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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?. Elsaleh wiki لُغَة عَرَبِيَّة Arabic. السُّؤالُ الأَوَّل. ما مَعْنى قِرْدٌ؟. A elephant B monkey C lion D duck. ما مَعْنى قِرْدٌ؟. A elephant B monkey C lion D duck. دِرْهَم 100. السُّؤالُ الثّاني. ما مَعْنى فيل؟. A elephant B monkey

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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Elsaleh wiki لُغَة عَرَبِيَّة Arabic

  2. السُّؤالُ الأَوَّل

  3. ما مَعْنى قِرْدٌ؟ A elephant B monkey C lion D duck

  4. ما مَعْنى قِرْدٌ؟ A elephant B monkey C lion D duck

  5. دِرْهَم100

  6. السُّؤالُ الثّاني

  7. ما مَعْنى فيل؟ A elephant B monkey C lion D fence

  8. ما مَعْنى فيل؟ A elephant B monkey C lion D fence

  9. دِرْهَم200

  10. السُّؤالُ الثّالِث

  11. ما مَعْنى سورٌ؟ A lion B monkey C fence D cub

  12. ما مَعْنى سورٌ؟ A lion B monkey C fence D cub

  13. دِرْهَم 300

  14. السُّؤالُ الرّابِع

  15. ما مَعْنى شِبْلٌ؟ A monkey B giraffe C lion D cub

  16. ما مَعْنى شِبْلٌ؟ A monkey B giraffe C lion D cub

  17. دِرْهَم500

  18. السُّؤالُ الْخامِس

  19. ما مَعْنى أَسَدٌ؟ A monkey B cub C lion D snake

  20. ما مَعْنى أَسَدٌ؟ A monkey B cub C lion D snake

  21. دِرْهَم 1,000

  22. السُّؤالُ السّادِس

  23. ما مَعْنى وَرَقُ الشَّجَرِ؟ A snake B leaves C fence D lion

  24. ما مَعْنى وَرَقُ الشَّجَرِ؟ A snake B leaves C fence D lion

  25. دِرْهَم 2,000

  26. السُّؤالُ السّابِع

  27. ما مَعْنى تَأْكُلُ؟ A she ate B he eats C she eats D he ate

  28. ما مَعْنى تَأْكُلُ؟ A he ate B he eats C she eats D she ate

  29. دِرْهَم 4,000

  30. السُّؤالُ الثّامِن

  31. ما مَعْنى يَقْفِزُ ؟ A she jumped B he jumped C she jumps D he jumps

  32. ما مَعْنى يَقْفِزُ ؟ A she jumped B he jumped C she jumps D he jumps

  33. دِرْهَم 8,000

  34. السُّؤالُ التّاسِع

  35. ما مَعْنى يَلْعَبُ؟ A he played B she plays C he plays D she played

  36. ما مَعْنى يَلْعَبُ؟ A he played B she plays C he plays D she played

  37. دِرْهَم 16,000

  38. السُّؤالُ الْعاشِر

  39. ما مَعْنى يَرُشُّ؟ A she sprayed B he sprayed C she sprays D he sprays

  40. ما مَعْنى يَرُشُّ؟ A she sprayed B he sprayed C she sprays D he sprays

  41. دِرْهَم 32,000

  42. السُّؤالُ الْحادي عَشَر

  43. ما مَعْنى مَعَ؟ A in B on C by D with

  44. ما مَعْنى مَعَ؟ A in B on C by D with

  45. السُّؤالُ الثّاني عَشَر

  46. ما مَعْنى عِنْدَها؟ A he has B she has C she was D he was

  47. دِرْهَم 125,000

  48. السُّؤالُ الثّالِثْ عَشَر

  49. ما مَعْنى :يَلْعَبُ الأَسَدُ مَعَ الشِّبْلِ. A the lion eats with the cub. B the lion sprays water. C the lion eats leaves. D the lion is playing with the cub.

  50. ما مَعْنى :يَلْعَبُ الأَسَدُ مَعَ الشِّبْلِ. A the lion eats with the cub. B the lion sprays water. C the lion eats leaves. D the lion is playing with the cub.

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