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BASIC CHEMISTRY REVIEW. The _______________________ states that each energy level after the first can have up to eight electrons. Octet Rule. The following are isotopes of oxygen:O-17 & O-18. In the table below, fill in how many electrons and protons EACH isotope has. . 8. 8. 8. 8.

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  2. The _______________________ states that each energy level after the first can have up to eight electrons • Octet Rule

  3. The following are isotopes of oxygen:O-17 & O-18. In the table below, fill in how many electrons and protons EACH isotope has. 8 8 8 8

  4. The following are isotopes of oxygen:O-17 & O-18. In the table below, fill in how many neutrons EACH isotope has. 8 8 9 8 8 10

  5. Where are electrons located in an atom? • Energy level/electron cloud

  6. What is represented with B? • Active site B B

  7. What is the charge of a neutron? • Neutral

  8. Which would be considered a “stronger” acid, a pH of 1 or a pH of 6? • pH of 1

  9. Name one factor than can affect enzymes. • pH • temperature

  10. In a chemical equation, ___________________ represent the number of molecules that are present. • Coefficients

  11. On the pH scale, what is considered NEUTRAL? • 7

  12. Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons are called __________________. • Isotopes

  13. The _______________________ represents the number of protons and electrons that an atom contains. • Atomic Number

  14. Most atoms need ___ number of electrons in their outer energy level to be considered stable. • 8

  15. The number 23 in the following, sodium-23, represents the __________. • Mass number

  16. A(n) ____________________ bond occurs when there is a transferring of electrons between atoms. • Ionic

  17. Any substance that forms OH- (hydroxide ions) in water would be considered a(n)__________. • Base

  18. The center of an atom is called the ________________________. • Nucleus

  19. Charged atoms because they have gained or lost electron(s) are called _______________. • Ions

  20. Isotopes are named by their ______________________ • Mass Number

  21. Which would be considered a “stronger” base, a pH of 12 or a pH of 9? • pH of 12

  22. List one example of how water is a unique substance due to polarity. • Surface Tension • Creeps up thin tubes (capillary action) • Expands when freezes

  23. Where are neutrons located in an atom? • Nucleus

  24. How many C atoms are present in CH4 ? • 1

  25. How acidic or basic a substance is referred to as that substance’s ________. • pH

  26. Any substance that forms H+ (hydrogen ions) in water would be considered a(n) __________. • Acid

  27. The minimum amount of energy needed for reactants to form products in a chemical reaction is called the ______ • Activation energy

  28. List the reactants:CH4 + 2O2 CO2+ 2H2O • CH4 + 2O2

  29. Which of the following would contain more H+ ions, pH of 2 or pH of 4? • pH of 2

  30. Graph B What affect does the enzyme have on the chemical reaction below? • Lowers the activation energy so the reaction happens faster!

  31. What is the reactant called that binds to the enzyme? • substrate

  32. What is the charge of a proton? • Positive

  33. ________________ bonds occur when atoms of elements are sharing electrons. • Covalent

  34. In a chemical reaction, the number of atoms of an element are represented by ________________. • Subscripts

  35. When diagramming atoms, what is the maximum number of electrons in the 1st energy level? • 2

  36. What are special proteins that act as biological catalysts that speed up the rate of chemical reactions in biological processes? • Enzymes

  37. List the products:CH4 + 2O2 CO2+ 2H2O • CO2 + 2H2O

  38. What is represented with C? • Enzyme B B C C C

  39. Chemical equations must be balanced due to the ___________________________________ • Law of Conservation of Matter

  40. A substance that contains two or more elements that are chemically combined is called a(n) _________________________. • Compound

  41. On the pH scale, where are acids located? (list the number range) • 0-6.9

  42. How many molecules of CH4 are present in 3CH4 ? • 3

  43. Where are protons located in an atom? • Nucleus

  44. What does the arrow represent in a chemical equation? • yields

  45. ____________ refers to the unequal distribution of charge of a molecule. • Polar

  46. A(n) _____________ is the smallest particle of an element that has the characteristics of that element. • Atom

  47. A(n) _______________ is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. • element

  48. What is the difference between an atom and an element? • An atom makes up an element • Elements can’t be broken down chemically

  49. What is represented with E? • Products

  50. Where are electrons located and what is the charge of an electron? • Electron cloud; negative

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