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Superposition of Light Waves

Learn the principle of superposition where waves combine to give resultant interference. Explore coherent and incoherent light waves with varying phase differences. Understand the Phasor Diagram and standing waves. Discover how to calculate OPD, optical path length, and more in Optics II.

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Superposition of Light Waves

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  1. Superposition of Light Waves Principle of Superposition: When two waves meet at a particular point in space, the resultant disturbance is simply the algebraic sum of the constituent disturbance. Addition of Waves of the Same Frequency: Let We have Resultant interference term Two waves in phase result in total constructive interference: Two waves anti-phase result in total destructive interference: Optics II----by Dr.H.Huang, Department of Applied Physics

  2. Superposition of Light Waves Coherent:Initial phase difference 2-1 is constant. Incoherent:Initial phase difference 2-1 varies randomly with time. Phase difference for two waves at distance x1 and x2 from their sources, in a medium: Optical Path Difference (OPD): n(x2-x1) Optical Thickness or Optical Path Length (OPL):nt Optics II----by Dr.H.Huang, Department of Applied Physics

  3. Superposition of Light Waves Phasor Diagram: Each wave can be represented by a vector with a magnitude equal to the amplitude of the wave. The vector forms between the positive x-axis an angle equal to the phase angle . Suppose: For multiple waves: Optics II----by Dr.H.Huang, Department of Applied Physics

  4. Superposition of Light Waves Example: Find the resultant of adding the sine waves: Example: Find, using algebraic addition, the amplitude and phase resulting from the addition of the two superposed waves and , where 1=0, 2=/2, E1=8, E2=6, and x=0. Optics II----by Dr.H.Huang, Department of Applied Physics

  5. Superposition of Light Waves Example: Two waves and are coplanar and overlap. Calculate the resultant’s amplitude if E1=3 and E2=2. Example: Show that the optical path length, or more simply the optical path, is equivalent to the length of the path in vacuum which a beam of light of wavelength  would traverse in the same time. Optics II----by Dr.H.Huang, Department of Applied Physics

  6. Superposition of Light Waves Standing Wave; Suppose two waves: and having the same amplitude E0I=E0R and zero initial phase angles. nodes or nodal points antinodes Nodes at: Antinodes at: Optics II----by Dr.H.Huang, Department of Applied Physics

  7. Superposition of Light Waves Addition of Waves of Different Frequency: Group velocity: dispersion relation =(k) Optics II----by Dr.H.Huang, Department of Applied Physics

  8. Superposition of Light Waves Coherence: Frequency bandwidth: Coherent time: Coherent length: Example: (a) How many vacuum wavelengths of =500 nm will span space of 1 m in a vacuum? (b) How many wavelengths span the gap when the same gap has a 10 cm thick slab of glass (ng=1.5) inserted in it? (c) Determine the optical path difference between the two cases. (d) Verify that OPD/ is the difference between the answers to (a) and (b). Optics II----by Dr.H.Huang, Department of Applied Physics

  9. Superposition of Light Waves Example: In the figure, two waves 1 and 2 both have vacuum wavelengths of 500 nm. The waves arise from the same source and are in phase initially. Both waves travel an actual distance of 1 m but 2 passes through a glass tank with 1 cm thick walls and a 20 cm gap between the walls. The tank is filled with water (nw=1.33) and the glass has refractive index ng=1.5. Find the OPD and the phase difference when the waves have traveled the 1 m distance. Optics II----by Dr.H.Huang, Department of Applied Physics

  10. Superposition of Light Waves Example: Show that the standing wave s(x,t) is periodic with time. That is, show that s(x,t)=s(x,t+). Homework: 11.1; 11.3; 11.4; 11.5; 11.6 Optics II----by Dr.H.Huang, Department of Applied Physics

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