sacrifices to the Lord in the one authorized placed of worship, not in every place (12:1-14) Do not do what is right in your own eyes (12:8) Israel was authorized to eat some things (without blood) at home and other things at the place of worship (12:15-28) Do not seek to learn how the nations worship idols (12:29-31) Do not add to or take from God’s commands (12:32)
Deuteronomy 13Lessons for Today Do not follow the words of a false prophet into idolatry (13:1-5) Do not follow the advice of family or friends into idolatry (13:6-11) Do not follow the example of neighboring cities into idolatry (13:12-18) We are tested in life to see whether or not we will cleave to the Lord (13:3-4,10,18)
Deuteronomy 13Lessons for Today We must be proactive in eliminating sin from the camp (13:8,14) The death penalty serves three purposes: it eliminates evil (13:5); it deters others from wrong-doing (13:11); and it turns away God’s wrath (13:17)
Deuteronomy 14Lessons for Today God’s children should act like God the father; God’s people are to be holy like the holy Lord (14:1-2,21) Clean and unclean food restrictions have been removed under the NT (14:3-21; Mk. 7:19; Rom. 14:1-12; Col. 2:16) Israel was to tithe as a part of fearing the Lord and supporting the Levites and other needy (14:22-29)
Feast and FulfillmentShadow and Substance (Col. 2:17; Heb. 8:5; 10:1)
Deuteronomy 15Lessons for Today Bless others because you have been so richly blessed yourself by God (15:1-23) God’s blessings are conditioned upon diligent obedience to God’s word (15:4-6) Remember the poor and needy and do not withold your hand from them (15:7-11) Employers must treat their employees properly (15:12-18) Offer up to God your first and best (15:19-23)
Deuteronomy 16Lessons for Today The Passover and feast of unleavened bread was a time to remember Israel’s deliverance from bondage (16:1-8): Jesus is our Passover (1 Cor. 5:6-8) The feast of weeks (Pentecost) was time of Israel’s thankfulness (16:9-12) The feast of tabernacles was a time to remember God’s provision for Israel in the wilderness (16:13-17)
Deuteronomy 16Lessons for Today Remembering one’s deliverance from bondage will help keep one faithful to God (16:3, 12) Give back to God what you are able and as you have prospered (16:17) God demands righteous / fair judgment (16:18-20) The Lord hates idolatry (16:21-22)
Deuteronomy 17Lessons for Today Offer the Lord your best – anything less is an abomination (17:1) Idolatry is an abomination and punishable by death (17:2-7) Follow the judgment given by God’s judges / priests or else be put to death (17:8-13) A leader of God’s people must trust in God and read / obey God’s word (17:14-20)
Deuteronomy 17Lessons for Today (Deut. 17:18-20) Writing God’s word leads to… Reading God’s word leads to… Learning God’s word leads to… Keeping / doing God’s word leads to… Humility with God’s word leads to… Straight course with God’s word leads to… Prolonged days with God’s word
Deuteronomy 18Lessons for Today Support the priests because the Lord is their inheritance (18:1-8) Do not learn the ways of the world and follow them (18:9-14) Obey the prophet that God will raise up like unto Moses (18:15-19): the prophet Jesus (Acts 3:22-23) Prophets who lie will die (18:20-22)
Deuteronomy 19Lessons for Today The Lord does not want innocent blood shed (19:1-10). However, the Lord does want guilty murders put to death (19:11-13) We show our love for God by obeying his commandments (19:9) Do not remove the ancient landmarks (19:14) False witnesses are to be punished as a deterrent to the rest of Israel (19:15-21)
Deuteronomy 20Lessons for Today Do not fear your enemies in battle because the Lord is on your side to save you (20:1-4) Those to fearful to fight will discourage their brethren from fighting (20:8) Don’t let the world teach you wrong-doing and thus sin against the Lord your God (20:18) Protect the environment that supports your well-being (20:19-20)
Deuteronomy 21Lessons for Today The Lord does not condone the shedding of innocent blood (21:8-9) Treat your spouse and your children fairly (21:10-17) Stubborn and rebellious children should be disciplined and are a cause of evil among the people (21:18-21) The death penalty (“worthy of death”) is ordained of God (21:22-23) and the one hanged is accursed of God (see Gal. 3:13)
Deuteronomy 22Lessons for Today God expects us to be kind, courteous, and helpful to our neighbor (22:1-4) God expects mankind to respect the rights and boundaries of others (22:5-11) God expects his people to remember his word daily (22:12; Num. 15:37-41) God expects sexual purity to be maintained between men and women at all times (22:13-30; Heb. 13:4)
Deuteronomy 23Lessons for Today The Lord wants purity when his people assemble (23:1-8) The Lord wants purity when his people camp (23:9-14) The Lord wants purity when his people deal with others (23:15-25)
Deuteronomy 24Lessons for Today Unlawful divorce and remarriage is an abomination to the Lord (22:1-4) Marriage is to be a joyous relationship (24:5) A pledge (security deposit) should not deprive one of his basic necessities (22:6,10-13,17-18) Human trafficking is evil in the sight of the Lord (22:7) Remember how God dealt with disrespect (22:8-9)
Deuteronomy 24Lessons for Today Do not oppress the poor (22:14-15) Each person is responsible for his own sin (22:16; Ezek. 18:6) Provide for the poor (24:19-22) Remembering our past blessings from God will help us to bless others today (22:18,22)